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Everything posted by tonado

  1. Bring American Ginseng for the older folks and itouch for the kids (if you can afford it).
  2. Must take a long time to load up the plane. I like smaller private plane.
  3. I have been going to H-Mart in Burlington, MA on Friday. The place is very clean and it has good Korean food. Plenty of seafood selection. Also, I like food sampling there on weekend. However, parking is very tough on weekend.
  4. http://www.boston.com/business/articles/2011/10/24/from_sea_to_sushi_bar_a_system_open_to_abuse/?p1=Local_Links Don't order white tuna in Sushi restaurants.
  5. http://mobile.boston.com/art/35/news/local/vermont/articles/2011/10/25/jobs_for_green_cards_a_controversial_program_expands/ All you need is $500k
  6. Watch out for watermelons in China http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110517/ap_on_fe_st/as_china_exploding_watermelons "Watermelons have been bursting by the score in eastern China after farmers gave them overdoses of growth chemicals during wet weather, creating what state media called fields of "land mines.""
  7. So do you want to move to China? http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/04/28/china.census/index.html?hpt=Sbin "The population of the second largest economy in the world shot up by 73 million people over the past decade, up 5.7 percent to 1.339 billion in November 2010 from 1.27 billion in 2000, according to new statistics released Thursday by China's Bureau of National Statistics."
  8. I never see one in the wild. Probably they are found in the South. There have been several anecdotal reports of leprosy in humans who have handled, killed or eaten armadillos. No more hunting them. http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/04/27/armadillos.spreading.leprosy/index.html?hpt=T2
  9. Good luck with the surgery.
  10. Marrying someone from a different country or culture is full of compromising. There shouldn't be a set percentage of compromise between the couple. Every couple is different. Using the term "Manipulation" sounds so evil.
  11. Funeral was done earlier today (Friday). We use a Chinese Funeral home and they did a great job. However, lots of Chinese custom was observed. The police escort was great too. Thanks everyone again. Life will be normal again.
  12. Thanks everyone. Yesterday my dad and I met with a Chinese Funeral Director (from a Chinese Funeral Home) in Boston. Rather than going with an American Funeral Home, my dad wants a Chinese style one (a simple one - no offering or incense), The arrangement is all set (funeral will be Friday). These few days, we are gathering stuffs (to be buried in the casket) for my mom. My dad told me one family member gave her deceased mom a Mah Jong (because she loved that tile game). Yesterday we bought some new clothes for my mom. I plan to give my mom her favorite Chinese music CDs and Chinese Drama DVDs. Finally got some sleep yesterday. I am sad but relieved that my mom's suffering is over. Instead of buying flowers for my mom, I told my family members (cousins) to donate to the American Cancer Society. Thanks again.
  13. My mom is at peace now. Suffering for a year with oral cancer. Very nasty. She had 6 surgeries, radiation, and chemo. Nothing works. She didn't smoke or drink alcohol. She didn't like dentists which might be the cause of her death. If caught early, it might have save her. Moral of the story: Dental care is very important. And most Chinese people don't think like that. Make sure you persuade your love one to take care of the teeth.
  14. This is a good idea. Too many smokers in public places. http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/health/articles/2011/03/24/china_renews_push_to_ban_smoking_starting_may_1/?p1=Well_Health_links
  15. She did a lot for the AIDS charity.
  16. The salt market is back to normal. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2011-03/20/c_13788373.htm
  17. Radiation from what in China? From North Korea? Japan's radiation should blow toward the USA not toward China (wind direction).
  18. tonado

    Buying a car

    Diesel cars smell badly. http://cars.about.com/od/dieselvehicles/a/What_is_diesel.htm
  19. Happy New Year. Just had a nice dinner at home.
  20. It is like tax evasion in this country. Don't do it. http://www.wwltv.com/news/strange-news/China-sentences-man-to-life-in-prison-for-avoiding-road-tolls-113610104.html "A Chinese court announced Friday it will retry a farmer sentenced to life in prison for evading highway tolls after a massive public outcry over his heavy punishment."
  21. tonado

    God's Land

    My childhood's friend (Shing Ka) is in this movie. The movie should be in theater soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.imdb.com/video/wab/vi3986753305/ "Inspired by the true story of the 'God Saves the Earth Flying Saucer Foundation,' GOD's LAND is a gentle comedy of cultural dislocation; a bittersweet story about searching for faith in strange places. "
  22. Yes, pain is no fun. Like others, give acupuncture a try. But you will need many treatments before you will feel better.
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