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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Now the real journey of your life can start. Congratulations!
  2. I am an idiot. I should have my CFL membership sanctioned. I should have asked DOS, NOT Guangzhou. My bad on that one. Thanks Mark!
  3. Thankyou very much. I was just wondering because someone from here sent their p-3 a couple days after I did and theirs is in the system. I just want to make sure it is not lost. It was also interesting that "interview schedule" was mentioned. Thankyou for a quick reply.
  4. Maybe they haven't met their quota for the month? Just kidding. Thanks for posting the issues. I have been thinking about trying to get "her" mother here for the wedding. Hmmmm....guess it is going to be difficult.
  5. My SO sent the P-3 on 12-7 and has a return receipt from the mailing facility she used that said someone received the package in Guangzhou by 12-9. I enquired to see if they have gotten it and here is their reply: Anyone have any insight as to the meaning of this message? I was happy they replied within a day but I am thinking this is bad news. They should have the P-3 by now. Thoughts?
  6. Mine was King of Queens. Now I record it for her and put it on DVD for her. I then take the DVD's to her when I see her.
  7. Definitely not a dumb reply. Broadvoice does not go through a full computer. It goes like this: DSL line to DSL Modem. DSL Modem to Router. Router to Broadvoice magic box. Magic box to telephone. No computer is required at all unless you are referring to the router cpu which also should not be a problem as it is not a normal consumer router. It is the netgear fr114p. I do need to update its firmware but am having doubts whether that is an issue. Also, I unplugged all other connections to the router except for broadvoice and it still sounds bad. Thankyou for the help though. Everytime I get a reply, it sends me in a new direction that I necessarily did not think of to try.
  8. Well, I tried opening specific ports but that did not clear up the quality. I then opened the broadvoice box to the DMZ and that also did not clear up the quality. Well, guess I will be calling broadvoice to cancel. Thanks for the input though.
  9. Wow, I was thinking that since it worked, I would not need to open the ports, therefore, I have not. I am at work now and will try it when I get home. Thanks for the thoughts! I will get the port numbers off the FAQ site as I know I have seen them once or twice. I want to try that before I open their box to a DMZ bashing.
  10. I know that some here use the Broadvoice service. For those that don't know, you can pay $19.95 per month and calls to the US and 21 other countries including china are unlimited. Anyway, my question is about quality. I have been trying it out for about 3 weeks and my quality is not very good. Sometimes the call is so bad that I cannot understand a word that is being said. Everytime I call China, the lag at the start of the call is so bad, that the person on the other end thinks no one is on the phone. It is plugged directly into my router and my internet speed is plenty for the service, 3meg down/768 k up. Calling her on Skype, computer to phone, sounds 100 times better. In fact, Skype sounds better than the telephone system itself. Anybody else have the bad quality on Broadvoice? I am about to dump them if I can't figure this out.
  11. http://techhelpers.net/e4u/drink/trink39.gif
  12. Women from differing nationalities/race that I have dated: Ukrainian Georgian (the country, not the state) Russian Black (yes, in the south) Caucasion American ...and last person which is my fiance, Chinese. I have found out that people are people no matter where you are. We all have the same basic hopes and dreams but just may go about achieving them in a little different way depending on available resources, society, and upbringing.
  13. Congrats! http://www.todojuegos.com/modules/Forums/images/smiles/gathering.gif You will be with a big group from CFL.
  14. Since I have been on this site, I have learned about the goodness of cheetos.
  15. Congrats! Good luck in your interview.
  16. It has been like a volcano explosion! Congrats to everyone!
  17. Congratulations! I guess for your it was like watching a pot of water. "A watched pot will never boil." Since you didn't call on that Friday, it was scheduled for interview. Hmmm....maybe we shouldn't bother them weekly. NOT!
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