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Everything posted by LaurenAmber

  1. There's also a flipside to that too. My husband's family lives in a rural area, and most of them would never even dream of moving into the urban area. It's interesting that even with how many million will move in there's some that flat out refuse. They actually ENJOY breaking thier backs nad working thier fingers to the bone. They like their rural life and want to stay that way. it's going to be a very interesting time for China
  2. And I've seen the opposite way of thinking from a Chinese woman, who, I guess, has simply resigned herself that men will be men and as long as her husband doesn't leave or divorce her she is accepting of his infidelity and has told him. Yeh that i know of and i think it's the sign of ultimate weakness. Living like that is pitiful existence. To just put up with anything as long as your husband stays with you is pathetic. I'm sorry, that's harsh, but it's true. I could never be weak enough to live that way. It took my husband a little bit to understand but now he fully gets it and he could never imagine infidelity. He griped out a friend of his about it too and told him America had the right idea about fidelity
  3. I can not believe this... God, words can not express my sadness over this... Few things can make me outright sob... and this is one of them...
  4. Wow you guys need to be my travel agents! lol. I asked my husband what he thought and he wanted to see. His response was "China is my home, things are not as cool to me as they are you. So you choose" LOL and he's got a point. Forexample, i grew up fishing on the lake all the time to the point where i don't htink it's a big deal to show to him. However my grandfather invited him and he's NUTS about it. I guess tourist spots are in the eye of the beholder lol. He went to the great wall and was like "Meh, it's my history" but i'm dying to go lol Thanks again to everyone. i'm passing these thoughts on to Jesse. He seems excited to show me these cuz he wants to see me flip at how beautiful everything is
  5. That all applied if you did most of your schooling in Georgia. It really is a great system.
  6. In Huntsville we have about 3 Chinese churches (could be 4 by now) and they're actually in very nice buildings
  7. It's great, and if you ever wanted to come out here and check the enviroment i'll definitely show you around. Not so much ANY college. But schools with art centred programs i definitely do have a leg up. But our high school also had tons of great programs and does have a lot of great advantages. I do recommend for you to take a few trips to the cities that you consider. You can research all you want, but really you also need to SEE the cities for yourself and meet with the asian culture to determine if it's perfect for you
  8. I know i made my case for Huntsville, AL but I do also want to add about our schooling system. If you go into Madison (the city that literally bleeds into it), the schools are AMAZING. Especially if your children have any want to pursue the arts. Heck i got into one of the top ranked art colleges in America easily once they saw where my diploma was from. The schools are wonderful, i'm planning for my own kids to attend the same ones I did because even from kindergarten i recieved such a top notch education. Not to mention North Alabama still has that bit of country vibe so it's a very safe and clean enviroment, but still with the advantages of a bigger city. The Chinese community here absolutely loves it and i haven't heard a cross word from any of them. Like i said though, research on what your family needs first, then narrow those down my the asian community. Asian community won't matter at all if you are miserable in the city.
  9. South coast areas are easiest to go to for us, however i do at least want to go to Shanghai and Beijing. The Hong Kong post seems wonderful. Those pictures are breathtaking. As for what i meant by budget, we're going to have ot spent quite a bit of money just to GET to these destinations. So we're interested in like really great things to do that don't cost a lot of money. Like for example we went to Yuhua Cave over near Taining and it was AMAZING. It was only about 6 Yuan i think to get in, and it was BEYOND worth it.
  10. Strange because the Chinese i know from Atlanta love it. I haven't heard the same kind of complaints from them. I guess to each his own and everyone is different
  11. I was only speaking about the obesity, not all the diseases. Diseases happen for a variety of reasons. However many parents will not encourage thier children to maintain an active and healthy life. They let them sit on the computer or on video games and let them eat whatever they want, then when thier kids get obese and they blame the food. I don't mean that you can eat unhealthy and excercise and you'll be just fine. I did not mean that in the slightest. However someone who already lives healthy and eats healthy can eat junk food without hardly any problems. You can't live entirely on junk food, and realy, the people that make that a primary part of thier diet need some serious help. Having a healthy LIFESTYLE is what i should've said. That includes food, excercise, alcohol/cigarette/drug usage. I see less and less things promoting healthy lifestyles to kids. Most people also seems to think they are too busy to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There just needs to be a lot more education on how to live healthy and i don't think we'd see such severe problems with the fast food issue.
