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Everything posted by Urkidding

  1. Just like to the one I found in my fortune cookie last night after that fine Chinese dinner... it said:
  2. Larry, I hope you didn't worry yourself sick to the point of ulcers and major headaches. Like many other people before you I'm am sure those people behind you will benefit from this. Welcome back to America!
  3. Doug is right Carl, You have done a tremendous job here and someone like myself who loves to do woodworking, I would have never taken up a project like this. Growing up and teaching myself to play the guitar was an ambition that I always wanted to do and I was able to do this early on in my teens. I also taught myself how to tune my guitar by “ear”. I take my son to violin lessons and the instructor who is a Doctor of Musical Arts or has a doctorial academic in music (Ph.D. in music ) has many years of practice which allows him to pick up almost any instrument and start playing. I have watched him from afar when he picks up my son’s violin and will tune it by ear. If he will be accompanying him on a piano, he will tune the first string with the piano and do the rest by ear. Several of you know that violin frets are put on with stickers and it’s a tricky process, especially compared to guitars. Which gets me back to the first subject – Guitar tuning. Tuning a guitar can actually be easy but you do have to have a knack for it not only having some experience but actually having an ability to distinguish between musical notes. It’s been a while since I actually picked up a guitar and played but it’s like riding a bicycle, you never really forget but the older you get the less balance you have. If you practice and play all the time you really never lose your balance. Have you ever heard someone singing with head phones on and it sounds terrible? This is called monotone or “monophony”. They are not tone deaf but just horrible singers like me. There are several notes or tones and with these people that they don’t change in the musical texture and keep it on the same note and if you are sitting next to that person you want to pull their headphones off and tell them how bad they sound. Do you know how many people in the world are tone deaf? We will get back to this one later, but take the 6 minute and see if you can test your musical skills. I did and made a 73. You will be surprised on how you mind and ears can play tricks on you, especially if you have musical expertise. Oh yea, getting back to how many people are actually tone deaf – only 4% of the general population are actually tone deaf. Now what did you say?
  4. Urkidding

