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Posts posted by kkimm

  1. I send emails to XXXXX@state.gov. it said


    <XXXXX@state.gov>: failed after I sent the message.

    Remote host said: 554 Invalid data in message

    --- Original message follows.


    Return-Path: <XXXX@yahoo.com>


    The original message is over 5k.  Message truncated to 1K.


    What does it mean???? Anyone can tell me??? Thanks in advance.

    You must be sending an email in HTML or Richtext format, try using plain text without any formatting.


    It seems they are limiting the email size of 1 KB...

  2. This is a very interesting thread that I have been reading this whole morning.


    After all, no matter how bad the system is, it is the staff people at GZ IV sections who are using the system. The loop hole on the system could be the actualy cause of this whole mass, but the real problem is the people who manage this system did not follow procedures, or did not show their care...


    This is sad...



    :D :D :D

  3. Even Disney is worried.






    War jitters trigger hiring freeze at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida


    Disney is wise that they are planning to open a park in Hong Kong, and Universal is so in Shanghai.


    The safety can be secured by tightened security, but the free economy (business) will go to its most favorable places that people do not have to wait for over a year to get the visa to visit...

    I thought Universal was planning to open in Shenzhen.


    Good, too! I don't need another visa to go from Shanghai to Shenzhen!


    :) :)

  4. Even Disney is worried.






    War jitters trigger hiring freeze at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida


    Disney is wise that they are planning to open a park in Hong Kong, and Universal is so in Shanghai.


    The safety can be secured by tightened security, but the free economy (business) will go to its most favorable places that people do not have to wait for over a year to get the visa to visit...

  5. My first name check request was on Dec 3.  I called Dos today. After holding one hour, I was able to talk with one officer. Still no clearance. Then I asked if I need to request name check resubmission after 90 daus and how. She replied no. You just have to wait.


    Also, I called my congressman office to seek help. I was told to give good reason that name check is past the due day. Otherwise, they cannot help and you must wait for your turn to get the name check clearance.


    The problem is that it seems there is NO due date for the name check. What is good reason to ask the elected officials to look into our cases?



    the good reason for these elected officials...






    is not to elect them next time!!!!... :rolleyes:

  6. My PHD thesis. Copyleft by JUZ


    First, we had 5100 visa cleared ---- Large number #1

    It had been verified 5 times by (CA, GUZ) ===> Must be true

    ===> we were waiting for floodgate opening


    Truth:  visa tricking... Two months later, Richard said only 2700 visas have been cleared?@#!


    Result: 5100 shrinks to 2700 over 2 months.


    Second, we had 1200 visa cleared --- Large number #2

    Believe it? or NOT!

    Definition of large number also shrinks from 5100 to 1200 in two months.


    Same math: 1200 shrinks to 600 over 2 months.


    The third large number? 300? and turns out to be 100?



    Sorry to make fun of this, just can't help it





    These numbers REALLY reminds me of the wall street stock markets...they must be day trading, or i must be day dreaming of these numbers...

  7. Tried to contact CA this morning, and a very nice guy answered the phone, but he said he couldn't check anything today and that he was the only one in the office -- there's a Snow Emergency in DC.  

    He then suggested that I contact the info line, and when I said I thought the info line didn't have the most updated information, he told me it should be different now, and that info line should have the latest info. But because of the snow emergency, only a few people are working today.

    Anybody had any luck getting through the info line?


    I think I talked to the same guy you did. I called the CA number, nobody answer the phone, the automated system said to press 0 for assistance and so I did.


    I was told to call back tomorrow, since they have a snow emergency.


    BTW, I am getting any responses to my emails sent to GZ. They don't reply to emails any more???

  8. We know there is a Black Hole referred to August to Sept 2002 interview visa delay.  Actually, what causes this black hole?


    More importantly, does GZ take any action to prevent another Black Hole for the interview since November 2002?


    In general, in which stage can GZ set up the interview for the applicants? If GZ is waiting for the name check clearance before setting up interview, everyone should get ACTUAL visa after the succesful interview. Any comment is much appreciated.


    I agree with what you said, I've made similar posts before on this: For all new applicants, GZ shouldn't arrange any interview if it cannot issue visa right after the interview...


    I believe this is a request we should all make to GZ, this will not only make them work to clear the backlog but also help all those in the waiting queue.


    I am not sure at which stage GZ can set up interview, but they definintely do not need clearance to do so.


    The only reason I can guess is they want to collect the money!! :greenblob: :redblob:

  9. 1. One posting saying GZ stop interviewing during Februay due to the recent many cases of "atypical pneumonia" in the area. ----Really?


