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Everything posted by LaurenAmber

  1. I never expect my husband to convert, and i've done some learning of Buddhism. However my morals and how i react to certain things is a part of how i was raised, and thus my religion. My husband WANTS to learn more about christianity so he can better understand my point of view on things. He also mentioned that he's in awe sometimes of the kind of good person i am because i live by my morals, so he wants to look more into it and see if it is for him. I'm not trying to change him in anyway, he's wanting to experiance it to learn more about me. I'll aid him in that if he wants, but i will never tell him to choose.
  2. Oh i can't stand Chinese booze. It's jsut not my flavor. But my father and grandfather will get a great laugh knowing it was made from snakes. Hmm I do have a lot of clothes, i'll make sure to pack them very well and pad them. Thanks!
  3. *raises hand quietly* Again... can anyone direct me to some Chinese literature about Christianity (Chinese bible, wiki, etc) for my husband?
  4. I will definitely be using this site as much as possible. ((Husband's parents are very well off and are offering to pay so i'm not going to complain LOL))
  5. Husband said he wants me to try since they're still wrapped up in gift style. maybe i can jsut pack them really good in my suitcase hmmm ((wow i think that's the shortest reply i've written on here lol))
  6. I'm working on getting ready to take my first big steps to getting a K3 for my husband. Through research of companies (I honestly odubt my ability to do this on my own, i'd rather be sure) i found Apex visa service to be the best. Has anyone here used them and have any feedback on them?
  7. I guess no better place to ask than here o_O My family in america is very christian (not in the crazy way, in the pray before each meal kinda way). My husband does not want to avoid it because once he is in america this will become part of his life. He may not convert to christianity and i will never ask him to. But he wants to learn so that he can understand why some thigns bother me, why i'm suprised at some things, etc that are morals and ethics related. Does anyone know where are some websites that can explain christianity and it's basic principles in Chinese? There is a Chinese Christian church in my hometown, but i think taking him to service blindy would confuse him greatly. I'm not trying to impose anything on him, but he always comments about how polite I am, how good of a person i am etc etc. I told him it's how i was raised and the mroals i was taught. He now wants to learn about those morals. I'm not look for any "Yay christianity!" kinda sites, just something with basic info, maybe like a wiki. also to add to the convo, yeh we can say that China's been around way longer than the US, what they have works for them. However i think in the case of a spouse moving to the US where we're all at least instilled with basic christian thoughts and principles of what is right and what is wrong, some learning should at least take place. I don't think any spouse should convert to any religion because of thier husband or wife. But if you're moving to a country where it's so influential, at least do some research and understand. Hope i didn't offend or say anything weird. Seems hubby and i are boht sick so we're a bit hopped up on medicine and very tired.
  8. I didn't know where else would be ok to ask this. I checked all the airline websites but found a very confusing answer. My husband bought two small (bought the size of a fist) bottles of alcohol made form snakes in WuYi mountain (Freaks me out LOL) He bought one for my father and one for my grandfather. We opened one to make sure the bottle was intact (Hubby dropped it) but resealed it. I'll be bringing them home to America but what is the best way to bring them home? I don't really want to put them in my suitcase because well, i have a friend who works in baggage handling, i know what goes on. But is it ok to bring on the plane? Also for anyone that goes to WuYi mountain, i highly caution you against this liquor unless you intend to get WASTED lol I'm from Alabama, i've drank moonshine and whiskey for as long as i can remember and even i htink this stuff is way too powerful LOL I should probably also make another posts with my thoughts on WuYi mountain. Hubby and I went for our honeymoon and stayed at an insanely cheap 5 star resort and it was amazing
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