    Xmas in China

    I'm sure it didn't cost that much back then either! Cost of '12 Days of Christmas' tops $107,000
  5. Nice trip. I traveled down the autobahn before and also down the Rhine river, traveled through the heart of Europe on a train and lived in Greece on the Aegean sea for several weeks. Ate some of the finest seafood too! Anyone who's been to China and has never been to Europe needs to go once in their lifetime. It's a whole different world over there. I wish I was going. Maybe next year. Enjoy your trip!
  6. My B-I-L came here and wanted his picture taken with my 45. Even though he had all kinds of access to guns in China through poltical positions, I'm sure he never got his picture taken with one. This was his chance and he was smiling BIG!
  7. Carl, it takes a lot of guts to air out your laundry so the public can view it. But basking in the glory is even better and winning to right to do so. I almost reminded me of when I quit smoking and decided to find a Chinese wife. It wasn’t easy (finding the right wife) but the rewards were even greater. Congratulations on another milestone and may you live a long life my friend.
  8. Unkie Chop Suie is right..ya gotta kiss it to break tha ummm... smell...spell and make it sexy!!!! http://i49.tinypic.com/2uivec0.jpg See, that's all the toad needed to look sexy. I can only guess Larry Flynt kissed him to make the transformation....probably because he couldn't roll away in his wheel chair quick enough. Anyhow, Toad boy looks a wee bit horsey in the face now but much better than before. Now.....the horse? Somebody outta shoot that ugly creature and put it out of it's misery. WhooWee, I've seen pigs that look better than that old nag Got to agree with whoever said looking at that overfed clown you can't help but think about the starving masses he rules. Some folks don't get any breaks. May Frog Boy die on his dinner. tsap seui Thanks for the laugh cuzin' Andraw Oh heck unkie Chop Suie...i waz just horsen around
  9. I hate birthdays because it only reminds me of how old I am getting. But in light of the fact that we are all getting older, CFL has been a becon in the dark helping many of those that needed the direction and service to make their dreams come true. I really never needed any help here since my wife was already here when I joined, I was always willing to help those in need or just help pass the time while they waited. We all exchange stories, jokes, pictures and made fun of each other. Don was always wacking our butts and putting us in the corner like little kids. I will speak for a few of those who are no longer with us such as “Skibum” aka Ski and “Sleepless in Houston&CQ” aka Bobby. Those guys had the dream that many of us had and that was to marry a woman from China and live the “dream” Even though they made their dreams come true, their lives were cut short by reasons unknown to us. With Carl’s permission I would like to dedicate this 10 year re-union to those who are no longer with us but had the dream that CFL carries on today! May they rest in peace!
  10. So where the hail have you been? Playing dodge "mop"?
  11. I think I can learn Chinese this way! http://i50.tinypic.com/6fbbxf.jpg
  12. American-made nutritional supplements — multivitamins, fish oil, cod liver oil, gingko extract and ginseng root — are popular. Ginseng roots grown in Wisconsin — packaged in boxes that say "American" and feature the U.S. flag. Foreign cosmetics — such as Lancôme and Clinique, drugstore body lotions, even lip balm — also are welcome gifts, as long as they're not made in China. Dried cranberries or blueberries, pistachios or macadamia nuts, chewing gum and big jars of strawberry jam and honey or even peanut butter I gave my father –in-law an electric razor he loves it. Someone else mentioned Zippo lights but I was told not to because they want father to quit smoking. Leatherman tools, toothpaste, collections of state quarters and $2 bills showing the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Take the little chocolate candies for children – always a great hit!
  13. Unkie Chop Suie is right..ya gotta kiss it to break tha ummm... smell...spell and make it sexy!!!! http://i49.tinypic.com/2uivec0.jpg
  14. YUPPPPP! Life is like a box of Chinese wymen! You never know what you're gonna get but in your case... you did'nt pik the one with the nuts in it! Congrats Chop Suie and carry on the adventures psssttt... I have a hanging wiker chair fer sale if ur interested in it...circa 1970's model
  15. Growing up as a child our family use to go to Galveston Island quite often on the weekends and we would pass an old battery box used during world war II. It was used to defend the island during the war days since the port was used to bring in goods from all over the world and that it was used as a vacation spot for a lot of the returning soldiers. http://fortwiki.com/Battery_AMTB_-_Galveston_Seawall During the war a German U-boat had traveled up the Mississippi river and sunk several freight boats, so it was know but not published that U-boats stalked our southern coasts during the war. The reason it was not published was that the government did not want to cause any panics during that period. Some good books were written afterwards to solidify those accounts. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0890966486/qid=1122167259/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-5836993-1855931?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
  16. Americans have soccer moms and Chinese have tiger moms. When your wife spends 1-2 hours every evening with her child doing homework – then you have a tiger mom. Are Chinese Mothers Superior, you bet they are! Read about it from Amy Chua as she explains what and why her kids could and couldn’t do. Even her kids complained until they grew up and understood the significance of why their mother did what she did. An interesting article when you compare the difference. I have to give my wife a lot of credit… but I do feel for the little guy when it comes time to practice the violin. Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior
  17. WHAT! Your wife didn't come with an instruction manual - 1st Edition,Volume 1 of 24...it sez right here, do NOT turn on ceiling fan unless it's an emergency and house is on fire!!!!! http://i41.tinypic.com/166x0zm.jpg
  18. If I could get the same gas mileage out of my car that she gets on one inhale/exhale... we would be rich!
  19. Sure you can...only if you post them here...! We took lots of pics before during and after the ceremony!
  20. My wife became a US citizen a few years back. She¡¯s probable more patriotic than most other Americans, especially when it comes to voting. One of the biggest deals for her once she became a citizen was to vote for the Presidency. Now Chinese will be one of the languages offered in the (Houston, TX) Harris County voting booths. County officials say the Chinese population has grown by 24 percent since the year 2000. How many other places in the US offer Chinese as a language in their voting booths? Just curious!
  21. Tsip, stap, pist, past...it's all the same to me Douggie. The last time I was serious was back in 19 and 62...that experience showed me that the main thing is that we all have a good time and laugh a lot as we make our way through this wacky life. I found the name tsap seui inside the decoder ring I got out of a box of Extra Chocolate Kap'n Krunch cereal. After I woke up on the floor from the sugar buzz the cereal gave me, I looked inside my new decoder ring and saw the name. Didn't know what it meant, actually thought it was a coded message from David Bowie's Spyder Men on Mars, but figured it would be a good stage name on Candle. tsap seui Mr. Chop Suie... you and I must gave gone to different grade schools together.. . I had one of them rings too!!!! http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f380/tttted/3d_1_b.jpg
  22. Thanx Unkie Charles...Mamma walked the lil one to school today and was impressed with all of the women who spoke to her and wanted to get to know her better. She loves her new neighborhood and all the kids the kids want to hang out at our house...I wonder why? Nice kiddy pool, is that the adult pool in the background? WOW! Unkie Leefisher was here! No.. that there is our lake which is slowly vanishing befor our eyes due to the heat wave here. Due to the heat advisories, Alex is only allowed to swim either early in the morning or after the sun starts to go down. You will be happy to hear that we have purchased our diving equipment and I'm teaching little Alex how to scuba dive for our next trip. Maybe you can join us too!
  23. Thanx Unkie Charles...Mamma walked the lil one to school today and was impressed with all of the women who spoke to her and wanted to get to know her better. She loves her new neighborhood and all the kids the kids want to hang out at our house...I wonder why?
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