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Everything posted by BrokenHeart

  1. I had mailed off the I-129F April 28th and received the NOA-1 for that packet in 30 days. This is in conjunction with the I-130 I have already done. Both went to Vermont Center. Thats not bad service for this route, now its a waiting game.
  2. I've got cheap stocks on Cheetos, its cheaper than Petrol.......hehehehe Welcome on here, these people are the greatest.
  3. There is no such thing as a time frame because the government has lack of qualified help and not enough people to process the applications. You can bet on 13, 14, 15, months. Nothing comes easy when you go through this process. Good Luck
  4. I am in Texas, and when I mailed all my I-130 info, I mailed it to the Texas office. It was just about the time the change was going into effect, and Texas mailed my info to Vermont, that was Nov. 07 and I received my first NOA-1 this Jan. Now I am waiting for my second NOA-2. I did not do the I-129, I am sticking with the straight I-130 all the way. Hell, its been 3 1/2 years since we met online, with one denial under my belt. They can do whatever they want we have no control at all. Good Luck and happy happy CHEETOS time.
  5. I also filed my I-130 in Nov and received the first NOA-1 in Jan and the next NOA-2 should be coming this month.
  6. Maybe I am wrong but I have talked to many people at the HK Consulate, to make sure and the people here and is is my understanding that the next go around for me, I HOPE, is the interview will be in HK where we got married even though the wife lives in Shenzhen and the first denial was at GUZ. I was told where you got married. Now that was 6 months ago I called and talked to warm body both here and HK.
  7. It is not a "bonafide marital relationship" Its just a plain ol "bonafide relationship" I don't think they ask for that. I am going through the same thing.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I did, now we are married.
  8. The Texas Service Center handles nothing no more. They will refer you to Chicago, or maybe Vermont. Been ther done that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Can we all say SMUGGLE TOO MEXICO then they can walk over and get every benefit and MORE then we get. So, keep voting in the LUG HEADS that have been in government for 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years and this is what we get. Does the Consulate know what the HELL a "NON BONIFIDE RELATIONSHIP IS" or its a gut feeling. You can have every document known to man and its still a denial, now fork over more money. They must be on a quote system to deny, I talk to the Mexicans everyday and the only thing they know is "MONEY" and "BENEFITS", to have the "BAMBINOS" that we pay for.
  10. Take a deep breath of air and relax. I have flown over 2 times to Shenzhen to see my Finacee and the interview went as I thought, Denial, "not a bonafide relationship" she was devestated and I was too. Did that make me stop LOVING HER.........HELL NO NO NO. Now we are married, AND NOW SHE IS MY WIFE, (3 times). So now I filed the I-130 and received the 1st NOA and waiting for the second, very shortly. We talk everyday and the LOVE just builds so much, its about to burst my Heart. Do we give up? Never in a million years, it makes me so very strong to have my wife with me, LOVE and TRUE LOVE overcomes whatever it takes. Sure, my wife is upset, but I say, Honey, we will do what it takes she is so meek and mild and waits for the right decisions from me, and the people here I ask. Just did my next flight to Shenzhen in June. Be strong and be patient. I learned through this wesite, we have CHEETOS, my stocks rise every week......hehehehehe
  11. I will pass this year and just chalk it up to knowledge. I have to laugh laugh laugh the stimulus package. I need that like I need a new hole in my head. That is 3 full tanks of gas for 3 weeks, then what, we all go on Food Stamps for bread and milk. I fly for free to see my wife, I wonder who pays for that, and I know its not the CEO of the Airlines.
  12. I just got my income tax sorta done. Now, the lovely wife, in Shenzhen, has no idea of this procedure. Should I claim her on my Income Tax, no SS #, no name change, I just have HK marriage document to say she is my wife. I don't want to jump through too many hoops, but if it a positive step I will. Someone please guide me.
  13. I haven't been to see my wife in a year, although we talk everyday. Would the Consulate wonder why I haven't been there in a year, in fact since we got married, I do send money to her every month. Just was wondering since I have my first NOA-1 for the I-130, and should have the second shortly.
  14. For what its worth I always use FedEx, and I know its pricey, a 1 lb just documents costs the average person around $80.00. I get a break because of where I work, it costs me $11.00, ( not Bragging ) but the package always gets there in 2 days, and you always say its going to a business.
  15. http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_1327.html
  16. February 19, 2008 The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has revised the filing instructions for the Petition for Alien Relative (Form I-130). Effective immediately, all petitioners filing stand-alone Form I-130s must file their petitions with the Chicago Lockbox instead of a USCIS Service Center
  17. For what its worth I am just about the in the same catagory as you, I think. Me and my Fiancee were denied Oct. 2006 and it was before I knew of this website. I was devistated and so was my Fiancee. I feel deep inside it was i couldn't produce copies of plane tickets for the trips I took there. I fly for free and didn't get plane tickets. I explained this to GUZ and that didn't mean anything. Plus they wanted hand written documents of how we meet, what we did, where did we go, etc. etc. Everything was turned in properly and still a Denial for not a "bonafide relationship". They intimadated my Fiancee at the interview. The man told my Fiancee it would be better if we were married. The file was returned to the State Dept. Aug. last year and I haven't heard a thing from them. I went over again and we got married in Hong Kong, and it we be one year tomorrow. I filed a I-130 this past Nov. and got my NOA-1 Jan. of this year. I also went to the Immigration Office in San Antonio last month to ask about this and they told me that since we married the I-130 would overwrite the Fiancee Visa petition, I take that with a grain of salt. As far as I was told and I've talked to many people in the government that the next interview will be in Hong Kong, it hqas to be where you got married and I even talked to The Consulate in Hong Kong, I will able to attend this next interview. So, I am making sure I don't get screwed this time by GUZ again. These people on here are GREAT, so good luck to you.
  18. I had the same thing happen. They wanted hand written and notorized. I did that on several items they wanted and had a Judge in the court system here put his seal of approval on it and they still blew me out of the water. So that was my denial, almost same situation as you I think. Now we are married and I did the I-130 and now just wait. Good luck to you. Sounds like the same people in Guz that did us first time around.
  19. I am sick and tired of hearing about the 1500 workers they are hiring. The have said it so much, or is this another 1500 workers...hehehe They must be up to 8500 by now..........hahahahaha
  20. I just changed my employment for a better position. Who and when should I let someone know this? I just received my I-797C notice, a week ago, for the wifes I-130 that I submitted.
  21. Right here is all the SUPPORT you could possibly need, and its all GREAT info from all these people. I hired a lawyer the first time around to the tune of $1400 and all he did was fill out the forms, and I did the China Shuffle from documents from the wife etc.etc. And when I got the denial, I called the lawyer, his response was, "all the documents were correct" because it got that far to GUZ. Nothing he could do about the denial. Since I filed my I-130 myself, here's where I go for info. I didnt know this site existed until after the deed was done. Now if I have a question, I put it right out here and receive great advice.
  22. Can we get a slot on American Idol.................and hereeeeeeeeee's The Bitchin Brothers............hehehehe
  23. Anything else I have to as far as paperwork, except pull out the Cheetos.
  24. For my wife's I-130 petition................
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