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Posts posted by chef4u

  1. Geeeez!!! you guys were eating waaay to good. Being culinary trained, I decided to make some kraft macaroni and cheese with sliced hot dogs folded in. To make it even more festive, I finely chopped parsley and bam it on top of the dish. Emeril would of been impressed!!... :) :lol:


    note: I can be available next Easter if anybody would like me to cater this dish....haha

  2. Holidays

    2006 Holiday Schedule

    The Consulate is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. We are CLOSED on the following American and Chinese holidays:


    Date Weekday Holiday Nation

    January 2 Monday New Year's Day US & China

    January 16 Monday Martin Luther King, Jr's Birthday US

    January 30, 31, February 1 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Lunar New Year China

    February 20 Monday Presidents' Day US

    May 1, 2, 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday International Labor Day China

    May 29 Monday Memorial Day US

    July 4 Tuesday Independence Day US

    September 4 Monday Labor Day US 

    October 2, 3, 4 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Chinese National Day China

    October 9 Monday Columbus Day US

    November 10 Friday Veterans' Day US

    November 23 Thursday Thanksgiving Day US

    December 25 Monday Christmas Day US




    haha....I wonder if they have any job openings :unsure:

  3. Thanks Jesse and David, very well done ...



    now could you please:


    1. Add a small photo of each individual


    2. Provide personal e-mail addresses available on mouse over in case GZ wants to use this list to give individuals advance notice on a personal basis


    3. Provide a link to the menu of the KFC nearest the consulate


    ... it would be best if this could be done by Sunday afternoon       :ph34r:


    Jim this was..... :rolleyes: :ph34r: :lol: :) :roller:...I am confident that Jesse and David will get on it right away!!!

  4. haha....I remember when I was in culinary school our Asian chef instructor had us practicing all the time. We could only use chopsticks in the kitchen. You know they even make them very long for putting in or getting food from a fryer type wok! The last day we had a contest on who could remove diferent vegetables and beans from one plate to another plate the fastest. The beans were all different kinds and shapes. The vegetables were all different kinds too. They were cut in small and different shapes. I never laughed so hard. Class mates who would drop a bean on the floor had to run after it, pick it up with their chops sticks and return it to the plate. Anyway, I guess you had to be there to enjoy that humor. Well, the winner received from the chef instructor a beautiful handmade pair of chopsticks made in of course, China.

  5. Keep us in your prayers, or if thats not your thing, keep your fingers crossed. Hopefully we'll have some good news for yall on Wednesday!


    I got both bases covered for ya Alec!! Good luck!! Oh, and when you are really stressing.....please revert back to your number 4 point and read it over and over again until you feel better ;)

  6. Lets be perfectly clear here. The question posted in GUZ was NEITHER ambiguous NOR inflammatory. To the contrary, it was direct and helpful, with the intent to confirm whether or not GUZ is having staffing shortages as stated by attorney King.


    Some people don't like asking direct questions. Fair enough. Don't ask the question. Others, out of concern for both their families and friends, will ask tough questions.


    Those that disagree should take the time to read the question posted to GUZ very carefully. Are you concerned that GUZ may have experienced an 80% increase of petitions this past year with NO increase in staff? I, and many, many others are.


    Why did GUZ choose NOT to answer the question? Does anyone know? Of course not. Certainly we all can speculate as to why. I think most of us would agree it's because it may well have placed the one that answered it in the line of fire from their superiors, especially given the current climate in the US regarding immigration.


    So, what does one do? Quit asking the question altogether? Perhaps the more passive types may. I think the question is a good one that both needs to be asked and verified for the reasons stated so clearly by King.


    Drawing attention to a staffing shortage at GUZ won't help those of you that already have your visas, and likely won't help those that are well-along in their process. Drawing attention to a staffing shortage at GUZ will make many in Washington uncomfortable, and do what they can to spin it in another way.


