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Posts posted by kkimm

  1. I am not a big traveler but  do know that you have to have a transit visa for that silly Canada.


    you are right! if you are traveling to the US via Canada, say you stop at Vancouver, you will for sure need a visitor's visa.


    What happens at Vancouver airport is that you will actually enter the US inside the airport, and the next flight you took will just be a domestic flight...


    I have experienced that myself, and have to drag all my luggage through custom check points twice: first time exit the Canada, second time enters the US...

  2. I think it was about a year ago that Pres. Jiang went to Iran. At that time the Chinese newspaper said that China and Iran would work to convince Saddam to comply with the UN resolutions.  Never saw anything else about it.

    I hate to say this, but I believe the main purpose of the trip was arms sales if I remember my readings on this ( subs and few fighters ) .. as China, US, Russia, France and UK are the biggest suppliers of that stuff. We just can't stand Khameini, so I guess we didn't send a door-to-door rep... :lol:

    1. The trip to Iran came about the time right after Bush declared "Axis of Evil", I think it is more a show of gesture than anything practical. The trip might invlove technology transfers such as Radar or communication. But I doubt very much on the sub and fighter jets, etc.


    On the other hand, US is the No.1 supplier...


    2. China has its own problems domestically that it has to make sure on the power transition.


    3. The US has been asking China to make moves on North Korea and Iraq issues. China has other reasons to be unwillingly co-op, since the Bush Admin has been very stiff and sided on sensitive issues such as Taiwan, which is generally believed a 180-degree turn from those of Clinton's Admin.

  3. Hi,


    My fiancee passed the interview on Jan 23, 2003. I was told by GZ that it submitted the clearance request on Oct. 23, 2002 and resubmitted just last week on 2/21/03. My question is, how do I contact the DOS to inquire about the status of my finacee's clearance ?


    Any help will be greatly appreciated.





    Call 202-663-1225.. Press 6, then 6 again

    Expect to be on hold a long time.

    Good luck


    This is the only number in the US that does not have music when on hold... :)

  4. I'm headed back over at the end of the month for a one week vacation in Thailand.  Asiana has some decent fares from Beijing to Bangkok but they stop in Seoul (talk about flying in the wrong direction!).  Will Ling need a transit visa for Korea or do the transfers occur before the immigration checkpoint?  I know this can vary by airport and country.



    in case you still want to, Asiana will do the transfer visa for you, last time I flight with them...

  5. Let's do a simple math:



    1. GZ normally processes 400 cases per day.

    2. DOS nowadays cables 1000 cases each day to GZ.

    3. GZ will work one day each weekend to clear the backlog.

    4. "Old Backlogged" cases totals 10,000.



    1. During normal work day, GZ will spend 50% of its capacity to clear backlogged cases.


    Question: How long it will take GZ to get back to processing times before August last year?


    In each week, GZ will process backlogged cases:


    400 X 50% X 5 + 400 = 1,400 cases


    while generating "new backlogged" cases:


    400 X 50% X 5 = 1,000 cases


    Now, assumming "N" is the number of weeks to clear all backlogs, so:


    N X 1,400 = 1,000 X N + 10,000


    Gives N = 10,000 / (1,400 - 1,000) = 25 weeks


    man, that's half year!!!


    If counting from Feburary, that's exactly 1 year for them (conspiracy??)

  6. What kind of check need a six months period ! If it is one of the terrorists, Can you imagine what he will do in this 6 months !, by logical if one name raise alert to them, they should inverstigate it as soon as they can. Do you guys agree me ?




    agree, but if everything has to go with logic, this whole mess would not have happened at all!!

  7. Congratuations to everyone who has received the visa or the EMS! It is truely exciting to see things happening over the past few weeks and hopefully good news will soon come to us who are still eagerly waiting.


    I also hope that with all those who have been very proactive in contacting DOS/CA/GZ getting their visas, our efforts do not fade away, the rest of us should still continue to call/write/fax until all are cleared.


    Congrats to everybody that have finally received the "EMS VISA". Hopefully everything will be moving in the good direction and good news will come out everyday!




    BTW: does GZ still hand out white paper slips these days?

  8. I am not seeing anything MSFT will lose, they probably would be better off make their base code public, given a lot of pressure from companies than have switched to free, low cost software like Linux, StarOffice, etc.


    One of the reasons some people believe MSFT won't public their windows source code is because they pirated code from Macintosh, and other OS systems, though probably by now it's already been covered...

  9. but really, in US, it's very easy to know the range of salaray based on the industry/position/length of work experience.


    if you don't have much common sense, you can always go to www.salary.com to check it out


    there is really nothing mysterious about what one earns in US

    To an extent yes, but how does one know this information about you to be able to look it up? Very few know how long I have worked in a given field, and most have no idea what level the work is. Say you say you work in finance, are you a clerk, are you a manager, are you Sr. or Jr. etc...., same with saying you are 'in computers', are you a help desk person, a programmer, a sys admin, an analist, or a CTO?



    And what about income from assets, I could be working as a pizza driver, and have rental properties, or a trust that pays me. I could have the job as a pizza driver to throw people off from the large trust etc.


    it's being there to be found out or it's been being talked about are two different issues.

