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Posts posted by BrokenHeart

  1. Brokenheart, I'm assuming you were present for the interview in HGK , what reasons for not bonified did they give you if any ?


    They did not think the marriage was real, and the wife couldnt speak fluent english, and I couldnt speak fluent chinese. You have to remember, the wife and her friends know about US immigration inside and out. She will not listen to me. She will listen to her friends though. When she says to the officials, I talked to a lawyer friend and he said coming to HK is much easier to get visa, well that sunk that ship.

    Nobody with a I-129F and married will pass interview at HK, they will say to them like they did me, go to GUZ. So thats a waste of time to go to HK.

  2. Just got back from Shenzhen, it gets harder and harder to leave the wife there every time I leave. damn it.


    Anyway, I got the ball rolling again, I contacted Mark and we will talk tomorrow, he said nothing is impossible. He also said GUZ might return that petition back to the states without any action and that is a big NO NO that is against the law.


    I just paid the $70 fee, so here we go again to GUZ. The way I understand that fee paying stuff, is now I wait to hear from USCIS for the next step. Also, what is the choice of agent form, explain that process, I think I tossed that, can I get another one.

  3. I never heard of front loading until 4 months on here. So I just sent petitions using instructions from VJ only.


    Questions asked wife, remember after I was asked upstairs, after they had already taken photos from her album, sealed medical records and looked at a binder full of chats and emails and other stuff.

    The first grilling was in front of me, I stood up to go to her and was told to go sit down. (1 hour)



    What website we met at?

    Does wife understand english?

    Does husband understnad chinese?

    Husband full name?

    What I do for work?

    How many times divorced?

    Do husband have kids and how many?

    Where does wifes daughter live?

    Did husband know step daughters husband before daughter married?

    How far husband live from daughter and son-in-law?

    Any other relatives in the US?

    He told wife he does not believe we have a reliable marriage

    Wife tells him we go HK to marry to have interview HK.

    Asks where we have been to visit in China?

    He asked wife why 1st interview not take husband taxes? thats BS

    Finally say to wife not believe the marriage is true.


    Some of these questions were in an office I was not allowed in.

  4. After a heated discussion with the wife, she wants a USA lawyer, I said anything you want. Whos a good lawyer that wont take the money and run and one that has been through the same situation. Hellother people have been through worst and got approved. Yahoo Ming plays ballfor the houston rockets couldnt speak a lick of english and got a visa in 2 months, yeah right. Its the money talks and BS walks I guess. Nice rules for for immigration.

  5. Bottom Line..........denial.............."not a bonifide relationship".

    They did not look at document one from me. They wanted to see what wife had. Wife showed them emails, receipts for presents sent to her cards from postal and thats it. I had a suitcase full of emails and chats, bank statements, deposits for 2008, DBA business stuff, I was loaded for bear and they did not ask for one document from me. Hell, I had all the proof for 4 years. Go figure that one !!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Here's the lastest sports fans.........ANOTHER DENIAL @ HK this has been an experience for sure. Got to the Consulate and the only one allowed upstairs was the wife, I was fit to be tied. About an hour later they came down for me. They had taken some docs and pics from the wife before I was upstairs. Only about 5 for interviews, just a room with chairs like a gallery and 4 tellers windows (bullet proof) where they conducted first part of interview. Everyone heard your business and very unprofessional. We were the last, they asked the wife up to the window and they started to ask wife questions in Chinese. They asked if she could answer in English, she said no. Then the questions came hot and furious, she stood there for an hour, question after question. They asked me if i could speak chinese I said very little, they were a little pissed and asked how we understood each other. I said after 4 years we know each other more than you think. That ended that. Then they went to have a pow wow and the lady brought re-enforcements a man. Asked the wife to step inside an office without me and started grilling her again. They came out and said to me because wife knows little english and I know hardly no chineseNO GO. Plus they pulled from the wife we married in HK to interview in HK, well that was a no no. So they denied right then and there and said go to GUZ with the I-130. which they had no record of in computer. Since no ties to HK thats the route to go. The man even came out and spoke several sentences in chinese real quickly to me. I went duh

    So the moral of the story is, if the significant other cannot speak at least 50% english and understand it, and you cannot speak at least 30% chinese, and you have no ties to HK, you wil not get a petition there FOR SURE.

    I am glad I have the I-130 still in the kicker, al I have to do to start that is send in the $70.

    HK is strickly ENGLISH all the way.

    Thats it from Shenzhen for now......I need a break to relax after this one. over and out

  7. Well, Having a good reason for me to marry in HK is my sticking point. As for what I can say is it is just to much hoops to go thru to get married in mainland. I really would feel more comfortable getting married in HK as mainland.


    I will be there for the interview. I will also bring EVERYTHING under the sun about my ex's and our divorce so they will have nothing to ask for. Hopr it all works.