    Some CFL members moved through the visa process from one point to another relatively unscathed, though albeit slow and steady. Others, have had their hearts and their partners hearts ripped out by incompentency and needless delays. It doesn't have to be this way. There are thankfully a few that will stand up.


    This ia an idea I am throwing out for the CFL to consider. It will probably only help the newer members or future members, but it might be something CFL can put its muscle into and get results.


    Recently I got word directly from the horse's mouth that GUZ has seen a grow in petitions sent it of 80% over last year with NO INCREASE IN STAFF.


    The thought is to have CFL spearhead a push with Congress and at DOS to increase funding at GUZ and getting more staff in hopes of meeting the demand of more petitions and improving the processing time.




    They certainly don't have to answer questions about staffing.  I had thought about deleting it since it isn't really a question about the visa process or a problem that needs an answer but I left it there on the off chance it would be answered.  I am not surprised it wasn't.  This doesn't mean you can"t ask tough questions of them.  For instance I have never been quite satisfied with the reply to the question about whether or not the outcome of the visa is pre-disposed.  GZ says no but also says the VO doesn't read the file before the interview.  If that's true then a lot of peoples lives are controled by a 5 minute interview with no prep.

    Thanks Carl. You were quite instrumental in having the GUZ Speaks forum placed out there during the time when some debated that it should be a moderator only area.


    Long time ago I remember taking a few political science courses in college. Actually, I had to take a bunch as that was my major. One such course was Political Theory/US Governement. I remember the common denominator to all the course discussions were the words and meanings of, A Right, A Power and A Duty, (i think there was a fourth...but I forget...maybe one of our lawyer members knows). Anyway, the model would go like this...Jesse has the RIGHT and the POWER to question our government. The government has the DUTY to answer. Perfect, in its theory. right? Unfortunate, that some government agencies reverse this model. My point, I think it is good that we have members like Jesse, who will ask direct and tough questions. The worst that can happen to asking such tough and maybe uncomfortable questions....... is to receive no answer.

  7. Great post guys.....do you ever find yourselves talking to her pictures too.... :P   and you can imagine her talking back.  Then ya laugh at yourself and say some day....some day!


    Now Richard, that is just wacky. :P And....the picture talks back? :whistling:








    (you know I'm just teasing you, ole buddy. :lol: )


    Yo Dennis...what ever it takes to get ya through, right?...hehe

  8. Thanks for the Kudos guys. DavidZixuan is helping out with some code in Excel. We are very limited as to what we can do on this site so we're having to come up with workarounds to make the chart easy to read here, and also easy to manage in an external environment. For those that are code-savvy, you can see that there are a good number of tags used in order to make it look like it does.


    I've developed a spreadsheet for input and analysis, coupled with some code to enable to tags to be where they should. David's helping with the more advanced formulas in Excel, so he too deserves some thanks here.


    I think many would agree that having a single place where we could all click and look at a chart for a particular visa type would be a great addition. Also, having that chart live in a place on the server where it can be updated as our members timelines change. This would be much easier to view and manage over that of an on-going thread.


    I don't know about the rest of you, but I've spent a good deal of time tracking other peoples timelines to see how they compare with my own. We can all get a better idea how long the process it taking for others, and in turn will take for us. While VJ has it's own timeline tracking system, I don't think it user-friendly, or easily readable. The idea here is to have a single place where we can view a sorted history of timelines as they appear from the oldest, to the newest.


    Keep in mind, while suggestions are welcome, we are very limited as to what we can do here. The columns were picked according the the major events that apply to most visas.


    well...here is my ovation to David as well!!! Great teamwork guys!!!


    :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

  9. Anyone that not appearing on the K1 list, please PM me.


    ..-----------------------------------Upcoming Interview Date Table-------------------------------------"

    ..CFL Name..............NVC Sent.....P3........P4......Interview..Type...Pass..Comments





    ".Michael and Manyun....01/20/06..--/--/--..--/--/--...--/--/--....K1....---...None......




    ".A Mafan...............02/10/06..04/05/06..--/--/--...--/--/--....K1....---...None......








