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Posts posted by chef4u

  1. Added to signature


    Mike...there was no need to apologize to me in an earlier thread!! I certainly can understand and appreciate your frustration. But, I bet you will know by next week your interview date!! In fact, I'll bet ya a six pack!! But before you agree to the bet, please know that I never lose a "six pack bet"...hehe. Also, as I mentioned before, I called every Monday and Friday. I beleive the Guz does a lot of their processing on Saturdays. Every important package and intertrview news was given to me on Monday. Never on a Friday. So I presume that they are more productive on Saturdays than during the week. Soooo, are ya going to take my bet or not!!!!!! :whistling:

  2. Grats Chef.  When was your "eligible" date?


    I called today and mine seems to be the only one that isn't scheduled yet. Do they only set those up once a week, or should I call every day this week?






    Mike ...they gave us an eligible date on 06/14/2006. So, it took them 12 days to give us the interview date. I used another member strategy of calling every Monday and Friday to get any information. I believe that Guz does a lot of their scheduling and sending forms out on Saturdays. It appears they are very busy during the week days to process any of the schedules and forms. I am sure they do process during the week days. But get a lot of them done on Saturdays. Just my opinion!! It just seems that the P3, P4 and the interview news I received on Mondays and received no news on Fridays. Anyway I hope this helps. :rolleyes:

  3. I don't want to sound harsh,I'm so happy her nightmare ends at last,I'm just wondering why she didn't notice her husband's age on passport and his tax papers before she left china,why she didn't realize it was a big red flag her husband didn't pick them up at airport? what made her?blind?


    I will let you know why I wanted to share my story here at CFL. Because after I got in troublle. Some members at CFL from all over the USA that I consider brothers and sisters tried all of their best to find the way to help me through the police and they did help me a lot. I survive here with their kindness and love and help. I would like to share my story with these nice American people just like sharing something important with my family. But before the case was over, what I could say was limited. Now the case is over and I can tell them all about the story and let them know more detail about what had happened to the Chinese woman that they had help.


    It is hard for a foreign woman knowing nothing about the American criminal history checking system to check a man's background. And it is hard for a foreign woman to understand the American tax paper. And if a man intend to lie, he knew how to avoid you checking him out. He must have filed a lot of documents for getting his passport and getting my visa. But the American Immigration Department even didn't find out his background. How could I find it out? It was really hard for me to learn everything about him if he intended to hide something behind you. I think maybe you are just lucky to have an honest and trustworthy person to be your life partner. But not everybody can be lucky like that. This is why something sad happens sometimes.


    ........as I do not know a thing about China's criminal justice system or understand their tax laws. Is there even one American CFL member who can honestly say they understand China's justice and tax laws? Did we not do the same as our sisters in China do? Do we not put our "blind" trust in our SO's when we visit China? I did with my SO!! We all have only a certain amount of information about our future wives/husbands. We can only hope that we chose the right apple.....not the rotten one in the basket!! What happen to Jany is no way her fault!!! There is no way for her to have known about this guy's criminal background!!! As Jany replied...."Even USCIS did not know about this guy's background"....how the hell would you think she would know???

  4. Thanks everybody. It means a lot to have your prayers and support. She is staying in the hotel at the embassy so as soon as she gets out of the interview she will log on MSN and let me know. X-ing fingers. toes, arms legs lol


    We are all with ya..........I got the clapping clickable smiles warming up their hands for ya!!

  5. I also recall that you need to be married at least ten years before any social security benefit could be given to your spouse.


    OOOPS!! I'm bad!!..........sorry guys for the mistake. The ten year deal is if your x's are trying to collect 50% of your benefit. My X fell short of ten years by 4 months....to bad.


    Anyway, if anybody wants to know about a divorce spouse collecting your ss benefits the following is from the ss web site.....sorry for the off topic.


    A person can receive benefits as a divorced spouse on a former spouse¡¯s Social Security record if he or she:


    was married to the former spouse for at least 10 years;

    is at least age 62 years old;

    is unmarried;

    is not entitled to a higher Social Security benefit on his or her own record.

