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Posts posted by chef4u

  1. Hello,


    What's a pipe steak?  My specialty is California Barbeque, Tri Tip sandwiches.  I also do Kansas city style baby back ribs (baked, NOT boiled) over mesquite with a homemade sweet and sour orange rib sauce.




    Tri Tip Sandwiches....oh, you are bringing back good memories of my days in S. California. You can not find tri tip in this neck of the woods. Baby backs....What time is dinner? This waiting for the NOA2 is making me oh so hungry!! :D

  2. He can cook real good,
    but he has a fantasy of others eating everything on their plates.


    Hey guy....they love my food so much, they eat the plate too. :D :D


    When we have the southeast CFL get-to-gether it will be an event not-to-be-missed. Chef, I do hope you have the menu written and prepared cuz time's a wastin....


    yeah....BBQ Pipe Steaks with all the fixins

  3. hi, guys. i have got my P4 yesterday.  :lol:  many thanks for

    tywy_99, Mick, ShaQuaNew, frank1538, cosmiclobster, artmill4 and Chinese Wife!!! you are so nice and warmhearted! i wish everything is smooth with all of you and a happy life forever!

    i can kind of release now. but in mess of preparation.  ;) but i am going hometown for spring festival. so excited about that. also,

    Happy Spring Festival for all of you!  :)


    Congratulations on your P4!!! :D :D :D :D ;)

  4. Ben...saw something like this question on another site not to long ago. I beleive that the above advice you are receiving makes a lot of sense. If I remember correctly, the guy from the other site was involved with his SO for about nine months. Unfortunately, the guy was advised to jump ship ASAP. They thought the guy was getting had. Anyway, my feeling is that you should get and idea of what your SO has in mine for make this a wonderful day for the two of you. I would expect that it would be the same if you were engaged to someone here in the USA. Questions like where are we going to get married, how many people to invite, are we having a reception, where are we going to have the reception, What will the menu consists of, (my personal favorite as a chef...haha), open bar - close bar, music/dancing, (although I do no think that this is customary in Chinese weddings as it is here in the USA). Then, put a budjet to it and see if it makes sense and if it can be afforded. Bottom line.....no pun intended......just talk it over. :)

  5. Dennis, I have a philosophical question to ask.  If one passes the gas and there is no one around to smell the after effects, is there still a smell?


    Not if you burn your drawers. Always remember that after age 50 NEVER assume it is just a fart!!!!


    yeah...roger that!! One thing I learned from my visits to China is to keep those little tissue packs close by :lol:

  6. I got my SO a PayPal Visa card. She can use any Chinese ATM with it. I can deposit money for free into the PayPal account. Each time she makes a withdrawl it costs one dollar. It's worked great for us.


    Debit cards are definitely the way to go. I've read several times on this forum and another that travelers checks are worse than useless in China. Maybe they can cash the check in Thailand when they get there.


    Agreed, debit card is the best way to go. All I have to do for SO to get funds at the ATM in China is make an online transfer at my bank website here in the US - it's instant, free, and no charges for using ATM in China ... hell, life is good, what more could you want? Paul


    I'm with Mike and Paul. My SO has a Debit Visa card in which I just transfer money from my account into hers on line. She goes to the Bank of China's ATM and withdrawls the money. It was touch and go in the beginning as she did not know how to work the card in the machines. See previous thread on this subject. It was my first experience in mop slapping. Anyway, no problem here with AMEX Travelers Checks. Would go to any Bank of China and get the same exchange rate as cash.

  7. We were told that it is ok to do the interview in Chinese. I do not know if that means one has a choice between Mandarin or Cantonese. My SO speaks both. But, I find this simply unbelievable that a person would be denied due to their lack of understanding or their ability to communicate in the English language. Especially, when you considered the lack of understanding of the language here in the States. It appears in newspapers and local news on how poorly our students are doing in English. In addition, the adult population as well. My goodness, we are simply asking these VO's to let us be with the one we love!! My SO communication skills are unbelievably fantastic to the one person who really cares about her......me!!


    After reading this thread.....I and my Uncle Dino will be going to Guangzho for my SO's interview. :phone1:

  8. I will give it a try, just hope it is not the realtor/photo shop/notory/money order store on the rear of the immigration building. I know the have telephones at Immigration and I found one other number I will try, and maybe I can get transfered if it is wrong.


    yeah...I am very sorry Kaige!! I just dialed that number and got a recording that said you have reach some guys office. I presume it is this money order/photo shop you are talking about. Unfortunate when you call directory assistance and these people are listing themselves as US Immigration and Passport Photo. Again, my apologies.

