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Steve and Aiwen

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Everything posted by Steve and Aiwen

  1. Mine puts an "a" after many words. Sounds Itallian.... Steve
  2. childlike/childish playful manner in public and a more sexually/sensually affectionate manner in private So is this a Chinese version of a English idiom "A lady in public and a freak in the bed." What are your thoughts? It fits my lady.....very proper in public, swats me if I get too publically affectionate....then the lights go out......you know the rest....(grin......) "A lady in the living room, a queen in the kitchen, and a whore in the bedroom."---RA Heinlein Steve
  3. I don't think you can git those at Waffel House..... Thanks, Jim.... Steve
  4. I knew some "ticket hounds" from when I was a police officer who liked writing tickets so much they'd hang one on a one-legged leper in a wheelchair.... Steve "Ver are your paperz?"....you know the type.....
  5. Ha, it'll be a learning experience......explaining about the "hazards" will wait until I can show and tell, ha,ha....next week! As to the eggs, I think I can manage....I've worked as a grill cook at Waffle House.....I cooked an egg or two, lol.... There's another ham that isn't "country"....just kidding.... Steve
  6. Hello All, Well, we have the VISA in hand.....and it's all correct, no typos or mispellings.....we are now in Zhaoqing, we'll leave for the US this coming Tuesday! Airline ticket purchased, we are ready to go! Steve
  7. Congratulations!!!!! Glad to hear we had TWO pinks from CFL yesterday!!! Steve
  8. Hello Everyone! As you might have guessed from the header, we got the pink today!!! Aiwen was the FIRST interview of the day....our report follows this brief bit of news.....also, I'll explain why you should go to ACH if possible....it paid off like a overdue slot machine for us today!!!! We arrived about 6:30.....Aiwen said she wanted to "be early"....okay with me, I was up by 0430 anyway, once awake I knew I could never get back to sleep on THIS day! They didn't start letting us in until about 7:40.....we were near the front, and so got in fairly quickly. Aiwen's sister Minghong went with us, we waited in the coffee shop on the 4th floor. Our last view of Aiwen was her, with a big smile of confidence, toting our "kitchen sink" up the escalator to the 5th floor. The wait begins..... She came out about 10:35.....turns out she was the first interview called for the day...what luck!!!! It gets better....the VO looked at her file, and said:"I know your fiance! We had a good talk yesterday here....you have a very well-prepared case! I wish everyone would do such a good job getting ready!" This is as word for word as I could get from Aiwen......WAIT IT GETS BETTER....we had the SAME VO as I had yesterday for ACH!!!!!! Young American VO, late 20's....very nice. He spoke good Mandarin, according to Aiwen. The interview was conducted in Mandarin, with Aiwen often answering in English or Chinese, as she felt capable of....how lucky can we get, getting the same VO???? This almost NEVER happens..... Here's the interview: Aiwen: Good morning, how are you today?(in English) VO: I'm fine, thank you. Would you prefer to speak English or putongwha? Aiwen: I speak some English, but I will understand you more quickly if we speak putongwha. VO:(in good ptw):Good! Oh, I know your fiancee....we had a nice talk yesterday afternoon.....you case is well-ordered, I would like all my cases to be so easy. Aiwen: Oh, you met my fiance? That's good! VO: Yes, we met yesterday. VO:(typing on computer) VO: How did you come to know your fiancee? Aiwen: We met on the internet. VO: Which website? Aiwen:(gives the name of the site) VO: How many times has he come to China to see you? Aiwen:3 times, he is here now, he's waiting for me downstairs. VO: When did he first come? Aiwen(answers, giving dates and length of stay) VO: When did he come again? Aiwen:(tells dates and length of 2nd visit) VO: When did he visit you last, the 3rd time? Aiwen:He arrived September 14th, he is here now. He's waiting on me downstairs in the coffee shop. VO: May I see your passport, please? Aiwen:(gives him both passports, he returns mine after a quick peek) VO:(writes something on a post-it, sticks it to the PINK!!!!!) Congratulations, enjoy your trip to the United States! Please give your fiancee this note for me, thank you! Aiwen: Thank you very much! Have a nice day! VO: Bye! THE NOTE:" Mr. Lunn-- Please tell the folks at CFL that visa officers really like to see w-2's(I couldn't find yours). Anyhow, congrats! " I had tax transcripts.....W-2's not needed? I did have them, they were in the 4th folder in a clear holder, maybe he just didn't see them...anyway, we passed, that's all that counts!!! Oh, also, they took the I-134, employer letter, etc....all the financial stuff, when they opened the medical envelope(Chinese staff)...I had two copies so we still have one....this is new, I think...usually, the VO will ask for this stuff during the interview. Anyway, he only asked to see our pictures...