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Posts posted by BrokenHeart

  1. This is a long gruling process, just ask me. I think of the prize I will have when its all done and that out weighs all my bitterness.

    Just hang in there it should be very soon you'll have a smile.



    i dont think anyone would want your timeline. i cant see how they could say "not bonefide" again after this wait .


    I know, this a been such a long process, but I love my wife dearly and she does me also. I can only hope for a positive out come after all this.

  2. How long will the petitions stay at NVC ???? If these petitions are at NVC together, what determines what is sent out first, you would think they get sent out at the same time to the Consulate. Also, it is my understanding that I will probably end up with a CR-1 because it will be darn close to my 2nd wedding anniversary 02/28/09, correct.

    Now, I have a bunch of the wifes documents that are translated to English and they are a couple of years old, can I send them back to her and she use them again, probably not correct, What can the wife get ready while she waits?? The wife gets a packet and I get a packet, am I right in thinking that, so what do I need to get ready on my end.

    I want to make sure everything goes smooth this time.

    Thanks for the help guys and dolls.

  3. I finally received both of the NOA-2's

    Now the old I-129F petition..they sent an appeal form...duh....the letter stated that since I filed the I-130 the old case is denied. They listed a bunch of legal garbage sub section this, matter of this, mumbo jumbo.

    Since we are married we are denied Fiancee Petition, no kidding, really. I will leave it that way too.

    To appeal it costs $585.00 US can you believe !!!!!!!!!!!!

    They dont even list why the denial of the old petition.


    They are going to forward to the NVC and that center will forward to the proper Consulate........this wil be interesting which one they will pick.

  4. A reson for denial "not a bonafide relationship" can mean 100 different things, they just pick one out and go with it. I will post in a couple of day why I got denied the first time, I'm curious as hell. I sent them everything they asked for. The did intimidate my wife for sure. After the interview the VO walked her out and said to her "if we were married there is no trouble" I wish I had that on tape.

    Hang tough in there.

  5. I went through, going through the same thing. I wrote VSC and told them to withdraw/cancel the old I-129 petition. If you do not it will just sit there and you won't here a thing from USCIS, the petition will just sit there. They reopened the old and in the process to tell me why the denial. I should get something today in the mail. I just don't want it to affect my I-130 that have had for a year in VSC. You have to remember these people do not give a CRAP about you or me or anyone else, that includes the Consulate. I also married in HK, the law states to get interviewed the same COUNTRY and HK is the same country. I should know sometime this year where my interview will be, will keep you posted. If you refile I would just go I-130 only no I-129F.

    I willend up with a CR-1 because it will be almost 2 years since I married. Read my timeline, hell I started this process years ago.

  6. The good ol Attorney will and can do nothing, I repeat NOTHING from here. They dont even know where China is, some of them. They know nothing of the procedure and will just take the money and run. Take it from me, I paid one $1500.00, what, to fill out forms, and then my denial, and they said sorry, its not my fault. So BEWARE, the best sorce of info is RIGHT HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Once DOS has denied the visa, you must wait until the petition is returned to the USCIS. They may send you a notice to appeal or they may just let the K1 petition die, I mean expire.


    Mine was returned from Guangzhou 10 months ago. Has anyone here ever heard from them for an appeal? I noticed in my 129f instructions I am supposed to ask for a waiver to reapply.(less than 2 years since 1st 129F) I cant find a form for that. I guess I am supposed to just write a letter. Anyone done that before?



    I had a "denial" and just wrote USCIS a letter to "withdraw/cancel" that petition. You will never hear from anybody if you dont do this. Now they have to re-open ther old petition make sure all the rules were followed, and of course they were according to them, intimidation, not a bonafide relationship, blah, blah. You have to request to do something with that petition.

  8. I was hot and bothered for about 8 months about this - ie - 'no reason given'.


    Then I thought - ok - so - if yer denied, and you're given the reason, in real time - then what ?


    How 'much better' are you, in knowing the real reason?


    What if the real reason indicated the petitioner is an idiot, incapable of properly filling out the forms for the beneficiary?


    What if the real reason indicated that the beneficiary was part of a known human smuggling ring ?


    Seriously - if GUZ tells you in real time, the reason for the denial. THEN WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION?


    Well cuzin', if you were told right up front what the denial reason was, you would actually know what to front load your next petition with, that much quicker. :)


    As it is now, you may NEVER know what was wrong. Heck, our case is still in China, 6 months after the interview. I think Chawls case set in China 18 months. Then the case goes back to the USCIS and guess what???? Denied cases are at the BOTTOM of priority at your service center. THE VERY BOTTOM OF PRIORITY!!!


    On the other hand...denials are just gonna take a couple of years to get to another interview..rather you give a shit about what was wrong the first time, have attorneys, congressional laisons inquiring, the calvary riding to the rescue, and a fairy godmother blessing you...it's all pretty much two years....doesn't matter what the hell you do, or know. :D


    Having been through the DOS cesspool, my question, as another white slip guy and I were talking today is...why is a couple's denied petition at the bottom of priority at the service center? Your denied petition sits and waits for your rebuttal, a couple's lives that are already in the system are put on even more hold, as they process more, new, cannon fodder. :lol: Oh yeah, stupid me...they don't make money RE-processing petitions, but those new petitions. :happy2:


    Oh well, it makes interesting conversation. Nothing is gonna get changed , and it'll take denials a couple of years to get to another interview. Saddle up, water the horse, and prepare for the long ride....YAHOOO


    Good luck to everyone in dire straits with the DOS and USCIS.


    tsap seui



    My denied petition (not a bonafide relationship K1) has been sitting at USCIS since 08/07. I just this month wrote them a letter to withdraw that petition. Look at my timeline, they jumped on that in a matter of days. Now I know I will get a response quickly. Go figure they cant get the regular ones out on time but can do an old one quick.

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