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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Yeah, we are going to take everything but the kitchen sink with us when we go to Memphis next week. On second thought, maybe we ought to take the sink as well. They might ask for it.
  2. Tony! Does this mean she is going to start driving in Boston?
  3. Li and I spent our first five Thanksgivings in China. Not a turkey (at least the kind you eat) to be found anywhere. This year was our second one in the States. Had a great time with great food. It was our first, of course, with our six-month-old Salina. She had Gerber pears with all the trimmings.
  4. Glad to be of assistance! And thanks to all for your well wishes. I suspect things will go fine but when dealing with USCIS, or whatever they call themselves these days, you can never be certain til the deal is done. Hard to believe, but we initiated this process in October 2001. That's right folks, been over three years. Now, hopefully, the green card is at last in sight.
  5. Lo after all these 18 months, our AOS interview has finally been scheduled in Memphis on December 16. Well, we had to wait 17 months for the visa, so I shouldn't have expected anything quicker with AOS. We originally filed with Atlanta but, because we live in a town where the Alabama/Tennessee border runs right through the middle of Main Street, we moved across the state line and thereby our case had to be transferred from Atlanta to Memphis. I must say they seem to move a little faster, but not much. Anyway, we are thankful that we finally have an interview and hope and pray all goes well. We will be taking our six-month-old daughter along which should be good for something in their eyes. Would appreciate your prayers.
  6. Tell me about it Carl! We are at 18-plus months since filing AOS and not a peep out of anyone. Li called the 1-800 number last week and was given no valuable information of any kind. Plus, most people have that 13-digit number so they can checks status on line. We have no such number. When asked why we didn't have that number, the 800 person said, "Well, some local centers don't give those out." Yeah, but Atlanta is a Regional Center! So when asked if it is correct to assume that some people get the 13-digit number and some don't, the answer was, "That is correct." "So some people are given the right to check their case status on line and some are not?" That is correct.
  7. Congrats Tony. Glad to hear things went well for the two of you. It is always good to hear when one of the old timers has crossed a hurdle in the road. As for us, we have now been waiting longer for AOS than for the original visa, which took 18 months. We haven't heard a word from Atlanta or Memphis and the 800 number is a waste of time. When they said in their letter to us, received in June 2003, to expect a wait of up to 36 months, looks like they weren't kidding. If that's the case, after 18 months of waiting for an AOS interview, we are only halfway there!
  8. Our prayers and best wishes are with you and Bing. Everything will be fine I'm sure. Now if we could just get an interview. Only been waiting 17 months for an interview....Jeeeeezzzzz!
  9. I may be slow but I am still back there. BTW: Thanks for the PM with the info. I'll see if Li's letter has such a number on it.
  10. You're not going to believe this but it is true. Li bought a wedding dress, and I mean a gorgeous one, white with the veil and everything in GZ for...get this....120 RMB. We still have it and it is in great shape. Good quality. Don't know the name of the shop but as I recall it is a fairly well-know place in GZ. By all means, by it in China PJ. Going to save a bundle!
  11. 4000!!!!!! B) Better start watching your rear view mirror Don.....
  12. The one with Yao is an absolute riot!!!!!
  13. Slowly but surely the pecan for sale signs are starting to show up here in southern Tennessee. PM me your address Don.
  14. I think this is both and injustice and a shame. But it ain't likely to change.
  15. I find it both alarming and regretful that AOS approvals have dropped by fifty percent. I wonder why this has happened? Is it that with the new security checks, carried out for the second time during the AOS process, have slowed things up so much that the centers process fewer applications per year, therefore have fewer approvals? Or do you think this is just a part of the general tendency to stem the flow of legal, not illegal, immigration?
  16. Trying to rack up the count, Mick? Don't worry, I'll go back and delete the dup. Try showing up more often, will ya? I miss seeing your words of wisdom and Poe ramblings. Hope all is well with you and the family. BTW - where are my pecans? I promise I will do my best this year on the pecans Don, but there is one slight hitch. The remnants of various hurricanes, most notably Ivan, swept through this area dumping copious amounts of rain along with heavy winds. Many of the nearly ripe pecans were blown off the trees and literally scattered to the winds. I'll see what I can find. Thanks for deleting the duplicate....
  17. I lived in China for five years. It has its advantages and disadvantages. I sure didn't work this hard over there, had a lot more disposable income and really enjoyed the culture. However, I missed many things like American sports, television, a free press, good book stores. I could go on and on. Then there is the Chinese health system. Ever have a stay in a Chinese hospital? I can speak from personal experience that this is not something you want to do. I guess it is like anything else, it is a trade-off. Li and I have discussed going back at some point to live. But now that we have the little one, those ideas are no longer definite.
  18. I am not sure how this showed up twice. I guess I post so little these days I am rusty. Not that I would double post trying to catch Don. Far be it from me. Seriously, it was a mistake.....
  19. Your lucky Carl. Ours said it would take a minimum of 36 months. It has already been seventeen, one month shy of how long it took us to get the visa back in the Black Hole days. Atlanta is just beyond me. Unbelievable. Because we live in a border town, the Alabama-Tennessee border runs right through the middle of the place, and because we live about a half-mile into Tennessee, we have the option to transfer our case to Memphis. We recently filed formal change of address to our Tennessee residence and the case is now in Memphis. Unfortunately, they are only a few months ahead of Atlanta. Now in to 2002 though. Is this a southern thing?
  20. Coongrats Dave and JM! So, what's the next big test?
  21. Mick my man Yuhui received her green card June 18 We're outta da wood my friend ! At last Congratulations Eric and Yuhui. Really glad to hear you have finally cleared the AOS hurdle. We are still waiting. I think Atlanta is still processing 2001.
  22. I am still around but as Squeak said, really busy. Between writing about 30 articles per week and helping take care of Salina, the old Mickster hasn't had too much time. But now that I see that Don has taken over the No. 1 spot, I will surely have to drop in and at least give chase. How bout a "Mick Whups Don" thread???? B)
  23. Well, we filed fifteen months ago now. Still no interview nor any info from the Atlanta nerve center. Fifteen months! There oughta be a law.....
  24. Great to hear from you Rob. Enjoyed the pics. Our little Salina is growing like crazy as well. And congrats on number two being on the way. Best wishes.
  25. So great to hear from my old Buddy Eric!!!!! Hope all is well and that you are enjoying your stay in China. Good luck with the flag hunt. How's AOS and Miami going? And what did you do to run Ricky Williams outta town?
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