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About Tonoue

  • Birthday 09/22/1977

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    Phoenix, AZ
  1. Hello everyone, My SO and I are on our final leg of this very long process. QiuQiu just sent in her P3 and now we are waiting for the P4 and Interview date. Now all that is left is to gather all proof of our relationship, financial documents, and build a case for the VO. QiuQiu mentioned that it would look better if we could get a co-sponsor just in case. I agree. While my salary sufficiently meets all the financial requirements for the visa, more is better...right? So, I asked my parents if they would be willing to co-sponsor us and sign the I-134 (affidavit of support) and get supporting documents. They said they would be more than happy to help. My father got a letter of employment from his company with his current salary and time there. However, they are very hesitant to give any tax information. QiuQiu is worried that this is not enough for them to be a co-sponsor. I've asked my parents to re-consider, but after having been victims of ID theft once, they really do not feel comfortable giving out that kind of information. Is their tax return information really needed for them to be a co-sponsor? Will the letter of employment from my father be sufficient enough? Any information you can give us is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Just for the record...my love is a very very good girl. No broken laws, no criminal record, no drugs, no swearing, no lying. The perfect woman!...IMO... She's an angel! She's also not a member of the communist party.
  3. Funny enough, she doesn't really like what she does. It wasn't her first choice of profession.....or second choice for that matter. As I understand it, or maybe misunderstand it....she was giving this profession because it was needed, not because she wanted it. Her childhood job was actually to be a Chinese-English interpreter for books and people. Something I hope she wants to pursue when she comes to the U.S. I'm more than willing to help her in any way to achieve this.
  4. Hey all, Have a question about visa review and decision making. My love stumbled across a post in 001 forum listing various jobs that are flagged and could potentially influence a denial of visa. Here is the (very short) list: The State Department maintains a Technical Alert List, also known as the sensitive major list, to guide their evaluation of visa submission. Sorted by rate. CRITICAL FIELDS LIST ---------------------------------------------------------- A. CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS B. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY C. ROCKET SYSTEMS D. ROCKET SYSTEM AND UNMANNED AIR VEHICLE (UAV) SUBSYSTEMS E. NAVIGATION, AVIONICS AND FLIGHT CONTROL USEABLE IN ROCKET SYSTEMS AND UNMANNED AIR VEHICLES (UAV) F. CHEMICAL, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING G. REMOTE SENSING, IMAGING AND RECONNAISSANCE H. ADVANCED COMPUTER/MICROELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY I. MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY J. INFORMATION SECURITY K. LASER AND DIRECTED ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY L. SENSORS AND SENSOR TECHNOLOGY M. MARINE TECHNOLOGY N. ROBOTICS O. URBAN PLANNING Qiu's profession is listed under the last subsection, O: URBAN PLANNING, which states: Expertise in construction or design of systems or technologies necessary to sustain modern urban societies. (PLEASE NOTE: Urban Planning may not fall under the purview of INA section 212 (a)(3)(a), U.S. technology transfer laws, or any other U.S. law or regulation. However, Urban Planning is a special interest item and posts are requested to refer such visa application requests to CA/VO/L/C for further review.) Look for technologies/skills associated with: -- Architecture -- Civil engineering -- Community development -- Environmental planning -- Geography -- Housing -- Landscape architecture -- Land use and comprehensive planning -- Urban design My question is...does anybody know how influential her profession will be to the consideration of denial for her visa? Does anybody else here have a love who did a similar profession? She lives in a small town in Guangxi Province (approx. population ~1500) and she does a lot of the listed items. Should we be worried about this, or is this a false alarm? Needless to say, we're both kinda anxious about this. Any comments, suggestions, or stories would be much appreciated. Thanks. Joe
  5. Thanks Darnell. Good information for what we should expect. I really do realize there is a very short time between the divorce and filing our petition and have thought there might be some suspicions regarding our relationship. I initially wanted to wait longer, at least past January, to submit but we read posts from people who had submitted right after they divorced and still got approved and figured it would be OK to submit when we did (plus her lucky numbers are 10 and 7...hence the date 10/7/08). So when we built our petition, we "front loaded" it as well, giving nearly every single thing listed on the "kitchen sink" with the thought that it might provide a better case for us if we gave as much information as possible. Side question - what types of slips are there? I read about people getting a pink slip, which I'm assuming is good. This is the first time I'm hearing about a white slip and blue slip. Please keep the advice coming. God knows I (and others reading this thread) could use it. Great stuff. - Joe
  6. Yes. She came to US on a work visa. We met during that time and married before her visa expired. I did not petition an I-129F for her. - Joe Did your ex go through ANY adjustment of status? Does she have a green card NOW ? I thought you had to fill out G-325A on yourself, which would include prior spouses with Alien Registration Numbers. Yes, she did go through adjustment of status and she does have her green card now. I did fill out a G-325A in which I did put her on it. - Joe
  7. Thanks for the link. As for getting the letter notarized, there is no con to it....as far as I can think of. It would relieve any doubt of authenticity, in my opinion. As for the "why", I agree with you. Thanks for the advice. Best wishes for you both. - Joe
  8. Great advice. I'm sure I can arrange that with my EX. I'll get to work schooling my SO with all the possible Q&As. Thank you much! - Joe
  9. Great advice. Thanks. I'll start doing the same. We'll we want to bring her over here first, then get married, but I can see your reasoning here. I actually met my SO while I was still married, but seperated. Not "legally seperated", but not living together and planning on a divorce. Divorce is now finalized. Will do. I have most of that information already from the divorce. So, I can make a cheat sheet for my SO and will help prep her for any questions. Kinda sneaky, aren't they?? Definitely appreciate the awesome advice. Thank you much! I thought the letter from EX would be inappropriate as well, but I didn't really know if it was needed. I'll follow your examples and suggestions. Best of wishes and happiness for you and Jin. Glad to hear you made it thru. - Joe
  10. Will do. Thanks. Trying to read/study as much as I can on the topic to help alleviate the fears of my SO and to help prepare her for the dreaded interview. - Joe
  11. Yes. She came to US on a work visa. We met during that time and married before her visa expired. I did not petition an I-129F for her. - Joe
  12. Question about preparing for visa interview: I was married before....and my SO is very paranoid and scared that the visa officer will ask her about my ex-wife. Reading the forums on 001, she says she will need every piece of information about my ex-wife...even me asking my ex to write a letter of support for us to submit to the visa officer. Is all of this really needed? Will the visa officer ask her in-depth questions about my previous marriage? I really don't think so, but she says they will. Advice and suggestions, please... Thank you. - Joe
  13. I've flown JAL when I went to Japan. It's exactly like your mother described. Awesome service, extremely courteous, personal TV, lots of leg room, great meals. Definitely recommend it. - Joe
  14. I-134 is submitted at interview. Who's previous marriage ? what statement ? why bring GUZ attention to it ? My opinion is dont invite scrutiny you dont need. If benifiaries previous marrige, kids etc.. just make sure you have clear evidence of divorce, custody and seperate domicile (from ex) but dont offer it wait to be asked. good luck The marriage my Sweetie is referring to is mine that just recently ended (see first post of this topic). Basically, she is asking about our personal statements - should we indulge in sharing information about my ex-wife? Or should we keep it simple? "Was married. Now divorced. End of Line." No beneficiaries in previous marriage, no kids, no spousal support. What's her is hers, what's mine is mine. Quick, easy, simple. *Staples Button* - Tonoue
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