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Everything posted by Don

  1. The best I can find on defatting peanut skins is by using hexane and leaving them to dry for a certain amount of time. Sounds dangerous to me Why would they need to be defatted? Interesting about the altitude thing. I didn't know this. The best I can tell, my wife says her red blood cell count goes down and she has little or no energy along with bad headaches. How are you doing these days Ski? It's good to hear from you The most common method used in industry would be methylene Chloride or maybe hexane, but it must be controlled and done with good tooling. That is how coffee is decaffeinated and other food processes are done. MC is not good for you, so the process must be tightly controlled. But I do not think you need to process the skins, just use them with no processes. I think the main thing you should consider is peanut mold. Peanut mold is very carcinogen.
  2. It is nice to know the holidays will really be a time to celebrate this year.
  3. I thought that lake county was more white sox fans. No matter great luck and hope everything works out great. We just did our final review of documents and i leave saturday for the interview. Soon will be in Guz.
  4. Don


    Great, congratulations. CFL is doing great.
  5. In the US we take things from all over (just like our people) and mix them all together. Some items rise to the top and others sink away. Our country is built from a blend of many cultures, mostly from England, but some of each. Like Jewish people eating Chinese on Christmas day (what a combination). Some times we take bad and other times we take good, but it is still a blend. Now we do not have 6,000 years to create so many unique items, but with our 200 years we have a few unique items. Americans are very different than many other cultures. we have often been made from people that did not want to live in their old place of residence. so many of our common cultures come from this desire to do things differently than the ones left behind or to live our life with out interference. Many americans do not really like each other. We tend to spend much more time alone or in small groups. Look at our cities, there are often poor and ran down. Most americans do not want to live in city. We live in suburbs or country. We do not like our neighbors to be too close. We like a little space Asians come here and do not see nice cities and think why do americans love live in such dirt or bad conditions. Many do not see how we really live. Plus, we tend to spend a lot of our time working or home with our families or running errands. We like our life programed and structured especially for kids. Even our time to kick back it when a game is on or some other event to watch. We do not really socialize in large groups. We spend a lot of time in general watching TV(not all of us, but a significant number). In Asia cities have the good schools have the shops and resturants. In the US we find better outside the cities. Many things are different. We take many things and blend them to create something new and sometimes it is better.
  6. No time to lighten up, got to clean my gun, i was just driving on the LA freeways.
  7. Keep the memory as yours... forge new ones together Motion is very hard for many asians. They do not grow up in car like we do. We are moving in transportation from an early age. My first daughter was in the plane 5 times before 6 months old. Asian our age has not been in car moving at high speeds around curves their whole life. In fact most have only been in taxi on city streets and on bus. Not that fast nor many curves.
  8. I guess we decided to talk and explain our views and life without letting things build up a bad level. If we dicuss thing early it might help. In our case due to the NVC we have had time and i have gone to visit a few times with and without family present. different settings help us to see each other in differently in all our roles. Meeting Pings family did have me worried. I pushed to always get to everyplace right on time and made sure we had things ready for our time with her family. She wanted things to be like we have had before a lot of alone time and did not care about making every meeting on time. That caused some issues. No perfect solutions, just need to promise to seek understanding first and action later. Or to give a bye when needed.
  9. I did not find roger's post negative. To me, we study an event and find a path forward that gives the best results. Seeing problems is not a negative but the path to the future. I guess it could be a negative if you never look for and find that path forward. Jim (SinoTexas), I am interesed in your work with the University near the Dam. Any links to the project so we can look at it?
