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Michael and Manyun

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Everything posted by Michael and Manyun

  1. I am above the guidelines, but something is holding me back. Haven't figured it out yet.
  2. Some move fast, some move slowly. Luck of the draw, I guess. Hoping that you are one or the quicker ones.
  3. Sent by NVC 1/20/06 Signed by stamp 3/15/06 To date///No P3. We have been passed by several later applicants. Luck of the draw?
  4. Glad to hear it. Best of luck to you both!!!!!
  5. Three words... Evidence Evidence Evidence. Keep it all, copy it all, and in the end, be ready to present it all. You have made a wise choice to join CFL. Mike
  6. David, et al... Sorry to ask, but I have seen on various posts what the supposed "shelf life" of various documents is, but have not seen a comprehensive listing, although one may exist. A search brings up nothing usable. If anyone knows of such a list, would you please publish it again, as I am getting to that point in the process. While we came out of the gate like gangbusters, our P3 delivery is lagging behind per your/ShaQ's timeline (very much appreciated). I already have the employment letter, but am now concerned that I may have requested it too soon, based on our early success. I am thinking that I can back it up with more recent pay statements, so I am not too concerned about that. But I also like to have all of my ducks in a row in advance ( it's an Engineering thing, I know). I may have to boot a few of them duckies back if I get started too soon. Thank you in advance. Mike
  7. Sounds like you have a good idea. Best of luck with it.
  8. Also went through Nebraska. Please refer to my signature.
  9. I was becoming concerned since he suddenly dropped out of sight. Thanks for the info, Rick. I hope that he comes back with a full report.
  10. How sweet it is!!!!! Please report back when you can. Mike
  11. On the other side of this is the problem we might encounter. My SO has full custody of her daughter. Her ex-husband has no knowledge of our intentions, and will not know that they are gone until the move has happened. He is a very viscious and hurtful man, has no interest in his daughter, and was abusive. IN MY OPINION, if the ex doesn't need to know, leave them out of the picture entirely. They can do a great deal of harm, physically and emotionally.
  12. "Are they doing something special or is this just a come on to get your money and then blame the USCIS for them not being able to meet the timeline?" A "come-on" doesn't even begin to describe the email you received. Mike is right. They don't mention specific countries, and thereby avoid boxing themselves into a corner with their claim. We can only wish to receive the same treatment as those from other countries. The inequities are outrageous.
  13. Rick: I would like to suggest some others to write in your search for someone to help you and Yanlan. I have had good results from contacting my congressman. They have a smaller number of constituents than the senators and I have found them to be more inclined to help. It is their aides that will do the work, so if you contact their office, get the aides attention, they are more powerful than most people think, especially in something like this. The only response I have ever gotten from a senator is a polite note that accomplished nothing. But in today's environment you might find a democrat that would enjoy stirring the republican pot. It seems to me that your whole case is now totally in the hands of the State Department and I would spend most of my postage on letters there. I would start with the guy in charge of the visa section at the Consulate, then the Consul General, then the Ambassador in Beijing, and right on up the line to Condi. I believe you can find many other names here in the forums. Take your time with each letter, never more than one page. You can attach supporting documents but only if you think it is absolutely essential. Make sure you tell them what you want them to do for you, don't just give them history. You are an American pursuing treatment you deserve, a wrong that needs to be righted; not asking for special favors. I have a personal rule in a situation like this: I will never mail this kind of letter until I have slept on it and read it again the next day. I'm sure you know that we are all behind you and wish you both well and a speedy resolution of this case. Hang tough, Greg 211126[/snapback] I agree with Travelers, who wrote, " I have a personal rule in a situation like this: I will never mail this kind of letter until I have slept on it and read it again the next day." Choose your words carefully. Keep the emotion and the drama out of the correspondence. I think it should read like a business letter, clear and to the point. Don't ramble, and use a spell-checker. Believe me, a good letter can speak volumes with the right verbage. I do them as part of my job, so I speak from experience. I also agree with change2marrow..."Maybe you can tell your story to anyone that will listen... even local/national media when you get back to the states. Keep fighting." My gut is full to capacity of the media frenzy regarding illegals. I am so sick of their demands. We are supposed to be grateful for the fact that they came to this country ILLEGALLY, that they use up our resources ILLEGALLY, that greedy employers hire them ILLEGALLY, that we should change our laws to suit them? And then there are honest folks like us, doing our best to abide by the same laws, trying to LEGALLY bring our loved one(s) into this country, and receiving absolutely no sympathy. Rick, I am not being facetious when I say that you have become a focal point for our cause. As Travelers wrote, "You are an American pursuing treatment you deserve, a wrong that needs to be righted; not asking for special favors." Don't be afraid to ask for help either. I am sure that other CFLers, as well as myself, stand ready. Yours is a just cause. Mike
  14. Be prepared for one of the most frustrating periods of your life. But keep your eyes on the road ahead, watch out for the pitfalls, and above all, keep the word "evidence" planted firmly in your brain.