("Nice pictures", he said...."You make a nice couple."), he didn't ask for ANYTHING ELSE.....he had already seen my "pile" at ACH anyway, maybe he figured it was moot....ha,ha....and he could see our stack of stuff and folders through the window....just the way we rehearsed. MORAL OF THE STORY: Attend ACH if possible right before the interview, more than one time if you have the time. We got impossibly lucky and got the same VO both days.....I'm sure this made the interview easy, and approval quick. Then again, you never can tell with the Wiz of Guz.....all I can say is, I think it was a factor...I almost couldn't believe it myself....I'm still just 'trippin' , ha,ha....what a day! She leaves, stops at the China Post desk, pays the 30 yuan fee, we'll pick up the VISA on Thursday. We won't pay for the reserved airline ticket until then....making sure we have the "real mccoy" in-hand before we pay.....just in case. Then, it's off to Zhaoqing and the family manse for some serious celebrating and bon voyage with the family and friends....we leave for the US next Tuesday the 25th. As you might imagine, we are two very happy campers right now!!!!! Thanks to all of our friends here at CFL for all their help, love and support, we couldn't have endured this without you! Thanks, to all of you, my friends, who sent so many good wishes and "vibes", and prayers our way! I wish for all of you to follow....."May the PINK be with you!!!!!" Let the festivities begin!!!! Steve
  9. Thanks.....I arrived here one hour ahead of schedule(IN GUZ NOW), only problem is, CS forgot to put my checked luggage on the plane....so it didn't arrive until Sunday morning....they brought it to the hotel.....staying at the Dragon Pearl Hotel, the Rihang Hotel near the Consulate was 40 RMB cheaper, but it was dirty, smelled bad, torn towels, etc.....we left and came to this hotel, much nicer area, many choices of food and shopping, and only about 10 minutes from the Consulate,..,..VERY NICE room.....clean and large, and includes computer in the room with broadband access provided. 260 yuan per night....I'm satisfied.... We've rehearsed the interview a lot, and I go to ACH tomorrow.....interview is Tuesday. Aiwen knows all the answers, even in English. So I am confident we have a real good chance to get pink easily..... More news soon.....thinking pink!!!! Steve
  10. Thanks....I booked the China ticket for me thru Travel Depot in Monteray Park, CA.....rogininca turned me on to them.....ask for Henry....best price anywhere for China Southern tickets...Aiwen booked her one-way ticket from an agent on the 4th floor of the Consulate in GUZ.....they had the best price, and we don't have to actually pay for it until we have the visa in-hand, Sept 20. Domestic flights all free, thanks to accumulated frequent flyer miles.... Steve Steve, best wishes for your sure success next week !!! We will all be thinking PINK for you and your bride to be !!! I will be on the Friday flight to GZ, for a birthday visit to Lao Po. I am happy to hear that my friend Henry, could take care of you !! Sidebar: If your connecting flight at LAX comes in early enough, try to make it fast to the head of the ticket line (at the Tom Bradley Int' terminal) before the China Southern desk opens at 7:30 pm. Then, try and get either left or right side, rows 37, 38, or 39, as they are only two seats wide instead of the standard three wide on the sides, with four in the middle. Last time I lucked out and the second seat was empty on the flight, so I had the two seat row to myself Also, so it is not a shock to you, they will bus you from TBI, to a remote satellite terminal, where the aircraft is parked. Rog Thanks, Roger....I'll print this out and take it with me! Too bad you're not flying out Thursday evening with me on the China Southern cattle car....(grin)...btw, I'll be in GUZ at the Rihang hotel near the Consulate until the morning of the 20th, when we expect to pick up the visa. I'm going to ACH Monday, also.... Steve
  11. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement! I sleep on the LAX-GUZ flight....and I already have a good stock of the "magic blue dust".....hmmmmm..... Steve
  12. Congratulations on getting the visa! Steve
  13. Clayton, Thank you very much, my friend, for your good words.....today has been trying, I guess I've got the "jitters".....I hope you have a wonderful visit with you lovely Nanning lady, tell her we are thinking about both of you! I'll keep CFL posted as soon as I have news....again, many thanks....now, if I can just switch my brain off and get some sleep!!!! As a musician, I felt the flow of your words....there' s a song in there....I sense it..... Steve
  14. Thanks.....I'd have never survived it without all you fine folks here at CFL!!! Steve
  15. Thanks....I booked the China ticket for me thru Travel Depot in Monteray Park, CA.....rogininca turned me on to them.....ask for Henry....best price anywhere for China Southern tickets...Aiwen booked her one-way ticket from an agent on the 4th floor of the Consulate in GUZ.....they had the best price, and we don't have to actually pay for it until we have the visa in-hand, Sept 20. Domestic flights all free, thanks to accumulated frequent flyer miles.... Steve
