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Everything posted by awch

  1. Well this can certainly be true, in many ways.. but I wouldn't limit it to just men but would say that Chinese people seem to take longer to mature than American people. I think most Chinese will agree with you... It's not a bad thing, just a cultural thing.
  2. My fiance speaks excellent English. And besides that, Asian guys are hot. I've always thought so. (This question again? Sorry Dennis, but this has already been asked and answered at least 10 times on CFL....) I think most people will tell you that they don't love their SO because they are Chinese.. just happened to fall in love with a person who happened to be Chinese.
  3. You must have your own set of experiences that are unique only to you. Is your story posted here? 148739[/snapback] I believe she is refering to being an white american woman married to a chinese man. 148742[/snapback] yes, this what I thought she was referring to, as well. It would be interesting to hear her story. 148744[/snapback] You are correct Gene, that's what I'm referring to. My story? You mean the one about how I moved to China, met my fiance and fell in love?? Not much more to it... you might want to check out my website. If interested send me a PM.
  4. Sorry but I don't see what you guys are talking about. I see happy Chinese men- Chinese women couples everywhere around me. Chinese women that marry foreign men are definatly in a very small, not visible, minority. Admitedly, my own situation is even less visible....
  5. He doesn't like to eat straight up cheese, but if I cook it into a sauce, like when I make homemade mac n cheese, he'll eat it though he doesn't love it as much as I do. He hasn't experienced many varieties yet though since it's hard to get different kinds here. He does drink a lot of milk and yogurt. In GZ we went to an Italian restaurant and he had lasagna- said it was the worst thing he has ever tasted- too much cheese.
  6. Thanks guys. I got it. Last week in China!
  7. I'm not worried about me having any problems, I've flown this same route by myself more than once... it's him, as a Chinese citizen, that I was wondering about..... are there different rules? I have no idea...
  8. Our tickets are from Dalian-Incheon-Chicago. I'm assuming there won't be a problem for him to stay a few hours in the airport.. no visa or anything else needed right? Anyone have experience with this or solid info? Thanks...
  9. I've seen a lot of different styles of parenting.... There is one student who is infamous in the school because his mom will slap him and hit him in the middle of the hallway. Other students will get beat at home if they don't get an "A" on their homework or exams (this is from our private language school.. I'm sure it applies for their "real" school too"). Some parents are the opposite though and will get very angry with the Chinese teachers if their kids don't do well and will abuse the teachers in front of everyone... we all feel really bad then cuz sometimes the Chinese teachers will be in tears. Then there are the parents who let their kids do whatever they want and don't care when we tell them that their kid is failing or disrupitive in class. So... guess what I'm trying to say is that hitting yr kids is something that does go on a lot here, there is enormous pressure for students to do well in school and get high scores on exams. But it's not every family.
  10. No... cuz I don't like Chinese food. I'll be happy if I never have to even see it or smell it again. I don't think Mexican food would work really well here.. it's the beans and cheese. As for pizza in Dalian.. I don't like pizza very much but Pizza Hut is good of course and there was Sally's Pizza- but that recently closed down. We also have Pizza King but it's not that great.
  11. Nope cuz I'm going home on Sept 1. Can't wait... here I come Taco Bell.
  12. If you go for lemon and/or shrimp flavored potato chips, you'll be set for life.....
  13. Deoderant. Dental Floss. Mint Tea. Instant Pudding. Brown sugar. Anything needed for baking such as extract of vanilla and baking powder. Salty buttery popcorn. The kind of face wash and lotion I like (body shop). Snacks like cheetos and fritos. Breakfast foods. Jewlery cleaner. English books. IP Profen. Pepto-bismo. These are the things I miss and can't buy here......
  14. My fiance is very much like this too- He takes his temperature every night and every other week seems to come up with some new disease he is sure that he has. I think a lot Chinese people are hypochondriacs.... Anyways I think you should get yr daughter in for a check-up and she can hear from another doctor that she is perfectly fine.. that will hopefully let her stop worrying about it.
  15. What she said. We talk over any major, and some minor, decisions together.
  16. Cheapness of everything and wonderful public transportation. That's about it. I'm ready to go home.
  17. Sorry, but I just don't agree with this. Staring is rude and most Chinese people know it. I've asked my students many times if it's rude to stare and they always say YES. Also, I've never heard any Chinese person say that it's not rude to stare- only foreigners when they want to make up an excuse for why they get stared at.
  18. I've lived in China for over 2 years. When I first came I would have listed stuff like trash and staring as the things I don't like the most. But the things that have affected me the most long term are different. I would say the top 4 are: Air pollution- even though Dalian is considered one of the cleanest cities in China, I have had a constant cough and sneezing for about the last 8 months I've been here. I attribute it to pollution. Medical Care- the medical care in most cities is horrendous. I suffer from severe migraines so it can be a real problem for me. Cultural ignorance- If you've spent any long amount of time in China you will realize that the huge majority of Chinese are extremely culturally ignorant. There are so many examples of this..... for just one- 99% of people think I'm Russian but come up to me speaking English anyways. Treatment of Animals- this one really gets me down. A personal one for me is food- but that's just cuz I'm picky.
  19. My fiance always washes meat too. Though according to my cookbook, it's not necessary to wash chicken first. Other kinds of meats you can and maybe should.
  20. We are now trying to get our airline tickets booked- destination point is Chicago. But there are several cheaper flight available if we land in CA first- most of them in San Fransisco- and then transfer. Does anyone have any advice on which POE is better? It seems to me it'd be better just to go thru immigration in Chicago, since that's where we'll be living..... any suggestions otherwise? I'd also like to hear experiences of people entering thru Chicago recently. Thanks!
  21. Thanks for the advice everyone. It's reallly helpful.... I don't feel so worried now.
  22. The bank account we'll definatly do. Not sure about the car- he can't drive... does he have to have a license to be on the registration? One of the reasons we're going to Chicago is cuz we won't have to buy a car right away.... at least that's the plan. Money, money money. The bank account is a good idea... any others, anyone??
  23. I have a question about the same address/name on bills thing. We are going to be living with my mom at first- for at least a few months. Will this hurt his AOS chances since we won't have anything showing our names together?? Any advice?? What other evidence can we gather for AOS? Thanks for the list Carl... it's really helpful though we don't have to worry about changing his name. Only mine!
  24. He is insane about safety now. I don't even want to think about what he'll be like when we are living in downtown Chicago...
  25. Mari- great news- I'm so glad that your nightmare is over. Good luck in your new life together! And be sure to put up some pictures of the wedding!!
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