    2.  Owen and Mick are preparing details of their recent Consulate visit and will share with us soon. Meanwhile some JM posted some numbers they(Owen & Mike) obtain from their visit:  out of 10,000 cases waiting to be cleared since Dec, only 2700 were issued visa, while the rest of the 7300, among which 600 are K cases are still pending.


    A lot of the applicants are family based, most of them have already been waiting for years, if not tens of years, so this whole visa thing they might feel already irrelevant to them.


    The other category is Employment based case, however, the number could be really small.

  10. i found out today that my husband's name was sent to guangzhou on

    feb. 4!


    i'm scared to be excited!


    if you are in this new batch of people recently cleared,  be sure to post as soon as your wife/fiance/husband gets EMS!  i keep wondering how long it will take them to get it done, especially now that they say they are clearing so many cases.


    good luck!

    Congrats! Ana


    but what do you mean by " this new batch", did DOS said that? :D

  11. Aloha from Hawaii.

    The delays are not screwups.  They are on purpose.  The visa delays began about the

    same time the FBI visited Guangzhou.  This looks like a conspiracy in the Federal

    Government against us.

    Myles aka Annakuen'GG

    They why is the AUG group beeing passed up...I belive total screw up!!


    This whole situation cannot just be simply described by "screw up", or "mess up" or "mis-communication" or "mis-management", etc.


    There was a thread on public media targets, that's really a good idea to get the things out to the public.


    In the meantime, I don't think there is any need to ask DOS/GZ to sort things out, like we've been asking for over 6 months...


    Let's put somethings more clear in action, like we can ask GZ to put case number and waiting days (or interview date) on their website, something like the Indian Embassy has been doing for a while.

  12. That's a good point. I have emailed Harty on the predictibility of processing times, but so far no response.


    I don't think GZ will take full responsibility of this, since things are not in their hands, they have to get the nods from other agencies not controllable by DOS, I am guessing...


    But that does NOT mean we should be the victims in this whole ordeal :lol: At least they should do something positively!

  13. My idea on VISA FEE is that GZ should not collect any money if they could not get the case to a conclusion at the time of interview.


    Which also means: If IV section at GZ cannot issue a visa within some one week, the IV section won't make any money. I am sure they will be really upset by that, but that's the button we should really push...


    I am not seeing Gz/DOS has showed any good faith in sorting things out YET...





  14. Here are my 2 cents that we should set our target on GZ/DOS:


    1. At the time of sheduling an interview, if GZ knows the applicant(s) won't be issued the visa because of security checks, GZ should indicate this in the appointment letter clearly. In addition, GZ should also give the applicant(s) the option of asking for re-schedule when the security checks are done, by returning a response form within a certain time frame.


    2. If the applicant(s) passed the interview, but visa(s) could not be issued right away due to security background checks, GZ should NOT collect the visa fee.


    3. When the applicant(s) were notified of visa pick up at a certain later date, only at the time of visa pick-up, should they pay the visa fee.



    Personally I don't really know how long this issue with background checks will be going on. The least we can do now is to protect our rights (human rights) in a minimum way :rolleyes:


    These are just some specific requests, I believe it would be far more effective than just asking them to approval each individual's case...

  15. folks, it's been half year since the change of procedure back in August 2002, and I am sure there are still many people interviewed in August but still holding the "white slip"...


    Thinking about what we should do and this idea pops into my mind:



    The size and number of people at a Consulate must be set according to how much money it will make, similar to what we have in private sectors, there is always a budget issue.


    I REALLY DO NOT understand why GZ is still interviewing and handing out the "white slip" these days, instead of waiting to resolve the backlogs...they rely on the visa fees to sustain.


    If I were scheduled an interview but know I couldn't get a visa, I would rather wait and ask for re-schedule when the clearance is completed.


    If ALL people apply IVs do this as an action plan, we should make enough pressure on GZ post. What do you guys think?

  16. Wow ... that's an amazing story!  Sheesh, I'm very busy at work and doing my best to keep up, but if I were to shred backlogged work instead of completing it, I would be fired on the spot.   :)

    You and just about anyone else PJ!


    And upon closer reading of the article, I discovered that this manager was 24 years old.......hmmmmm.....that seems a little young for such an important position. The article mentions the "four processing centers". Does this mean the others, Texas, Nebraska, and Vermont are also run by "private contractors"? That's how I read it.


    Geez....the fireworks are popping outside my window now like crazy. 25 minutes until New Year. :angry:


    As far as I know, the mailroom of VSC (Vermont Service Center) is sub-contracted to a third party. Earlier this year, they (VSC) switched from one contractor to another. This was stated in their public statement and is said to be the cause of the delay in processing times at that time...

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