  9. Hey guys! Where are the vinegar and chili with oil in these recipes??? :unsure: And no noodles with it?


    Dan....hmmm....another fusion idea!!! We'll call it Nanning Style, (or wherever the town your SO is from), Chili-Cheese Mac.


    Chefs Note: Sub out macoroni for some good Chinese noodles :blink:




    1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 1 turn of the pan

    1 pound ground sirloin

    Salt and pepper

    2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce -- eyeball it

    1 small onion, chopped

    2 cloves garlic, chopped

    1 tablespoon chili powder, a palmful

    1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce

    8 fat or footlong beef franks

    1 tablespoon butter

    1 tablespoon hot sauce

    8 hot dog buns, toasted

    2 cups shredded Cheddar, 1 (10-ounce sack)


    Heat a skillet over medium high heat. Add extra-virgin olive oil and meat and season with salt and pepper. Brown and crumble beef. Add Worcestershire, onion, garlic, chili powder and cook together 5 minutes. Add tomato sauce and reduce heat to low.

    Meanwhile, boil franks in shallow pan to warm through, 5 minutes. Drain water and return pan to medium heat. Score casings on dogs. Melt butter in skillet and hot sauce. Add dogs to pan, browning and crisping the casings in hot sauce and butter.


    Heat broiler.


    Place hot dogs in buns and top with chili and lots of cheese. Place hot dogs under broiler and melt cheese. Serve immediately.

  11. This is a pretty good crowd pleaser! Will make about 12-14 servings.




    Guacamole with Chipotle Tortilla Chips





    Chipotle chile powder gives the crunchy chips a smoky kick that pairs well with the buttery guacamole. Use ground cumin or regular chili powder in its place, if you prefer. Prepare the chips up to a day ahead, and store in a zip-top plastic bag.



    8  (6-inch) corn tortillas

    Cooking spray

    1/2  teaspoon salt

    1/2  teaspoon chipotle chile powder



    3  tomatillos

    1/3  cup chopped onion

    1/3  cup chopped plum tomato

    3  tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

    1  tablespoon fresh lime juice

    3/4  teaspoon salt

    2  ripe peeled avocados, seeded and coarsely mashed

    2  jalapeño peppers, seeded and finely chopped

    1  garlic clove, minced


    Preheat oven to 375°.

    To prepare chips, cut each tortilla into 8 wedges; arrange tortilla wedges in a single layer on 2 baking sheets coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle wedges with 1/2 teaspoon salt and chile powder; lightly coat wedges with cooking spray. Bake at 375° for 12 minutes or until wedges are crisp and lightly browned. Cool 10 minutes.


    To prepare guacamole, peel papery husk from tomatillos; wash, core, and finely chop. Combine tomatillos, onion, and remaining ingredients; stir well. Serve guacamole with chips.


    Thomas this sounds awesome and I bet it would be great for a Super Bowl Party!! So speaking about the Super Bowl here is another recipe you may want to try.

  12. Kaige...sorry.  I live in Tampa, If I can help you in getting a number it would be my pleasure. :D   But, sorry I am not clear on what office number you are looking for :D


    Richard, holy cow. Do they have telephones in Tampa now?


    Chefy's Kitchen Philosophy: "Communications at its best is relatively poor". Having written that, we in Tampa are trying hard to keep up with the far superior communication abilities you all have over by the, 'land of the mouse'. :D


    The above was written while sipping my third cup of coffee and enjoying watching the smoke rings from my pipe.

  13. make sure your SO donot eat breakfast before the exam. and drink more water before exam day.  my god! i was hungry... almost can eat a whole black chicken! he he he.......

    before I was heard 001 girls talk about exam! they feel GZ hosipital they are sometimes not very friendly. and i even heard doctor tell the girl. said she had HIV. and told she come again to check. the same time. told she donot worry. just chack again........ She was so much worry this. even affect her interview! and she havenot HIV. this things happen 2 or 3 days before her interview. she was very very very scary.......

    so if you can go to your ownself city to chack . or come to shanghai! or give yourself more time to prepare exam!

    Jie  :D  :D


    I am presuming that you do not have to go to Guangzhou for the medical and the answer is no because you all got it done in Shanghai. My understanding is that when you receive Package #3 you get a list of approved hospitals for the medical exam, right? If so, does anyone know if there are any approved hospitals in Nanning?

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