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Everything posted by tonado

  1. Here is the link. http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/12172010u.html
  2. K1 interview is easier because the visa is only good for 90 days in USA.
  3. Don't be shock at airports. --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.cnn.com/2010/TRAVEL/10/28/airline.security.pat.down/index.html?hpt=T1 Airline passengers can expect to see as well as feel new pat-down procedures at U.S. airports over the coming weeks in an effort to provide another layer of security for travelers, the Transportation Security Administration said Thursday. "Pat-downs are one important tool to help TSA detect hidden and dangerous items such as explosives," according to a TSA statement sent to CNN.
  4. http://prostatecancer.about.com/od/prevention/a/lifestylechoice.htm Lifestyle Choices and Prostate Cancer Prevention. Avoid eating too much red meat.
  5. Same here. I had problem with COMCAST but with Verizon FIOS, I never have a problem using my ITALKBB.
  6. Hope this storm will not affect interview cancellation. ------------------- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101021/ap_on_re_as/as_asia_typhoon "The storm's winds have weakened to 110 mph (175 kph), but are expected to build strength over the next two days before losing steam again Saturday, when the typhoon is projected to make landfall in China's Guangdong province, the observatory said."
  7. I know this will happen eventually. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2010/10/16/gay_couples_take_on_an_immigrant_divide/?page=1
  8. UFO likes to go China. Bring your camera. http://www.dotsperiod.com/1258/ufo-in-china-ufo-over-chinese-airport-puzzles-everyone/ http://cnmnewsnetwork.com/127418/video-ufo-sightings-2010-over-china-again/
  9. Be careful if you leave the US too long if you are a green card holder. Good article. Feel sorry for the lady but a happy ending. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2010/09/26/seeing_red_over_her_green_card_plight/?p1=News_links
  10. http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/09/scenes_from_china.html Nice photos.
  11. Maybe we should start a camp about marrying foreigners. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703720004575477551294055336.html?ru=yahoo&mod=yahoo_hs
  12. Avoid house with wet basement, especially if it has a finished basement. Too much work during heavy rain storm.
  13. http://hotfile.com/dl/66881018/87ab301/AFTERSHOCK.mkv.html
  14. At least she didn't say she gave up the process. Good luck.
  15. Hope no loveones from Candles are affected. ------------------------------------------------- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100823/ap_on_re_as/as_china_floods "Flooding forced the evacuation of more than 250,000 people in the northern China along its border with North Korea, state media said Monday. Heavy rains over the last several days caused the Yalu river, which marks the border, to breach its banks, although the water level had started to fall late Sunday, the official Xinhua News Agency state media said Monday."
  16. Health insurance for expats in China http://www.startinchina.com/shenzhen/life/health_insurance_for_expats_in_china.html
  17. I remember watching the Food Channel that reuse the same oil is good business in restaurants (good taste in frying). But selling the oil is not safe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100720/ap_on_re_as/as_china_gutter_oil "Recycled food oil is China's latest food-safety scandal that has worried consumers and brought fresh promises of government action."
  18. Speed limit in Montana probably is over 80 mph. Good luck driving in the wilderness.
  19. I was at Home Depots two years ago and the salesman said a lot of return on the portable ACs. A 10,000 BTU portable unit does not provide the same cooling as a 10,000 BTU window unit.
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