  12. This past time when i was in China my husband and I spent a lot of time just enjoying everyday together. He ended up feeling guilty for not taking me to any of the "tourist" spots of China. When I go back he wants to really make a point to show me all the cool things in China that i would want to see. I admit i really am dying to see a lot of it. However, my husband and I have to travel on a budget. We have to take the bus to everywhere etc etc. So what are some things that are a definite MUST do? I know going to certain cities, but what are some sights of China that you think are a Must Do? And in exchange i offer my Must Do lol. If you guys are down in Xiamen you absolutely must take the ferry out to Gulang Island. Also you should climb the mountain at South Putuo temple. It's a hellish climb but the view at the top is breathtaking.
  13. Unfortunately fast food will affect you if you dont counter what you're eating. Fast food isn't the real problem... LAZINESS IS. I have friends who have great bodies but eat tons of fast food, however they're very active peopel and work out and take care of themselves. Obesity is always considered being the fault of the food, and not the person. We're the ones putting food into our body, so we should take responsibility for the figure we get as well. This is also like the thread where media was being blamed for the naughty behavior of youngsters. Just teach your kids right and make them go outside to play instead of sitting and playing games, and this junk wouldn't be a problem.
  14. Have fun guys!! When i go back i really really want to check out Shanghai so i really look forward to hearing about your trip
  15. Thank goodness because this whole situation is just sad
  16. No i mean the Chinese people that are harping on her about it. Heck i'm drooling myself lol I've got the giant movie poster for Curse of the Golden Flower in my room solely for her and Chow Yun Fat Then my husband's dream of using his "Get Out Of Marriage Free" card will become a reality. We made an agreement of actors we could have without our spouse getting angry lol He chose Gong Li, and I chose Hugh Jackman
  17. i think there may also be straps on the bedposts for the extremities *ahem* then i guess the hanging options are for "height"
  18. It's a ring with a very thick band, you can see the stone to the right. Anyways! lol There are many celebrities that get thier citizenship elsewhere and it seems like they're always criticized. So i'm not suprised at all about this, but definite high 5 to Gong Li for doing it despite the flak. I'm sure she knew she'd get flak but she did what she thought was best for herself. And i agree with the OP that many Chinese would trade thier citizenship in a heartbeat if they could, so it's not fair to harp on the people that do.
  19. I love them so much lol. They used to have little blue basseball hats on but they looked dumb so i took them off lol They actually do not quack, they're just really really squishy lol. That would be GREAT if they quacked lol but back on topic lol I really can not stand the rubber house shoes. I like my barefeet lol
  20. what would he change his mind about? also why would you put wives in quotation marks? it's like you're insinuating that they are not truelly a wife
  21. Christianity is not all about converting, killing, and hell. It kind disturbs me that i'm only seeing those three things when people are talking about Christianity. I'm all for let's discuss the religions, but we should discuss the thoughts and things about the religions, not a place to only say such narrow things. Sorry i've just taken a lot of offense to things i've seen in this thread because there's more crap being posted about Christianity that is nowhere near accurate for the majority, yet it's being said like it is accurate. Sorry it's just bothering me. I'm not gonna post my views on either because every religion has varying degrees of followers. I think at the base of it, both religions promote love and being a good person. Where people run with it after that is up to them. Neither is better than the other.
  22. who makes a chery? Don't worry about it. It's a garbage car. Chinese cars are still known as being extremely substandard quality -- akin to the Yugo once sold in the States about 13 years ago. The only reason people in China even buy them is because they are dirt cheap. How do you know? Show the proof. The proof is in my massive head bruises from the car having no shocks hardly. The car LOOKED nice, but the ride was insanely rough. And it was so rough it knocked the CD player compeltely out of comission. They're totally not worth it
  23. Thank you. That's an overgeneralization that does not represent either religion. Plenty of Christians would never kill anyone, and plenty of Bhuddists would kill someone. Nothing to get excited about.
  24. That goodness my hubby and i both have professions nowhere near those lol
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