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Posts posted by BrokenHeart

  1. I am just telling you what I did. My best man at the wedding, and the bridesmaid both wrote statements for myself and my wife, even though I had just met them the day of the wedding ceremony. They were the wife's best friends. They both lived in Hong Kong and got them notorized in Hong Kong. I then sent pictures of exchanging wedding vows and the official performing the ceremony. It was just a civil ceremony.

  2. Should I just cancel the I-129F and just go with the I-130 ?

    Maybe it takes longer for the I-130 but I have waited this long whats another 10 months(smile).


    I know deep in my heart the I-129F will reach GUZ first and then it would jeopordize my chances of having the next interview in Hong Kong where we were married with the I-130.


    Still waiting for both NOA-2's

  3. I am a good little boy. I have had my clearances for years, I used to be the arrestee, not the arrested. Nothing in my dark and deep past to cause this delay. I got denied 2 years ago "not a bonafide relationship" on a I-129F with the same lady of course, now she is my wife. The first time around I had to handwrite letters to GUZ tell how we met and some others stuff. Has anyone else been asked to do that.

    I couldn't produce plane tickets for 5 trips, because I worked then for the airlines and I flew for free and had no tickets. This whole thing is a travesty of their so called "power" to judge others. Do ya think I'm bitter - no comment.

  4. Oh gezzzzzzzzzzz its been almost a year since I mailed it in. My how time flys when your having fun.

    Got my NOA-1 in January.

    Brings a new meaning to the phrase "hire the handicap". I tip my hat to such an efficient organization this USCIS.

    They need another day off tomorrow for being the upstanding organization they are. Oh, hell USCIS dont come back to work until Monday.

  5. The K-3 can be a few months or so quicker than the I-130, but not always.


    If she comes on the K-3, she will need to apply for EAD and AOS, which are built into the CR-1/I-130.


    Another difference is that the K-3 interviews in the country where the marriage took place (e.g., Hong Kong, which is much quicker and applicant-friendly than GUZ)



    Don't put all your eggs in the basket of the interview Hong Kong.

    I also got married Hong Kong and I am waiting breathlessly to see where the interview will be.

    I have been working on mine for a little over 4 years after one denial as fiancee "not a bonafide relationship.

    I'll let you know because its close for my NOA-2's to come I hope.

  6. I filled out and sent in the I-130 got the NOA-1 back saying received 11/14/07. I just called and they said I was 104 days overdue to receive another notice.


    I sent in the I-129F at a later date and received the NOA-1 saying received 5/01/08. They said I am within the limits of that for a notice.


    They put in for a answer why I haven't received a second notice of the I-130, which was sent in first.


    Does this sound correct???????????????

    Do they marry these forms up and then send them????????


    Then I receive the NOA-2 and what ever else I need to do?


    Of course this is the second trip around after 4 years messing with this government crap. The first denial was "not a bonafide relationship", which was all B.S. Guz must think some of us are idiots.

    I am really really curious what they will say now !!!!!!!!!!!


    Thanks lovely people

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