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Posts posted by kkimm

  1. It should also be kept in mind that the 3500 may not all be backlogged cases. A number of them could also be current cases undergoing the pre-interview screening process now in place. When Owen and I visited there, Richard Adams told us that of the recent batch of around 1200, quite a few were recent pre-interview clearances. So, while I encourage everyone to be optimistic, I aso encourage you to look at the overall picture. Any batch of clearances now seems to contain both, backlogged cases and new cases. Perhaps it shouldn't be that way, but that is the way it is. :unsure:  :o

    I don't really mind if the batch contains both backlogged cases and more recent cases. My question is that they are still using a "MANUAL" process for these cases? Imagine giving a "string" and another 10,000 'strings" and you have to find a match between them --- :unsure:


    I will write the program for them, free of charge, if that will help?

  2. ....I hope and trust that the outcome will not be delayed much longer.  


    We hope this information is helpful.




    Karla Gentile

    Acting Chief

    Public Inquiries Division

    Visa Services

    Ms. Gentile, Acting Chief of Public Inquiries Division, Visa Services "trusts" that the outcome will not be delayed much longer. Her faith in the system overwhelms me.


    they have been saying that since Nov last year...no surprise...



  3. Nicole.

    Try to find out the nature of the hold rather than the time frame.. They might tell you why, but probably won't know or will tell you a timeframe.

    Contact consular affairs rather than the DoS line for that.

    I am sorry to hear that since you interviewed only a day after us  :(



    To All,.....


    Karla Gentile <--- Is this ne the new "kid" in town ? 

    Acting Chief

    Public Inquiries Division

    Visa Services

    :blink:  :blink:

    Both Lisa Piascik and Kathryn are out of town this week, this Karla must be a deputy, or something temporary...

  4. I believe DoS really mess up their data this time.  


    I called DOS this morning, they told me:

    "your wife's name has been submitted a loooong time ago, we need to take a look at it this time"

    "I don't have a date for name submit"

    "give me your number and we will contact you"

    "we don't know how long it will take, just wait"


    then I requested to talk to an officer.

    she hang up the phone.


    Last week I called, one of the ladies told me:

    Last time name submit: Jan 15, 2003

    Interviewed:            Jan 21, 2003 (that is the right date)

    She gave me a case number.


    Today, the lady don't recognize that case number.


    I believe only prayers can bring our love ones to us, nothing else.


    I had a similar experience just yesterday: The lady was really reluctant to do anything, very slow, it seems she is "lack of sleep" ;) or something, but after I told her the case number, she said to me: this case number is not valid...


    I was really surprised and asked her to read it back to me and asked to check it again. It seems to me, she can't input the number right :( :( ...at the end, nothing new, she just said still pending...

  5. Likewise I have created my own form letter so that I could send out an email a day :angry: till it gets some attention:


    Dear XXXXX,


    I am still unable to get any info/reply from the Consulate at Guangzhou, PRC regarding the case GUZ 2002 XXXXXX that has been pending at the Consulate for XXX months, waiting for security clearance.


    Previously I have asked for an re-submission on namecheck requests, because it's been waiting for clearance since XXXX, and I've seen other cases with similar dates got re-submitted for namechecks and obtained clearances, etc.  I would like very much to ask for a re-submission to expedite this process.


    I'd be really appreciate of your help, and I look forward to hearing from you.



  6. My beautyfull one (Xiao Feng) just got a telephone call from someone at the EMS office wanting to verify her address, she has hope for letter tomorrow. :D  :o  :P  :unsure:  :unsure:  :unsure:


    That happens when they are having problems delivering the mail, and happens to me several times sending express or regular mail to China. At one time, I even wrote down the wrong street name and they were delivered (though takes much longer)...

  7. Aloha from Hawaii,

    I agree with Brian.  Open discussions are important to our American way of life.

    It is very important to me because my wife was at Tienanmien on June 1989.

    Thousands of Chinese died in one night for what we consider to be a god given

    right.  As a moderator you should set the rules for discussion not the topics.

    Myles aka Annakuen'GG

    I disagree, because you don't know who will be reading these posts.


    From what I have experienced:


    In America, a student in class can literally interrupt the lecturer and ask a question, and the lecturer would be grateful if he did not explain anything clear and the student helped.


    In China, a student in class will raise his hand to get the permission to ask a question. It is impolite to speak without asking.

  8. I will be travelling to China next month via Guangzhou, by then my returned P3 will be "aged" in GZ for just over one and half month.  As every Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons there are two visiting hours for US citizens, I am just wondering if there is any help talking to them to find out the status of our case.

    Do you need to schedule an appointment with them?  long lines to wait....etc. Much appreciated if someone can provide some infos on this.

    If you go to the website of Guangzhou Consulate,

    they have a special time allocated such that USCs

    can walk in the Consulate and talk the things over

    with the officers...

  9. I would not think that the Consulates in China would be affected if war breaks out in the Middle East. Might see a bit of increased security around the place. As far as visas are concerned, there should be no impact. I hope and pray, however, that there will be no war. May peace prevail.


    Looks like the US is having some second thought today.... Too much opposition from the Security Council... and those damn Frogs :lol:

    [uS] they are really loud!!! :lol: :lol: :D :D

    [iRAQ] :D

  10. I would not think that the Consulates in China would be affected if war breaks out in the Middle East. Might see a bit of increased security around the place. As far as visas are concerned, there should be no impact. I hope and pray, however, that there will be no war. May peace prevail.

    I wouldn't think the Consulates in China would be affected, what I am worrying a little is the DOS guys (or FBIs) working on the clearance might be re-assigned...

  11. I don't think so... One big difference with corporate America..is..

    They don't have to make a profit or feel obligated to do so....So income is not a major issue except for the federal budget boys.

    That's also why we have deficits in gov'ts. Not only U.S

    USPS is a bit different... As a quasi-gov't agency, they don't get taxpayer funding.. Only stamp funds ( self-funding organization  ) .. That's why the first class one went to 37 cents...

    I thought it is the other way around, since the dept

    of treasureay can print more bills if they needed more :lol: ...


    At the least corporate America has to do some

    cooking (on books) to show they are making some

    money for shareholders :lol:


    USPS is one, perhaps GZ is another, I've read somewhere

    that one of the money-making machines of US OutPosts

    are the ones in China...

  12. Like the expedited employment visas!  Great idea, I'd gladly pay to speed things up!

    You guys are dreamin'...

    Will never happen.....

    I mean, for all visas.....

    Does not make sense though. I agree. Yes, employment petition can be rushed through for a measly 1500 bucks...

    I gave up trying to understand INS/BICS/State..

    Like all service industry has its own guidelines of different level of service, airlines have first class, coach class, economics, etc.


    Car rental companies have luxury, full size, compact, and economy, etc.


    Maybe DOS has its own guidelines of different classifications, only difference is that they don't make it pubilc, and we don't get to choose...

  13. What exactly is BCIS?  Is it a complete restructuring of the INS?

    INS used to be responsible for immigration and border control. They are now dividing INS into two, one responsible for immigration, the other for border control.


    By removing one inefficient agency, who knows if they will not create two more... <_<

  14. A US citizen has to have a transit visa for Canada?  I have driven across the border into Canada with no passport even!  


    that probably won't happen after 9/11...my co-worker has to bring her passport (US) on a cruise to Bermuda for a vacation --- just in case.


    No, if you are USC, you don't need the visa, but depending on the airlines you fly with, you may still have to go through the customs (both Canada and the US)...I think...when you book the tickets the airlines will tell you if you need to go through the customs or if you need to check in your luggage again at the connection airport, etc.

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