    In addition, the former spouse must be entitled to receive his or her own retirement or disability benefit. If the former spouse is eligible for a benefit, but has not yet applied for it, the divorced spouse can still receive a benefit if he or she meets the eligibility requirements above and has been divorced from the former spouse for at least two years.


    Generally, benefits cannot continue to be paid if the divorced spouse remarries someone other than the former spouse, unless the latter marriage ends (whether by death, divorce, or annulment), or the marriage is to a person entitled to certain types of Social Security auxiliary or survivor's benefits.

    A person can receive benefits as a surviving divorced spouse on the Social Security record of a former spouse who died fully insured, if he or she:


    is at least age 60, or age 50 and disabled;

    was married to the former spouse for at least 10 years; and

    is not entitled to a higher Social Security benefit on his or her own record.

    If the surviving divorced spouse age 60 or over applying for benefits remarried after age 60, or after age 50 and at the time of remarriage was entitled to disability benefits, the marriage is disregarded. If a person is already entitled to benefits as an aged or disabled surviving divorced spouse and remarries, benefits continue regardless of the person's age at the time of remarriage.


    The benefits paid to a divorced spouse or a surviving divorced spouse will not affect the benefit amount paid to other family members who receive benefits on the same record.


    If you would like to receive an estimate of benefits you may receive as a divorced spouse or a surviving divorced spouse, you may contact our representatives at our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213. They may be able to provide you with this information over the telephone. If you prefer, you may visit one of our offices. You can get the address and directions to your nearest office from the Social Security Office Locator that is available on the Internet.

  6. Thank you all for your quick and wonderful responses. I can see that I have found the right website to endure the next several months with those who have first hand experience.


    My sincere thanks,


    Several months???????.........


    :) :P :D


    Time to learn about stocking up on cheetos!!


    Seriously, I hope all goes well for you two and hope to see more of your experiences and thoughts as post here on Candle. Again, a heart felt welcome.

  7. ....I am simply horrified that this happened!! But, your courage and determination to succeed are virtues that are admired and envied by every decent American!! You are truly the burning candle that we all should follow. Thank you for being so brave in sharing this heart wrenching story. I believe that one day Jany, you will be with the man of your dreams. And make know mistake about it, he will be the luckiest man in the world to have someone like you and a wonderful daughter like Cindy. :)

  8. Lilyrose2006 welcome to Candle!!! If there is anything you want to know about the visa process..this is the place!! Also, if there is anything else you want to know about whatever, this is still the place...lol. :lol: Oh, as being a classically trained professional chef, I will be happy to sell you my many ways to prepare gourmet meals using cheetos. Such as a Warm Spinach Salad, garni with Sliced Fuji Apples and Cheetoh Viniagrette to a classical French dessert of Cheetoh Creme Brulee. :P


    Anyway, I have to agree with Lee in sending your package in as soon as possible. Let them respond back to you if they need you to do a new form or anything else. But as was mentioned, please keep all copies of what you sent. In referencd to a letter, well I just answered question number 18 as, "We met in <city>, China during <month> <200x> and we found we were compatible with each other and love each other."

  9. Hank, I too wish you two all the best!! I am happy to read you are focusing on what needs to be done. I can not imagine these feelings of anger and disappointment. I applaud both of you in your courage to overcome any and all obstacles that face you two now. I am confident we will be giving you two a warm and sincere CFL congrats on her Visa very soon!!

  10. If you call DOS today you will find they are having computer problems. She told me the scomputers just freeze up and won't go anywhere.

    Rick and Yanlan :rolleyes:


    Rick, I noticed a small typo. Rather than "scomputers", did you really mean "scum-puters"? ;). Just remember the Southern fix for everything. If it moves and shouldn't, use duck tape. If it doesn't move and should, use WD-40. Call 'em back and tell then to squirt a little WD-40 into the machine. I guarantee it'll go somewhere. :lol:


    Frank...I suggest the "Sicilian Method" a quick slap to the side of anything usually fixes the problem....haha


    I too was told to try this afternoon. :)

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