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Everything posted by Squid

  1. All hail our mathematician! There is no gambling here anymore! http://www.realhorizons.com:90/files/0319.jpg
  2. I guess that means there is no more wait? Direct Linky
  3. Thankyou Nooneufo. Your postings give much hope and anticipation. (If you can hear the old Ketchup commercial singing..."Antiiiicccciiiiipppppaaaation..." You are as old as I am.)
  4. After 2 phone calls to DOS and one email to GUZ this week, my P4 has also not been issued. I am just waiting patiently. My real concern is that this "batch" is over and the next one won't be for another 4 weeks only to present June interviews.
  5. This is what I posted. Is that what you are looking for? http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....d42ade50a4a30f4
  6. Thankyou. I do appreciate the civil discussion. For me, it all boils down to this life question: Who am I going to affect/hurt by my actions? With the route and attitude you have chosen on this topic, you are not hurting the government as you intend. You are hurting everyone else in this process by forcing special treatment on yourself.
  7. Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a flame but an opposite view of the situation. <rant> You are implying that no one but you possesses enough "love" in order to do what you did which was to whine, complain, b*tch, and yell UNFAIR eventhough there are hundreds or even thousands ahead of you in the same line. Will it revolutionize the process for your efforts from one small person? No. Will it push everyone else back in lines that have waited patiently while trying their best to follow the rules? Yes. You need to do some research on the immigration process before you start making accusations that others don't possess the "love" for their SO. If you even took the time to read old posts in this forum that are dated from the very start of this forum you would realize that all you did was to ruffle some feathers temporarily as well as slowing down other's application progress while you become a "VIP" going to the head of the line. WAKE UP! The visa process is a very low priority in a government's mind. We are petitioning the government to allow the immigration of one who is a non-voter and non-taxpayer as well as potentially being: A terrorist A welfare candidate A wife beater A child rapist An embezzler........the list could go on and on. Do I dream of a fair and equitable process that the Europeans and Canadians receive? I would be stupid to say no but it is much harder to gather information and evidence of someone from the U.K. than from China. Although I loathe this waiting that all of us have to endure, it is a necessary evil of the one we picked to love. While I do not accept your actions as right nor do I condone your methods, there may be one good thing to come out of it. My only wish is a need for a say-all, do-all tracking system that the petitioner will be able to review as to the status of the case throughout all processes. Not having the ability to know case status nor expected completion times is the most excruciatingly painful part of this whole process I am sorry that you had to resort to the claiming of a stronger love that you possess which is more than anyone else. I grew to love my fiance in a normal dating process over the course of 2 years in physical contact here in the U.S. For the last 3 months, we lived together as husband and wife would in a marriage. Do I possess a strong love? You bet! Does this process suck? You bet! Buddy, shut the h*ll up and get back in line!</rant>
  8. My projected P4 changed by a month! What's up with that? I miss her more everday. She was my life partner for over a year here in the U.S. when she lived with me. I miss her soooooo much. One of those bad nights I guess. Dammit!
  9. Yes, you are correct. It sucks and is unfair but the rules of the game have already been set. I would say to sit back an just hibernate but that little thing called love is a nagging voice in the background that stresses us out and prevents our sleep. There is no doubt about it that the time will pass slowly and I have no suggestion to make it any better. This is one of those times that you are going to have to call upon your manly teachings telling you to "suck it up." This post is in no way meant to be mean, only a reality.
  10. I will be happy to help: maura harty : hartyma@state.gov Her address: 2201 C Street NW Room 6811 Washington DC 20520 202-647-9576f I wish you the very best!
  11. http://www.realhorizons.com:90/files/image001.gif http://www.realhorizons.com:90/files/image002.gif http://www.realhorizons.com:90/files/image003.gif http://www.realhorizons.com:90/files/image004.gif
  12. That's great news! (Bad news for us. You need to train a backup.)
  13. nooneeufo, I posted my Excel spreadsheet @ p3delay I would love to take the time and put everyone's waittime on it going back at least a year. Maybe this weekend, I will have time.
  14. nooneufo, I pulled all the info you and a couple others had into an Excel spreadsheet, charted it out, then exported to HTML. I then went to the directory in which the html page was saved and grabbed the gif file that Excel had made which is the chart. After that, I hosted it on my webserver and posted in the thread with that image. Sounds intricate but it really only takes a few seconds once all the data is on the spreadsheet. I thank you for being a data resource. I do like the current trend but you have to remember, it is a very small sample of the total visa applicants in Guangzho. I would like to get my hopes up but am trying to keep them down in order to not be dissappointed.
  15. nooneufo, no problem. I was trying to make a graph to see trends. I went back to 5/28/2004 p3 return and made the following graph depicting days from p3 return (by date) to interview: http://www.realhorizons.com:90/files/p3delay.gif Interesting, isn't it?
  16. Again, not to be a lazy critic but this entry seems to be a typo? maxamilagro-------09/15/04-----12/31/05-----02/24/05---162-----179-----173-----171 I would assume that the P4 date is in 2004, not 2005. Thanks again!
  17. I'm sorry nooneufo. My dates were written yyyy/mm/dd and it confused you a little. I have sense changed them around. They now are reflected mm/dd/yyyy. (My P3 is December, not July.) Keep up the good work!
  18. I just saw a clip of "What's bugging you?" on Fox 4 news about a son who's mother dated a former USCIS agent. The clip was aired a couple weeks ago to which I finally got the time to pull it off of my DVR onto the computer. Apparently the son's mom broke up with a USCIS agent to which the agent left behind tons of records, video equipment, etc. from the USCIS. I would be willing to bet money there were immigration application visas in that "lost" paperwork. Well, anyway, the son has been trying to get the USCIS to take the records, equipment, etc back to which they refuse. Long story short, the son called the local news station for help knowing that the records were of personal value to the applicants. Of course, the USCIS denied any claim that they had lost records and went on to tell the news station that they would gladly take any paperwork back. I recorded the news video file into a "wmv" file and compressed it but it is still about 14mb. I don't have enough bandwith to host it without killing my connection. Can anyone help me out? I promise you will be screaming at the USCIS when you watch it. It is a very interesting story. I hope no one's valid application was left in those lost file boxes. Oh, I almost forgot...It is the Texas Service Center to which the story was about.
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