  10. Great, congratulations. I hope the streak continues.
  11. As most here know (if they read my posts) I love China and her people, but the only reason things work there is the Chinese ethic of keeping one's head down and moving forward. "Harmony" is as much a part of Chinese culture as "Saving Face", but... that can only go so far. People need to live and they need to work to live. I trust in the native intelligence and ingenuity of these people, but things will get much worse before they get better. Hopefully, something can be done to address these problems. Why else HAVE a central government if they are unwilling/unable to deal with this stuff? Asia (and the rest of the world) will NOT be a happy place with one billion angry Chinese on the loose. I agree with you, I think that they have a strong need for harmony and will work hard to make things work. China is a great place and i feel they will find their path forward. I hope no one ever looks at anything i write and think i am down on china. I try to keep things very dry so it seems just like an analysis with no agenda except to understand. i hope others feel free and add their two cents worth. I am always hoping to learn more. The people of China have endured great hardships in their lives like many others all around the world. China is special to us because we choose it to be special to us. You and I can't even begin to imagine the kind of life that many poor people go through. Yes, life is a bitch!!! But people have a right to have hope. People in China have a right to work. It is human nature to want harmony, peace, and love. I too am hoping to learn more. I am in the midst of watching "China a Century of Revolution." Roger you have probably seen this. What an education this is to see this documentary. My wife did not want me to see this as she fears I would think negatively about China. Man, was she wrong It brings even greater passon in my heart for the people of China and what they have endured. I really think that knowing some thing and seeking to understand some one or some event make it very hard not to feel some compassion or something for them. In the Speaker for the dead, books by Orson Scott Card, we learn that even very evil people has a side that we can feel a lose. I do not think we should hide from ugly events, but we need to know them and seek understanding. Only in that understanding can we find love and way to prevent those bad events from repeating. Hopefully, we find out how to keep the good events rolling forward.
  12. As most here know (if they read my posts) I love China and her people, but the only reason things work there is the Chinese ethic of keeping one's head down and moving forward. "Harmony" is as much a part of Chinese culture as "Saving Face", but... that can only go so far. People need to live and they need to work to live. I trust in the native intelligence and ingenuity of these people, but things will get much worse before they get better. Hopefully, something can be done to address these problems. Why else HAVE a central government if they are unwilling/unable to deal with this stuff? Asia (and the rest of the world) will NOT be a happy place with one billion angry Chinese on the loose. I agree with you, I think that they have a strong need for harmony and will work hard to make things work. China is a great place and i feel they will find their path forward. I hope no one ever looks at anything i write and think i am down on china. I try to keep things very dry so it seems just like an analysis with no agenda except to understand. i hope others feel free and add their two cents worth. I am always hoping to learn more.
  13. I agree this might be the greatest problem for china to over come. They have many issue that are all tied up in this one problem. 1. National ID or health system. (I am talking simply here, just SSN cards) 2. Migrant works. 3. few poor women to marry poor men. 4. lack of infrastructue in rual areas. (just take a car ride between two rual cities) Okay roads from rual city to big city, but rural to rural is very bad. 5. Poor farmers. 6. corupt local officals. 7. corupt company owners. 8. Millions of undocument people (many more than we have). So many issue, and no way to fix any one without small gains in all areas. These issues need to be fixed and will require masive investment. Many here might not think this is their problems, but when the 700 milllion army takes over than we will all learn that small help could make a difference. Just remember the communist reveloution was won by this same group. A leader emeraged that knew how to control this group and he carreid his cause forward. The same could happen again. I think the current group of leaders understand and fears this. I am not sure what we can do to fix these issues, except try to make others understand including our own polictal and corperate leaders. We are a unique group with our feet in both cultures. China has it work cut out for it.
  14. I find very little knowledge of Taoism or Buddhism left in China. I have explained much more to those I speak with than i have seen from them. I have visited so many temples and seen the worshipers and found most are there for good luck and good business deals(not unlike our own churches, most are there for friends, connections and social interactions of like minded people). The temples in China are great adn I love the time in them, but the average person does not know much of the religion. I have not been able to speak much with the Monks. In the South West near Thailand, I find more monks and people that know a little of path. I am sad that it seems China has lost a little of its great heritage. I know that us americans can not really say much, we also have lost some of our heritage.
  15. This is great, congratualtions. Have fun back in IL. I can not wait till i can my "wife to IL to see the cornfields. Some thing about driving thru them for miles and seeing the light, the light is different when you have corn all around. Again have a great trip and now you can relax for a bit.
  16. Ping's friends, brothers and sisters are the problem, they will not switch. We plan to keep a computer running Chinese windows. Keep it isolated no conenction to the main home network. The other computers networked, but the chinese one just connected to the internet thru the wireless router.
