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Everything posted by LaurenAmber

  1. Acutally i made an AMAZING living as a waitress. I'm going back to school though because i have bigger goals for myself. But if we go for only money wise, i was making around $3000/month as a waitress. Gotta love those rich people that don't care about the economy so they leave like 50% tips lol If you're a server in the right area is a great job that pays the bills. I just hope all servers will want mroe for thier lives.
  2. OK - that should be reassuring for our friend here, although I would have thought the FBI would have fairly broad authority to conduct the background check I would think a credit check would only be nessicary if you didn't have a co-signer and your income looked suspicious
  3. They run background checks as a major part of the process. To claim that they wouldn't run a credit check is naive. I think he just meant that it wouldn't play majorly into the process. It's obvious that credit score comes up in the background check. But i don't think it's going ot be a MAJOR factor as long as he has a co-sponsor
  4. That's what i thought, because if credit rating played into it then there would be a lot of people (myself included) in trouble. I've even contemplated bankruptsy at one time or another just because with the economy the bills are too high and the pay is too little. He doesn't have anything like child support or whatnot. Just like basic bills and loans. He wasn't wise and got things like an A.R.M. and that's killing him now. He knows it won't dissolve them most likely, but it will help him to be able to get on his feet and get a fresh start.
  5. Yeh i mean it's really his call. I told him his best bet would also be to talk to a K3 attorney. He'll be coming back to America soon so he's wanting to settle it soon
  6. He was planning on being upfront about it if he needed to. Or to at least explain it fully to his wife incase that comes about. His income statement is barely above the mark i think, his father is way above the mark though. He was wanting to know what to do before he filed. It's not like he WOULDN'T be able to provide for his wife (cost of living here is very low, yay alabama) He just really needs to get out of debt or he CAN'T provide for his wife, but he doesn't want to gamble about the visa. Mmk, yeh his father can definitely co-sponsor, he just didn't want it to make a bad mark on him. He doesnt want his wife to go through any hardships, which is why he's considering bankruptsy. Cuz really for him it's that or he'll have to continue to struggle to make ends meet
  7. A friend of mine had a desperate question that I had no answer for, so i figured i'd come to you lovely people. My friend jsut recently got married to a wonderful women in Korea. I know Korea is diff. than China, but i still gotta ask. He wants to bring her back to America, but there's a snag. He's been struggling to make ends meet with having to be in Korea on business. His business doesn't pay well and his bills back in the states are stacking up and his debts are getting worse. His life has gotten to the point where he is having to consider bankrupsy. The thing is, is that going to cause him problems with his K3? He knows that he needs his dad to co-sponsor (his dad makes WELL above the mark) So any answers you guys could provide would be great. Thank so much on his behalf.
  8. I guess you can never be too prepared hehe Lauren - suggest you take the 'kitchen sink' approach when making that first I-130 submittal. Make copies, use it again for the I-129F submittal. Some Kitchen Sinks are 4 inches thick. Oh i figured evidence wise i'll be sending my husband with "war & Peace: sized copies. I just was unclear about the evolution paper
  9. yes, you do. it should be a 1 page timeline of how you met and how the relationship developed. good luck! I was wondering about the letter too. Should it be liek an ACTUAL time line, or more like an essay?
  10. ... I second that!!! Like NUWORLD mentioned, I have mine on right now too Bob waiting for pictures. haha i promise i will post this , right after you all do mods,gob's, ladies, senoir members then us. ok Roger heres your chance ? I've got pretty humerous house shoes here in america lol i don't mind taking a pic
  11. Can it also be used as an electric shaver? It does sorta look like one . For $187 bucks though, it seems like a tough sale. I did take a look at it, and wondered what the market would be. I often have need to translate Chinese text at work, but nearly everything is already in digital media, making translation via computer quick and easy. Stand-alone tools like this one seem more like a gimmick, than something that would be very useful. I would imagine for someone who spends more time actually INTERACTING with Chinese, vs. just using the comp, this might be extremely useful. you can't pop open your laptop in the middle of the street to aid in asking someone a question. That's just it though. It can't hear what people say and translate it. It can only be used for hard copy translation. There isn't a device today that is capable to reliably translating hand-written text. My job also requires me to frequently interact with non-English speakers. If they don't speak English, I just bring along a translator. Easy, reliable and efficient. I mean more in the sense that if you are with a Chinese person and you're speaking Chinese. If there's just that one word you can't seem to find this would be great. My husband had a translator on his phone and it helped us out TONS when there was that word he would get stuck on. In short, i'm just saying it's not completely useless. If i was moving to China i'd probably pick one up just because i've seen how useful it could be, at least in MY life i had there. But to each his own
  12. I just experienced probably one of the best shows of love last night. Love is seeing my husband break into tears the second that our webcams connected and he was able to see me for the first time since I left China. He said he had never realized how much he missed me until that moment. My husband couldn't stop telling me about the things in his life that were completely lack-luster without me. The food wasn't as good, the wind was colder, jokes weren't as funny, etc. And that's exactly how i felt. For me, THAT is love. Not that you are incomplete without your spouse/fiancee/etc, It's when you're entire life just SHINES when they're there. When no matter how cold you are, thier smile can make you feel like you're in Miami. No matter how green the grass is or how blue the sky blue, the colors are more brilliant if you have your darling. Not that we don't love each other when we are apart. It's that the "gray-ness" that we feel without each other, shows us just how much the other means to us. It still makes me cry to think about. THAT to me is real love.