    I just want to say thank you again for your time and effort putting this together and maintaining it! This looks great! Although I am always hesitant to make suggestions when someone else is so graciously volunteering their time, one chart for each type of visa (ie., K1, K3, etc.), and the chronological sort of NVC dates are excellent ideas.


    Once we are out of the black hole known as CSC, I'll give you our dates.


    Yo, Jesse....gots to say diito to what Coulter said here!! I really appreciate you taking the time to research and to implement these various charts. I want to say that you are certainly a tremedous asset to Candle, sooooo....please allow me to give you this ovation!!


    :rolleyes: :huh: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

  10. Well, put all the information together for Guz, I hope! Will make the video tomorrow. Will go to the ACH tomorrow too. I doubt any help will come from there, but believe me, I will try!!

    Our overcome date is April 24th. at 2pm. I MUST leave on the 27th, right or wrong. So if there is a rejection again, I will need to do this from the US.

    What a headache. The 2 years I have known Yanlan, I have never known her to be depressed and unhappy. BUT today I have seen it.


    Wow Rick!!! I am very very sorry to see so much trouble for you two!! One can certainly feel the pain. But, please try to stay focus and positive for her and for you. Remember from adversity, comes good things! I believe when th dust settles, you two will be even much stronger!! So, as was Harry's Truman's model, "Give em hell!!" Please give our best to Yanlan and let her know that all of her Candle family member are pulling for you two!! We will not give up until you two are here in the US together....and I believe that will be soon!!! :angry:

  11. Hi guys, my wife and I are new members we will both be sharing this login name :angry:  We just got married in China on april 11th, and are just now learning the process is more complicated then we ever imagined!  Of course, as we love eachother completely, paperwork won't stop us from being together :D 

    Any advice for a newbie?  I should be filing my I-130 this thursday, and I understand that after I recieve the pending status then I can file the I-129f.

    Hope all are doing well!



    Welcome. I am also new here, and I hope I can be of some help as things progress.


    Agape.....Welcome to Candle as well!!! You are helping by continuing to share your ideas and your concerns. Hope to see both of you more on CFL :D

  12. Jess...my man...ya done dids its!!! Looks great!! Really appreciate this effort. The timlines are great as it gives us an opportunity to see what all is going on with other members who are in same positions. It is a lot easier than tracking each individual's signature. Again, great job and thanks for your hard work on this.

  13. Yes, I'm sure camping will be a new experience for her, and it'll be exciting.


    I don't know anyone who ever goes camping in China, so it'll be something new.


    One reason, I presume why camping isn't popular in China, is because people do not believe it is safe. People have been robbed in the woods.


    I once told my friend that I was planning on sleeping outside under a tree beneath the stars on a trip to Macau with my girl. My friend told me not to do that. Although this is usually safe in the US to do, it is certainly not in asia. While you're asleep, someone could have knock a hammer into your head, and rob you while you're unconcious.


    Jonathan...My SO and I were just talking about camping in China. Please look at these beautiful pictures of a recent camping trips in China










    Sorry for being off topic a little. But want to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! Please, enjoy your camping trip in the US. If ever go back to China maybe you can check out this travel site.

  14. wow wow wow!!! Lee, excellent!! I have already sent to my two Senators and Congressman. It would be most interesting to me to see how our Florida Senators would vote. Especially, having a current Senator who is hispanic and Florida has a huge hispanic populous. As well as California and other Soutwestern states. Anybody want to take bets on how they will vote?

  15. Ken...I was just looking at this issue awhile ago. I believe Jie needs to file a Advance Parole document that lets her re-enter into the US. But, I do believe you all need to be married first. I have a friend who applied about one month ago and is still waiting. So, if you have plans in the near future it maybe a good idea to apply asap. This is my understanding of this. This process allows Jie to travel while she awaits for permanent residence, (Green Card). But, I am sure there are many more suggestions or more details about the advance parole out there amongst the members. Give my best to Jie :D

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