  17. Charles, I've heard it now and I wouldn't doubt a word your wife says. The truth to this is probably somewhat confirmed by the fact that most "American" peanuts are shelled, skinned and polished, removing as much nutritional value as possible in the process. I'll think I'll try that drink! Best Regards I found an article supporting this info: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=A...3b2b169dd5b185c It looks good. Don Nice find Don.....but does this translate to more red blood cells? You know us Jawja boys don't understand some of these big words I understand we spend years learning this language, not so easy to just pick up. I did not buy the whole article, but the abstract says that it is a polyphenol (like green tea, red wine, and blue berries and other food that has strong antioxidiant capabilites). So it does protect your blood vessels and make you live longer. Than it says one thing in the abstract that it does not explain, but it sounded like they are implying that it can make the iron in red blood cells work better to carry oxygen around the body. So it might improve the red blood cells we have and make them more potent. (that might be good) Don
  18. QQ is great for hookers, scams and Trojan horses, user beware It's also good for Chinese girls who want to talk to family in China. Get ready. you are right, many families use it in china. Ping's family uses it all the time. Many of her friends use it, much more popular in china than any of the other american programs. We are going to bring her notebook here and keep it all chinese and than my computers will stay english with a little bit of chinese support.
  19. Charles, I've heard it now and I wouldn't doubt a word your wife says. The truth to this is probably somewhat confirmed by the fact that most "American" peanuts are shelled, skinned and polished, removing as much nutritional value as possible in the process. I'll think I'll try that drink! Best Regards I found an article supporting this info: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=A...3b2b169dd5b185c It looks good. Don
  20. I would look for a DVD player that says it supports VCD. I went to Apex website and they said they support SVCD, but the FAQ said they do not support VCD. I would look for one that specifically says they will support VCD. I have played VCDs on my old Apex, my old Sony and my Bose 123. Plus, they play well on my computer. Maybe the newer Apex models are not as good as the older ones.
  21. Di9fferent number of scan lines, and different update frequency. A PAL format video must be converted to appear correctly on an NTSC TV. Most DVD players these days do this. That is what i mean by saying "what does it mean anymore" most devices just work, it does not matter if the disk is ntsc or pal. China or USA. It is just work. The chips are smart adn does the work. Special devices are not needed anymore. Normal ones work very well. With the older tape players we had to be very careful, but now the devices are much smarter. Does more for less money.
  22. I checked the target website and they sell the Apex player. They work very well for these disk. VCD and Chinese DVD. Again you do not need a special expensive player, but one that plays many formats. The Apex at target is $40.00 and plays many diffeent music and video formats. http://www.target.com/gp/search/602-967744...p;x=10&y=14 I have had good luck with this brand to play chinese movies. The spec doesn't say it support PAL format. It may not work on some DVDs which are in PAL format. PAL is more important for tape, i am not what it means for DVD adn VCD. I have seen hundreds of movies bought in China VCD and DVD. They all played just fine on most DVD players. The APEX played everything. Sony did okay, had some trouble. The apex website even had some codes to play every region disk.
  23. Another part of this is the man to woman ratio is out of balence. Many of the poor are men with no chance of finding a wife. Many of the large construction projects that China had on going were partially designed to keep the poor men out of cities were they could cause trouble. They took a million very poor men out of the cities to build the high altitude railroad to Tibet and the Damn. They held a lot of thier pay till the end, so the workers could go back to their city or village with a wad of cash to get set up adn maybe find a wife. China is very worried about their working poor men banding together and causing unrest in the big cities. I am sure we will hear of another big project to keep millions of poor men out of the cities soon. Sort of like our CCC projects during the 30s.
  24. I checked the target website and they sell the Apex player. They work very well for these disk. VCD and Chinese DVD. Again you do not need a special expensive player, but one that plays many formats. The Apex at target is $40.00 and plays many diffeent music and video formats. http://www.target.com/gp/search/602-967744...p;x=10&y=14 I have had good luck with this brand to play chinese movies.
  25. Check their website first, who knows what brand they have now. Plus, check bestbuy and circuit city. These brands are cheap, but work well with chinese disk. The big box stores do not always have them.
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