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Posts posted by chef4u

  1. Patrick.....Welcome to Candle!!!!


    In order to help you, of course we willl need to know why the denials. Once this information is shared you will be amazed at the amount of help you will receive. In addition, I was raised in Chicago. So the other question we need to know to help you is, are you a Cubby or Sox fan. Be careful how you answer this question....haha


    cuz there is a over sensitive member here, who was raised in Chicago, who is a die-hard Cub fan :ph34r:

  2. 1) DISPEL the MYTH:


    merc, we really would like to dispel the 'myth' of the 'black pearl'. Since i have heard of this, I have told Jie three things: 1) You have no idea if the rumors are true, or who this woman is, so do not judge or prejudge. I have seen posts where a black VO went out of her way to help someone get a visa who was inappropriately denied. 3) She could be your VO....so be ready for her.


    Thanks Ken for taking the time to post your thoughts. I hope others will seize the moment by also finding more postive things to say about this woman. GUZ also posted a response several weeks ago alluding to the large number of unfair and slanderous comments made about black women that work at the consulate. I think the best posture for all of us is to take a positive and respectful approach to all of those at the consulate regardless the color of their skin.....




    Ken & jie. I remember reading many of your excellent post on what you two were doing to prepare for the interview. You would post for all of us to see and to learn how you and Jie were going to approach the interview. You had your list, you rehearsed over and over all possible scenarios with Jie. You posted and ask, "...can anyone think of what we are missing". You guys left no stoned uncovered!!! You intiated and excuted a perfectly simple adage of life we all have heard over and over and over. Preparation...preparation.....preparation, is the foundation to a strong positive result. Therefore, in my humble opinion, as ShaQuaNew stated above and I reiterate....it is not the color, the race, the personality or any misunderstanding of communication that we fail in what we do.....it is the lack of OUR failure to be prepared. The first lesson I was taught,many years ago, at Marine Officer Training school, in Quantico, Virginia was....No Excuse, Sir!! Again, job well done, Ken & Jie!!!

  3. Many, many years ago, when I was just a student in a university, I took a class called, "Philosophy of The Beautiful". It was a very strange course. It was strange because we would come into class and just watch picture, slides and soundless movies of different animals interacting in their particular enviroments. Then the same with people from all different lands. Then just stare at pictures of our world's natural enviroment. There was really no lectures or class discussions. Then our final test came. The test had only one question and the following instructions: Communication at its best....is relatively poor. Please write your thoughts. You have 1 1/2 hours to complete this test. If you need more paper to write your answer, please come forward.

  4. 173790[/snapback]

    to find out go to MDBG free on-line Chinese dictionary and you will get all the answers you need.


    How do I find this? Went to a google and no luck. I just type in MDBG so I am wondering that I should be doing something else...thanks sorry for being :lol:
  5. Welllll.........Old cheffy is going to stand alone on this issue. I am going to go to the other side of the fence here. Maybe, just another view point. I do believe that getting one of our fine legislators invovle in a case could be harmful to ones health. But, you have a different connection, unlike most who would seek congressional help and that is you have an upclose personal contact who is a staffer in a congressman office. Depending upon there position, ie; they are the congressman AA or LA you are in a great position. Because they may know somebody who knows somebody that can make a discreat(sp) inquiry into your case and possibly nudge it along. This of course would be done via a supervisor or above type person who would check the status of yopur case. Again, the difference is that you have a connection in a congressman office. So I VOTE, use the connection, if you needed later in the process. :D

  6. Very interesting post above.  Question?  If you do not sweep for the whole year, then we will never lose our good fortunes,right?


    just trying to get out of house work.  I have found my SO can spot a speck of dust on a table behind me through our cams.  Wow, I am learning a lot of what these women can do. :bangin:


    Chefy dude, I like the way you think!! I'm gonna try that no sweeping policy out with wifey. i'll let you know how it goes but i'm pretty sure that if you say i don't have to clean anymore then I don't!!