  13. I with you on this one. Richard Thank god i'm not the only one Oh God! ... I won't wear them in the shower either I hate that squishy wet yuck feeling Only when dry for me Bob I would always forget when i got to the shower at our house (it's own little room) so my husband would here my poor feeble voice across the house going "Honeeeeeey, can you please bring me dry shooooooooes???" lol
  14. Omg really?? Please message me if you come out this area. I'd love to get together! And lol we COULD go cow tipping lol And actually that's not a useless factoid. You hit the nail completely on the head. I grew up in a single family household, and my mom did the best she could to provide for me. However because of my eating habits as a child, if you look i eat EXACTLY the same way today. My doctor thinks it's weird because somehow i'm still getting all my nutrients and vitamins but my diet is one you would expect a 7 year old to pick for themselves. i have a couple wild cards like curry and udon, but nothing too unique. Also my mother was a crazy neat freak and my food and enviroment was indeed very sterile. Some of my allergies make no sense though. Like carrots. They are my ultimate kryptonite! Even if a carrot just touches my skin it will cause terrible sores, burning, and bleeding. I don't know what i did to carrots in a past life, but damn do they hate me now.
  15. Can it also be used as an electric shaver? It does sorta look like one . For $187 bucks though, it seems like a tough sale. I did take a look at it, and wondered what the market would be. I often have need to translate Chinese text at work, but nearly everything is already in digital media, making translation via computer quick and easy. Stand-alone tools like this one seem more like a gimmick, than something that would be very useful. I would imagine for someone who spends more time actually INTERACTING with Chinese, vs. just using the comp, this might be extremely useful. you can't pop open your laptop in the middle of the street to aid in asking someone a question.
  16. But my husband chose to marry American woman. If your violent ways worked he would've married a Chinese woman We've actually talked about how his parents treat each other and he doesn't like relationships like that haha
  17. Actually no i dont eat beef jerky. I'm a country girl, most food i eat is actually dairy, breads, potatoes(my family's irish so that's a whole catagory on its own lol), pasta, etc. My diet is fairly MSG free. The things that would contain MSG end up making me just as sick, so i stay away from them. I also have a TON of food allergies, so you'd be suprised how limited my diet is. I was tricked into trying it. I was very pissed when I found out. I don't eat anything with a personality. I do want to share a quote from my Japanese friend lol. I know Japanese and Chinese don't get along, and sometimes i get the most fun out of hearing them making biting remarks at each other. One time my Chinese friend goes "It is so sad. Japan is such rich country, but they can not afford fuel to cook thier fish." I nearly laughed my butt off. My Japanese friend then countered with, "Chinese eat everything with 4 legs... except desk." I didn't quite understand how funny that was until i was IN China. Let me tell you, out in the countryside it's no holds barred. I finally got to the point of no longer asking and having my husband decline any and all meat put near me. And i actually saw a dog body hanging in the meat market with a few pieces carved off... I fainted.
  18. Great post. My husband says he's WILLING to try things. And when my mom sent me a box of American food while i was in China he did kinda try it. He always takes a bite, and it's in his mouth for two seconds before it falls out in disgust. I've tried Chinese food, but due to MSG allergy, i kept ending up with food poisoning. So there is no more "try it" on my end unless i absolutely know there is no MSG. But now i gotta try to convince my husband to actually EAT the food instead of going on the first taste
  19. I with you on this one. Richard Thank god i'm not the only one
  20. I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE rubber house shoes! Where I grew up barefoot was the norm unless you were going out. So wearing shoes around the house at all drives me crazy (I can't even stand house shoes no matter how cold it is). I know my carpet is clean, i don't need shoes. Also when the shoes are wet after a shower it drives me crazy. I can't stand anything wet, except water, touching my feet. You guys would get a kick out of me if the grass is wet. There's video of me as a baby and the grass is wet, and my dad was trying to put me down, but i hated wet grass so much that i drew up my legs all the way to my chin. In short, no house shoes happening at my house lol
  21. Haha your welcome, and i do mean soon. The group said they're trying to find it "untainted" a.k.a. the english that we KNOW they are speaking. I'll let you know when I know
  22. I gotta learn this mopslap technique That way i can set my husband straight and he'll feel right at home LOL Your husband should feel lucky to find you. Slap him if he doesnt listen . You should learn to be tough and descipline. Hehe, he does feel lucky, but i'm sure at some point over the years i'm gonna need to take a mop to him
  23. I actually am big into the "dramas" circuit and there's supposed to be some Fansubs coming out for this soon. I'll link everyone to it once the sub group gets started
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