    Did you guys have to go to HK 15 days before you could get married? I was told we had to go and sign some paperwork in person 15 days before the marriage could take place.


    I arrived 2 days before, and the wife had done everything ahead of time. I showed divorce papers, passport, signed a document, done deal in 10 mins, got the date and time 2 days later, and happy days forever.

  8. GUZ's last infamous words "not a bonifide relationship" that must be in the confidential code they swear to at that consulate. The other is "thats their gut feeling", they have no guts otherwise they would tell you the real reason.

    All of you that are waiting good luck and persue your happiness and love with your significant other, its worth every rmb.

    1 more day and i'm gone to Shenzhen.

  9. 125% is nothing more than a litmus test... your ability to receive sufficient and STEADY income from year to year is the best guarantee of not becoming a public charge.


    This example is no surprise since the income is based on factors which go up and down year to year... no guarantee on some of the income if it's risk based.


    We need to stop focusing on 125% sometimes and look at the whole picture of what's going on.


    Thanks David, your one of the go to people to look at another aspect of all of this. Its great to have you here for sure.

  10. I live on company retirement, investments, and ssd. This past year my investements and retirement, my taxable income was slightly less than poverty level.. It has been a bad year for 401 k, and mutual funds and stocks. However combined income I easily exceeds this. Nonetheless she requested a co sponsor.


    She requested co-sponsor, I 864, tax returns from past 3 years. This has all been sent and now we await her next decision. Hoping for the best. Thanks, for all the fast replies.. Jim


    I would think that if you made the 125% level, that would be sufficent.

    Like 17,500 20,500, 21,700, 22,300. The rules are the rules, but dealing with Guz they can twist them every which way but loose

  11. This source shows all countries so perhaps it does not reflect the current back up of applications in China. The USCIS information shows December 31 times so always seems to be 3 months out fo date.


    Is there any better source of information. I know YMMV but this is a LONG PROCESS and it would be nice to know when you near some of the milestones along the way. My future wife is getting VERY DISCOURAGED.


    What can I do to keep her spirits up? I cannot got to China now because of work & home commitments (buying new house for us and work projects are backed up).


    Any advice? Seems like no progress has been made since we got NOA1 for K-1 in early December. Thanks for listening.


    Put your time line down, please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Hi Peter,


    Thanks for the name. I will use them to start immediatly. I did not get the message from you a few weeks ago. I checked my inbox several times and I just figured you were out of towm or lost it. Anyway thanks a lot. This will help us.


    Let me ask you if I remember correctly, you did marry in HK already and did you get the visa or are you still waiting for interview? I just read your timeline and now see the info.


    How long were you in HK and did your wife have to go there first and sign papers?




    Please put your time line down so the rest of the group knows whats happening. All you have to do is read everybodys time line will save you asking questions.

  13. Thanks credzba for the heads up. I spent a few weeks looking at the different lawyers and asking them question till they stopped answering them until I gave them a retainer fee. Also did some background checks and looked through the BBS. I know everyone might say with all this leg work I spent I could have done this paperwork myself, but with all these abbreviations and kitchen sink list that I see through the FAQ (yes, I have read and read, but still scratch my head). It's just mind boggling.


    Everybody's case is a little different and I just felt a little safer if I just told them "K1" and then they say, fill this, sign here, do this. I don't think I will have a problem of the so called "not bonafide relationship" since I wrote a 2 page letter of every thing we did each day of my stay, took 50+ pics of us together (some with family) and kept every receipt, business card and even pamphlets of every place we ate, stayed and visited, and a record of your phone conversions that are about an hour long each day as of May of '08.


    No hard feelings Sebastian, some people like Ford, some Chevy, everyone has like and dislikes. It's just hard to hear the tone of voice from a posting.


    Sorry, if you felt i was bashing, no no no i am not "a-son-of-a-bash".

    I just widh more people would come here first and then ask. It would cost the time of getting the correct answers. The senior people have been there done that and have such a tremendous amount if info, I coundt have done this without these people, for sure.

  14. You do not have to send letter to CANCEL old petiition. Whoever says you do is wrong. You never will be notified the petition is back in the states. The old petition stays in Limbo in the computer and that is that. I have been there and done that, so take my advice please. Just let it go and do the K-3. I still haven't found out the real reason for my denial, just "not a bonifide relationship" great answer to tell you nothing.

    I should have said you will never here from the State Dept telling you anything.

  15. You do not have to send letter to CANCEL old petiition. Whoever says you do is wrong. You never will be notified the petition is back in the states. The old petition stays in Limbo in the computer and that is that. I have been there and done that, so take my advice please. Just let it go and do the K-3. I still haven't found out the real reason for my denial, just "not a bonifide relationship" great answer to tell you nothing.

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