    well, she can only see so much through our cams. So, I just put all that dirty stuff out of her view. Although, I forgot about the table that she can see. :unsure: Anyway, I got her thinking that I am a pretty organized person and keep a really clean place. Pretty smart guy, huh!! :smartass:

  7. James,


    Said it in another thread but I recommend that you look at the SPECIFIC Forum for your service center (i.e., CSC or MSC forums) at visajourney.com. This was how I knew what dates were actually being worked. The USCIS reported dates are often out of date even when FIRST posted and/or not really reflective of the CURRENT processsing curves.


    Richard...I took a look at visajourney site. I just saw average days between NOA1 & 2. I believe for CSC it was stating 58 days. But, as James states, the touches on our files have been zero. Should we be concern?

  8. "I'm a wishing and a hoping...."


    "That'll be the day when...."


    "oh wait a minute please Mr. Postman....."


    "oh where oh where is my...."


    "Yesterday all my dreams seem...."


    "We are just dust in the wind...."


    Anyway, James these are just some of the appropiate song lyrics that I have been singing. However, I added and change a few words to them to fit the waiting. So, nope is my answer. Can ya come up with some more lyrics.

  9. My wife's name is Lu Li. When we married in Las Vegas, where they will NOT do a name change for you, they insisted she be Li Lu on the marriage certificate. So from there everything we have applied for here, SS#, AOS package, credit cards, etc, etc has been for Li Lu. Now I'm ready to book tickets to return to China this year and I'm thinking Li Lu is fine for leaving the US but what about when we are ready to leave China and the official looks at her Chinese passport, Lu Li, her ticket, Li Lu, and decides that this is not the same person. I have been through a wrong name ticket fiasco in China before and I find that officials there have little humor when it comes to any inconsistencies in documents. Any ideas on this from CFLland?  :lol:


    Simple--book her ticket using the name on her passport!


    But, but...her green card will be Li Lu. Won't we just be transfering the problem to leaving/re-entering the US rather than China??? :(


    Interesting>>> i'm sure this has happened a hundred times. My wife's green card says Fang Ling Minnick but her passport just says fang ling. She ill be going to china in May. In the USA they check tickets against photo ID. I don't remember them doing this on the return in china. I'll use her full name for the tickets. she can use her green card for ID to leave and her passport to come back on????????????? If memory serves they only request the passport when clearing cuswtoms--nothing to do with the ticket!!


    My x was a Japanese National. She had the same circumstances as your wife has on her passport and green card. Therefore, unless US custom has changed its policy, it is the name on the passport that is considered for reentry, not the green card. Also, as Trigg said above the passport name must be the same on the airline ticket and reentry is passport only...not airline ticket too.


    Hope this helps!! :D

  10. We used "Visited her in China Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2004 and introduced to family and friends." Must have been OK since she just got up and asked me what I wanted for breakfast.0„2 :(


    Geez Lee...I must of not answered the question correctly because I only get to watch her make breakfast on my cam :D


    But, it's better than nothing :D :D


    You could always send an ammended form to CSC, I'm sure it wouldn't slow down their extremely fast processing times. :lol:


    Yeah...if they move any slower, I think I will be asking my computer for marriage.

  11. We used "Visited her in China Nov 21 - Dec 4, 2004 and introduced to family and friends." Must have been OK since she just got up and asked me what I wanted for breakfast.  :lol:


    Geez Lee...I must of not answered the question correctly because I only get to watch her make breakfast on my cam :(


    But, it's better than nothing :D :D

  12. Question #18 I-129F...maybe something like the following:


    We met in Beijing, China during the month of xxxx 200x. We found that we are very compatible and love each other.


    The question is asking, "Describe the circumstances under which you met........"


