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Posts posted by kkimm

  1. How come we won't let people come to this country so easily?  But we will invade any countries we want.


    my co-worker used to (and still) joke about "it's easier to get in this

    country illegally and stay, than to try the legitimate way"


    heard in the news that congress is pushing a bill on illegal immigrants (similar to 245i)...are they aware people cannot get a visa in a timely fashion these days???

  2. As far as I know, both INS and DOS has been failed in this "blaming game" after the 9/11 event. The Bush administration wouldn't take any responsibilities, nor does the FBI, CIA, etc...so it is these agencies that related to the ultimate decision of visa issuance to take the heat.


    Even with namecheck, DOS has to wait on other "agencies". With China and Russia being singled out, this has become a blackbox operation that is quickly out of hands (other question is who is advising and overseeing such actions?).


    If this happens to americans being not able to get visas to some other countries, I would not be surprised to hear about "human rights" motions...


    I myself is really disappointed... :ph34r:

  3. From the FBI web site, their top ten priorities:



    1. Protect the United States from terrorist attack



    2. Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage



    3. Protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes



    4. Combat public corruption at all levels



    5. Protect civil rights



    6. Combat transnational and national criminal organizations and enterprises



    7. Combat major white-collar crime



    8. Combat significant violent crime



    9. Support federal, state, local and international partners



    10. Upgrade technology to successfully perform the FBI's mission

    Nothing about doing background check on Chinese fiance(e). Maybe that is why we are still waiting. :rolleyes:


    Items 2, 6 and 10 -


    definitely not item 5

  4. The terrorists would not complain for long visa delay.   They would probably want to be hidden (less profile).  If they complain a lot, then there would  be a lot of records about them.


    what I meant to say is there is no progress in processing cases in a timely fashion - before the relevant authority "open" the case, the beneficiary, who if were a terrorist, has already fulfilled the "mission"...


    For many years, on INS and others, the problem is the delay. Now welcome DOS into the circle...

  5. A congressman/ senator  office called me today...

    After the chitchat about the case and all ( they get the same B.S " we're working on it "  we do more or less ) , mentioned that the FBI is/was the real prob.

    Inadequate/ Prehistoric computer system ( at least for our purpose ) .. Mentioned that mid-year, they had up to 80% failure in info transmissions from other agencies ( read: .. oops.. sorry guys, send that again, will ya? ). Working on it though .. but budget cut.. blahblahblah...


    Take that info in stride. I'm only reporting kids.

    Don't ask me for the source. I won't say, out of courtesy. But that is what I was told. After said source ( As I understand it )  spoke to their "contacts" at state..

    Don't use this info, as it cannot be verified by another source, but I sure can believe it


    Any one got a few spare top of the line laptops we can send in?  :D


    What they said is totally BS - It takes only week's time for ppl from India to get an IV...what computer are they using for that...Pentium 6?


    There are two reasons as far as I could gather going through the list, purely personal guessing:


    1. Transition of power to Tom Ridge, header of deparment of homeland security (maybe we should write to him)


    2. Post-cold war effects. During the cold war, these agencies or divisions aiming at communist countries have sufficient funding for "activities"; but at this time when anti-terrorism is the top priority and communist is quickly becoming yesterday, they suddenly found they are in deep s**t and would like some "job security"...



    vaguely remember once there was a piece of news of FBI missing some classified laptops...I am guessing they are using abacus nowadays to figure out their budget :rolleyes: :(

  6. You did not translate the bureaucratic speak here.  


    Translation:  "Go away and don't bother me."


    I bet what they actually did was to spent money on an automated system to reply such email using form letters...creating intelligent, networked, and smart database system to reply all kinds of inquiry emails :rolleyes:


    Of course before they clear the backlog :rolleyes:

  7. I believe the telegraph code is only sent to Chinese government for them to keep track on who has actually left the country.  The US is not that sophisticated to understand the telegraph code, or to go back in time that far, as telegraphic code has long be out of use when the telegraph died a decade ago.   The modern way to represent Chinese characters is GB2312, as is used on 001, or Unicode.  Then again, if US government still issues papers printed 10 years ago, do you really think they can keep track of the technology?




    I don't think that has anything to do with the Chinese government, who will find out who left the country anyways by the Custom.


    Basically the US government still use technology that is over 10 years old - which is the telegraphic code, even before computers, that can be easily used in cable communications..

  8. Hello,


    I believe I have emailed or PMed the fax to everyone who has requested.  If I missed anyone, please post here, or contact one of the people who already has the number.


    Also, could someone please verify the fax number?  It was given to me by a board member a while back, but I just wanted to be sure it is still valid.






    Maura Harty's website info at DOS is out of date, like her title and phone number.


    I called that "old" number and talked to a lady there...She told me Maura Harty is at CA now, but I did verified her fax number, she wouldn't gave her phone number at CA, though...

  9. I mailed a letter to NBC dateline to suggest this visa delay topic. Their address is:



    If you have a specific story suggestion please send it to:



    Dateline NBC

    30 Rockefeller Plaza

    New York, NY 10112


    If more people sent their request, I think there will be enough story for one episode, and dateline is a good match for what has been happening for visa delay...

  10. I sent a group letter (about 20 ppl) to Harty last week, but so far no response.


    This whole thing is based on national security, and I guess everyone except "the few" are on a need-to-know base.


    I am not discouraging you guys, but unless your case is really late (like over a year), nobody can do anything. I myself is frustrated enough already...

  11. Given the code, experts can actually write down the Chinese characters, because they are uniquely organized (I read it somewhere). It's an easy two way translations between the code and the character, which is important for cable...


    I spent several good hours in the library trying to look for the right reference when I was filling the form.


    Pinyin will have too many words for the same pronunciation.


    Anyways, I don NOT think the current situation is a technical problem any more, but rather a managerial and executive one - given the random processed cases...

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