  15. Rick, I can't imagine how you feel right now. In the end, perhaps some sense can be made out of all of this, perhaps even some valuable lesson for others once all of the details come out. But for now, words cannot adequately express my disappointment for you. Perhaps once you recharge and regroup, you will surpass this injustice, and bring Yanlan home.
  16. Congratulations, Jesse. I hope to tag along on your coattails.
  17. Hope you both get some sleep, and wake up to the best day of your lives in the morning.
  18. Well, Jesse, we were neck-and-neck there for a while,but you've passed me by. I called DOS this morning (could barely understand the woman...thick accent). I'd love to say that we are "Opened", but we are not. And so the waiting continues......Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. That's what we ALWAYS do.
  19. Jesse and David...thank you both. You guys are key players on CFL in my book. And, you have both PM'd me out of the blue to offer comments and support. Reinstituting the timeline is nothing short of fantastic. I have tried with very limited success to manually check other signatures, but I just don't have the time or patience. What you guys are doing is a great service to the rest of the members. And now, I can readily see that Jesse and I have already been passed by regarding the receipt of the P3. I called DOS 3 times last week. On Monday at 11:00 a.m. EDT I got the message that they were closed that day. On Tuesday at 1:30, same thing. On Thursday at 3:30 I got through, but was told that my wait time would be at least 20 minutes. My boss walked into my office, and that was the end of my wait. I will try again this coming Monday. Again, a heartfelt thanks for giving up some of your free time to help the rest of us out. Michael 209177[/snapback] Call DOS at 8:30 est and you won't ever wait for more then 5 min. Also dont forget they are closed for lunch. 209263[/snapback] From 11:00 until 1:30? I don't think so.
  20. Jesse and David...thank you both. You guys are key players on CFL in my book. And, you have both PM'd me out of the blue to offer comments and support. Reinstituting the timeline is nothing short of fantastic. I have tried with very limited success to manually check other signatures, but I just don't have the time or patience. What you guys are doing is a great service to the rest of the members. And now, I can readily see that Jesse and I have already been passed by regarding the receipt of the P3. I called DOS 3 times last week. On Monday at 11:00 a.m. EDT I got the message that they were closed that day. On Tuesday at 1:30, same thing. On Thursday at 3:30 I got through, but was told that my wait time would be at least 20 minutes. My boss walked into my office, and that was the end of my wait. I will try again this coming Monday. Again, a heartfelt thanks for giving up some of your free time to help the rest of us out. Michael
  21. Oh yeah, by the way... Good Luck with the interview.... Mike
  22. I am sorry that I didn't know you were on your way to Nanning. I was there until April 7th, and pushbrk (Mike) and his lovely wife spent an afternoon together. Hope you have a great time. Mike
  23. I think the bottom line here is that your son CAN accompany your SO to the US with the necessary paperwork and an interview, up to one year later. This is irrespective of your answer to 21A. GUZ will leave this door open. As long as your SO's paperwork is complete, she will be scheduled for an interview, and your son MAY attend, but doesn't have to if he is not going. If the GUZ asks for additional information, provide it. Otherwise, all you can do is to stock up on Cheetos. All DOS can do is relay what they see on their computers. Official notification of anything will come from the GUZ. 205457[/snapback] Unfortunately if there is a question about 21a they will stop all processing until the question is answered to their satisfaction, in our case we got held up about 7 weeks and I was fortunate in receiving an email from them instead of waiting for a letter. GZ usually leaves question 21b open for children just in case things change and I'd bet that saves them a bunch of grief in the process. I do recall a number of people having problems a year or so back with the children not being included in the P-3 and now it seems to be reversed. 205462[/snapback] We, the honest and law-abiding citizens have to wait for nine months to two years to legally bring our immigrant SO's into this country. Why don't we just sneak them over the border, wait 2 years, and let them become citizens the "Republican" way?????? Ok, I am jet-lagged and crabby to beat hell, but ya know what? The satisfaction of working within the system and getting her and her daughter here will be well worth it. Ahhhh, the school system. I feel another headache coming on....
  24. Ok, here is a good question then. If I send a fax to GUZ from the usa, will there be a huge charge? I dont have a fax machine but there is on at my office. Will I need to call long distance to do it? 205207[/snapback] I just looked back at my phone bill. I sent a follow-up fax to GUZ after sending them an email about my SO's change of address. I have one of them new-fangled 4-in-one machines...copy/print/scan/fax. Cost of the call was $6.40. Add in the Recovery fees, taxes and the bottle of water the person was drinking at the time the fax arrived, and the total was $8.70. It was a one-page fax, but I was billed for one minute... Mike
  25. One quick trip to Office Depot was all it took, and a few extra minutes. I don't see any big deal about it, the package was neat, organized, and things were easy to find. It made me feel more at ease. Why buck the system on such an insignificant issue? My package sailed from NSC to DHL. NOW I am on hold..... I ain't 'fraid a no gov'mint. I'm afraid of the civil servant with a stick up his, ummm...well, you get the idea. Why tick someone off and get sent to the bottom of the pile?
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