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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. I thought it was Ernest T. Bass. Ernest Tubb probably died before you were born. He was a country music biggie back in the 40's & 50's. Actually, when I was a kid, my parents listened to alot of Country music and we always watched Hee Haw and anything having to do with The Grand Ole Opry. So I remember him from that plus just about any C/W awards show in the last 40 years mentions him at some point. He was very well thought of among his peers. I did see more of Ernest T. Bass though.
  2. Congrats to you both Michael! I have to say your attitude and confidence through this whole ordeal has really been an inspiration. You really kept your eye on the ball and didn't whine or feel sorry for youself. You just knuckeled down and did what it took to get through. You really earned your pink slip. Best of luck getting yourselves back here and much happiness in the future.
  3. A big CONGRATS to you both Steve! Hopefully we'll be right behind you.
  4. Nice avatar. Two of my favorite things...a dog and a lovely lady.
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!! I hope ours goes as quick and painlessly.
  6. Man! There are a shitload of members on 001. I had no idea.
  7. She has a license in China but hasn't driven in quite awhile so she's a little nervous about that. I've reassured her that driving in Plainfield, Illinois is MUCH different that driving in Shanghai. I'm very lucky in that she speaks very good English. I think it's the biggest factor that allowed us to bond so quickly and get to know each other so well. Of course themore she speaks the better she gets so once she's here I don't see that being too big a problem. She doesn't have any relatives here but has a friend in Ohio that she keeps in contact with so that will help some. I agree that since your SO is a no on all those factors it will be more of a challenge. But I think it's a challenge that will help both of you grow together and strengthen your relationship as you'll be going through it together and have each other to lean on. I also think it's smart to take as much of the 90 days as she needs to make sure she can make the adjustments that she'll need to make. It sounds like you've got a pragmatic attitude about everything so I'm sure you'll make the right decisions. Good luck to both of you.
  8. Thanks Jim. My concern was whether it took awhile to actually get into the waiting room. Sounds like it doesn't. Takes no time, really.....there was a long line of Chinese waiting to be admitted through security; as an American Citizen, you just walk past this line and enter the security area, state the reason for your visit(pre-screening for security on the lower floor before you get on the escalator leading up to the floor the Consulate is on...by the coffee shop), they take your phone, etc, you walk through the airport-type detector, and enter the waiting room....get a number....wait your turn....I waited about 30 minutes before my number was called, they give you a form to fill out when you get your number....you write your questions on the form, case number, etc.....but you are not limited to the questions on the form....the VO who waited on me looked up our case in the computer, made an entry showing I attended ACH, and answered all my questions without any rush...he was very open and friendly.....young American male...I did see a couple of older American women who seemed like "burnouts" to me...they seemed kinda brusque with the people I observed them servicing.... The VO I spoke with did tell me that the visit to ACH shows up at interview time..... Steve Thanks Steve. This is good info to have when I go.
  9. Mine was sent on 6/11 and I still haven't gotten any hard copy letter from NVC. I think we're safely within the normal range.
  10. Thanks Jim. My concern was whether it took awhile to actually get into the waiting room. Sounds like it doesn't.
  11. "from 14:30 to 15:30pm." Has it always been this short of a time period for ACH? Doesn't seem very long. Could people conceivably be shut out if there's a crowd?
  12. Dang, beauty and brains. Very powerful combination. And unpretentious. takes one to know one --- picture removed by request. These comments got me to thinking... Has anyone ever met a pretentious Chinese woman? I haven't. Met plenty of American ones though.
  13. Actually its worry since this is my first marriage. It is a big deal pulling her away from country and faimly to come all the way over here just for me.I live a quiet life in the country and drive into the city every day to work. Don't know how she is going to adjust to not having a million people around her every day and not be able to walk to a store or understand the telemarketers calling on the phone. Your situation is almost identical to mine. First marriage for both of us. I too worry about yanking her away from everything she's known and loved her whole life and bringing her to a totally new/strange place. I'm in the burbs, not the country. But it may as well be for someone who's lived only in Shanghai and Shenzhen, two of the largest cities in China. I worry about all that every day. When I bring it up with her,she's quick to reassure me that she's coming here because she wants to be with me and be a part of the life that I live. I believe her when she says that, I don't have a choice. And I believe she will come here and do everything she can to be happy and content. And I'll do everything I can to make sure that happens. Nothing's guaranteed. But if you've done all you can to make sure you two are compatible and that you belong together before she gets here, you're off to a great start. After that you just be yourself and do all you can to make her happy and comfortable. You're both making a huge leap in your lives. She understands what's involved or she wouldn't have come so far with you. Trust her and trust yourself. Best of luck.
  14. I can't find it. But if you Google "american overstays visa china", the fourth entry is TB's post.
  15. CONGRATS kangjie!! I'll bet it's the best nervous you've ever felt huh?
  16. Paula, you crack me up. But she wasn't kidding Dave! She was being absolutely serious. My wife told me the exact same thing.
  17. Those guys could've just trolled Candle for a few months and saved themselves whatever research time and money they spent.
  18. Hey Lance. You could have sent that bad boy to me and I would've hand-delivered it to the lock-box. I would've had to drive though. Chicago's a little far for a bike ride carrying a 10.4 oz package. Good luck my friend.
  19. Thanks Happy. That sounds like the amendment to the passport that Carl mentioned earlier. I didn't think about it having to be the Chinese Consulate/Embassy we would need to go to for it. Thanks for that additional nugget.
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