  16. Hello All, Leaving tomorrow for China....and the Interview! Have the kitchen sink and everything packed, I leave tomorrow afternoon, and arrive in GUZ at 6:30 AM Friday morning via China Southern airlines....so we have Fri, Sat, Sun, and Mon to prepare....I'll go to ACH on Monday, and TRY to sleep Monday night.... I'll post results from GUZ as soon as I have them.... One hitch....none of the copy places here wanted to copy my passport in color....I hope the black and while copies will suffice, if asked for.....also, had trouble getting them notorized in my small town, the notary said they couldn't notarize a "passport".....even just the copies...go figure....I'll get it done at the bank in the AM before I leave for Nashville.....Lord, save me from small country town clerks.....set your clocks back 30 years....other than that, I have all my "ducks in a row"......send the good vibrations our way for a "pink"!!! Worst case, I get the passport copy notarized at the Consulate and pay the big money.....shoot, it's just a fall-back in case they ask for it...they'll have my REAL PASSPORT in their hands, since I'll be down in the coffee shop on the 4th floor. Steve
  17. I am going to return to China maybe the end of September for National Day if I can tie up some loose ends here at home by the end of this week. I have already agreed to provide the necessary funds for her trip to Guangzhou and of course here to the USA when her Visa is approved. We also talked of her going to school here in the USA to gain accreditdation for an American Nurses Certificate. We have not explored this area to much. Her lifestyle is middle class Chinese. She owns her own motor scooter and has a nice conservative wardrobe. She owns her computer and writes all her e-mails to me and we use the web cam also in our correspondence with each other. Her English is improving every day and she is no longer afraid to speak to my children or friends on the phone when I call her. She is not involved in one of those Dating Services that preys on unsuspecting woman and their suitors. She is a nurse and says she earns about 1,550 RMB per month and has no debt. Her Father and Mother are retired now and they where both educators. Her brothers are professional type men and are very sharp. She owns a BS degree herself and has had her diploma translated into English now. Her Daughter is in college now in her Sophmore year. Both her and her ex-husband help their daughter out through college. Her ex-husband is a doctor. She has been divorced now for nearly a decade. She claims to have made it on her own with very little help from her family. I don't know maybe the financial pressure of helping her daughter out is the financial burden she is refering to. You've got some great advice here...the best thing you can do is talk about this between yourselves and work it out. Think of this as just a small practice session for your upcoming marriage...you will talk about finances a lot, expecially with a Chinese woman. Let me give you my experience: I covered all our expenses during my visits, and picked up the tab for dinners with family and friends....I bought her an electronic translator of her own(she was using a friend's)....I also sent her money, usually $150 every now and then, to pay for English tutoring, and help with her telephone expenses...since we were talking often, this helped her quite a bit....in the last 8 months, I only sent her about $450 for expenses....I covered the visa costs, pictures, engagement/wedding dinner, wedding clothes, and her airfare from Nanning to GUZ in May....it kept her from having to endure a 14 hour train ride to meet me in GUZ, since we were headed to Zhaoqing to stay for this visit....her hometown. All of these things showed my willingness to take good care of her, ESPECIALLY IN THE EYES OF THE FAMILY!!! They see very clearly that I am taking good care of their special daughter, and that I will be a good husband and provider. It is very hard for the family to see her move so far away....family is EVERYTHING in China....but they see that she is doing the right thing, for both of us. I am VERY well-thought-of by her family....and she comes from a fairly affluent family, she's one of 5 children, the middle child. I think a lot of this comes from the Aisian concept of "face"....so I guess I could say I have "good face" with the family. My SO is tight with the money.....she had a pretty good job, maybe 2500 yuan per month....she's a teacher in primary school, has a Bachelors degree, and is VERY intelligent....well, maybe except for picking me, ha,ha...I"M the lucky one, I think.... What I am trying to say, is Chinese folks think different from us, and place different prioities on future security, and the appearances of sincerity. The $100 your SO is asking for is most likely more of a "face" issue with her peers and family....I think you'll find it money well-spent, but you have to decide for yourself. Be non-confronational, and talk about it with your gal.....I think you'll find this small amount will buy more than you can ever imagine...and I don't mean material things. For me, my offers of support and helping my SO with expenses has been fun, and makes me feel good, too. Shoot, Aiwen always says"Husband, I no waste your money!"....I'll probably be a millionaire in 5 years, ha,ha.... Steve
  18. Congrats!!!! Next week, it's our turn..... Steve
  19. Congrats on the "pink"!!!! And, thanks for a great interview report....a reall cliff hanger.....I'll be the third nervous wreck from the right, in about 11 days from now.... Steve
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