    Therefore, you stated that you met her in Beijing. I would add the month and year in which you met her. Then just a short sentence stating that you fell in love with each other. This question is to show that indeed you met each other in person. It is not asking HOW you met. However, the question 18 further ask if you have not met each other yet, please explain in detail any reason that you and your fiancee have not met in person yet. Therefore, asking USCIS to waive the REQUIREMENT of meeting each other in person. Of course, this would go on a separate piece of paper. Finally, when you send in your petition to USCIS, you should add a separate type statement explaining that you first met each other on the internet. After emailing each other we found that were falling in love with each other. It was decided that I should plan a visit to China to meet each other. Then expalin what your feeling were for each other during your visit and how long you were there. This only needs to be a few paragraphs. Attach all pertinent documentations about this trip, such as airline tickets, boarding passes, hotel receipts, pictures of you to together and etc. I believe you can find more info on this site of what proof that you were in China in the newbie faq area as posted above.


    Hope this helps :whistling:

  13. Prior to having met King in person we had a situation where I seriously considered using his services and would have if things had not changed dramatically.


    In my situation I had complete trust in the man, sight unseen based on others recommendations and emails we exchanged and after meeting him in person I found these recommendations and my first impression to have been well founded.


    We will soon have another round with GZ and hopefully everything will run smoothly, but if ever I need assistance in his particular area of expertise he's my guy!!!!


    At the very least I hope we will have the chance to have a nice meal together again.


    As for the other guy, I don't know him other than a few posts and they speak for themselves.


    Thank you all for the votes of confidence. I had planned to continue with comments on Candle regardless of Mr. Dennis' comments. It is good to know, however, I have been helpful to many other members.


    ...and more to come, I'm sure!!!! :lol: :lol: Thanks King for doing what you do so well. Hope when I am in Guz, I can have the pleasure of shaking your hand!! I was just there with my SO as she accompany me to the airport for my trip back to the US. Had some time to kill, so we stop at the consulate to check it out. Did not know you have an office on the first floor. Anyway of getting that info ..in case all h#$% breaks loose, (or is that info already posted somewhere)? Of course, God only knows when that day will come :lol:

  14. Just read the "rant" too. On another site, I read a paranoid episode with almost similair complaints. However, the ranter was blasting a paralegal type guy who, like King, is an outstanding individual who exudes the upmost professionalism and integrity. I certainly can appreciate and understand set-backs. I have had my share of them as most people have as well. It is however, what we do to pick ourselves up off the ground, wipe the dust off and continue on resolving our issues in a positive manner. I just am bothered to read post where good people's reputations are being attacked with unfactual documentation. The statements appear to be more out of despair and anger. I would like to think that we certainly can use Candle and other sites, as vehicles(sp) to "Sound Off" our fears and our disappointments. But, please not to the expense of good, honest, and hardworking people.


    Regards, Chef Richard

  15. Jeez Richard,


    Out west and on ZZ top albums it's usually called tube steak...


    lol, forgive me for taking you seriously in culinary matters!


    Next thing you know we will be discussing Pearl Necklaces and moved right over to Twisted Candle.




    Sorry James!!! I'll try to be more serious on the food side of things!! But, I could not resist Jesse's post request. But, truly, if I get out to S. California, I would love to try your bbq tri tip and baby backs. Chef is all about learning new recipes.

  16. Darn,


    The other Richard comes around and it just automatically goes to food.


    The posted times at USCIS are often behind the actual processing curves. I found that watching the specific forum for MY service center (i.e., CSC for I-130 or MSC for my I-129F) at visajourney.com gave a far more realistic idea of what REALLY was up!


    Also I think it is the AILA website that often posts a more realistic or current view of processing times than the SC's.


    Signed: The OTHER Richard that sometimes posts stuff about food too! :D


    Well Richard...getting back on topic. Thanks for the info on visajourney.com. According to their site, if I understand it correctly, says that the average between NOA1 & NOA2 out of CSC, (where we are) is approx 59 days. So, I am only four days past that average.


    signed: Richard the food guy :D

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