  10. Well,  she already knows I guard my privacy in some areas.  I do not tell anyone  all of my finances and such.   We already had some of this converstaion before, and she currently claims that she does not even want to know about them.  If she does now ask about them she also knows she is not to tell others, so if she then tells someone she is breaking her word.  This has made some things harder,  as now I have started to put together a 'emergency' envelope, that would tell her what to do to be able to keep paying the mortgage and such if I was in a coma or worse.  I figure at least the first year she needs enough insurance on me to be able to pay off the house and live without working,  even if she would then probably head back to China.


    As for being interviewed by her family,  I have doubts I will ever meet them, and even if I did I would not be able to talk to them.



    an mutual understanding is very important and that would build a solid foundation for any relationship.


    As Owen said, in China, money and salary is an open topic, for an example if in China one person meets his long-time-no-see high schoool classmates on the street, a possible conversation would probably go like this, which is unbelievable in the US:


    Where do you work now?


    How much do you make each month?



    This is very common. You don't have to be exact, but they are expecting an direct answer.

  11. I just got off the phone with dos.  She told me there was "some mistake."  My wife's namecheck was never resubmitted after November 18, as it should have been.  Here we go again.  You know, back in December and January I asked them specifically if her namecheck should be resubmitted, and they told me "no, it's not necessary."  I'm beyond the point of being furious.  My hands are shaking now as I type.


    Mark - it depends on who you are talking to.


    Eric had a post yesterday and was very obvious it does make a difference.


    If you were told by DOS info line, it could be that they are giving wrong information; you might want to call CA directly to confirm that...

  12. R2D2,


    I think you should reconsider your relctance to send financial statements.  So what if it is not necessary yet?  If your fiancee wants to have the paperwork now, send it to comfort her.  Don't play games with this stuff.


    Sorry if it sounds like I am being critical.  It is not my business but I just want to see all these relationships go smoothly and I sometimes get very sad at how little things build up and ruin potentially wonderful relationships.


    Anything my Ling wants, she gets immediately.  And you know what?  She's never asked for anything.


    Keep the flame burning.




    TP is right, over-preparation do no harm...

  13. We are having trouble getting anyone on the "information team" to answer. It did however occur to me that mabey someone woke up and put them on the "visa issuance team". :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :unsure:  :unsure:


    I think the "information team" is receiving their continuing educational training so they won't give out the wrong information or mess up the computer system in the future :D :D

    I found out that I got better / quicker response if your phrase your email title/ subject in a more "catchy " manner.. rather than "GUZ12345678.. case status ?" or " Is case GUZ1234567 cleared? " ;)

    Remember, thousands of email every week asking basically for the same stuff.. they're weeding out.. So ya got to be inventive..

    here is what my next email will be: ;) :D


    Subject: IRAQ!!!!!


    Is case GUZXXXXXX cleared?

  14. At the suggestion of donahso, I'm posting a list of recent visa sightings:  either a notification or the actual stamp at GZ. Please let me know if I've missed any. I'll repost this as a new thread from time to time.


    This is a demonstration project.  If you would like to track other activity on CFL, just maintain a text file on your computer and repost it periodically.  If you need more details, contact me or donahso or both.


    Question for PJ:  Is there any way to make columns?  Neither tabs or extra spaces seem to work.



    Ying&Vin 2/25 EMS

    David EMS 2/25

    cxi11  2/20 Notice from CA

    skibum    <2/24 pickup

    owenkraut 2/24 EMS

    bbzou    2/23 pickup

    ameego49319     2/24 interview and pickup

    ana  2/20  EMS

    Nicole 2/19   interview and pickup



    onmars     1/30 EMS 2/10 pickup

    nelva      1/30 DOS phone confirmation (pickup in Havana)

    Lurker 1/28 EMS

    markimwaiting   1/16 pickup

    luckybabe      1/15 pickup

    Taoistpanda   1/13 pickup

    I think the format on CPTracker.com is good but might be overkill a little bit. Is it possible to compile a table with columns like


    <Name> <P3 Date> <Interview Date> <EMS Date> <Visa Date>

  15. Just called DOS and was on hold for 45 minutes.  Then a lady said"May I help you?"  Then I said "I need the status of my fiancee" and then the phone was disconnected.   :lol:  I am trying again now.


    I called Friday last week, and made up my mind I never call them again.


    I was on hold for more than one hour and the lady interrogated me on my intentions of this call, very reluctant to check it in her computer, at the end, it takes another few minutes for her to look it up and only came back saying: no, not yet. and wouldn't answer any more questions, like what the latest date of namecheck request, etc.


    DOS info line is just a piece of s**t, don't know where George is these days...kinda miss him...

  16. I've reallocated the "send a certain person to college/help buy a car fund" into the "P.J. needs a new computer fund".   ;)


    Geez, the prices are ridiculously low compared to when I built my last box.  


    Since I am planning on expanding Candle, I figured I would buy a new development machine, so I could have dev box, test box, staging server, and finally production environment.  


    This is scary, pretty soon my bedroom is going to resemble a full IT development environment.  Oh, well.    


    Incidentally, last time I built a machine, I smoked the CPU.  It was pretty cool, almost started a fire.   :lol:  Wish me luck!  ;)


    PJ. good to see you are in a good spirit, here is a website I recommend:



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