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Immigration Lawyers

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I was a little reluctant to post this, but here goes:


After having my bank account reduced by $750 dollars by a so-called "professional" with no positive effect on my case, I was wondering if anyone has used an immigration lawyer for a fiance case that actually was A. honest and B. Knew what they were doing.


Now I know this opens the door for all sorts of lawyer scum to tout their wares, so it would probably be better not to name names. I just wanted to know: Has anyone used an immigration lawyer for a K1/K3 and gotten good results?

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Can't resist....must post...of no usefulness to topic...


What do you call 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

A good start.


Seriously, unless you have extraordinary circumstances i.e. previous refusals, visa overstays, etc., fill out the paperwork on your own. CFL is a huge library of very insiteful people who have been there/done that and are willing to help others.

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Yes !!!!!!!!!!


I am using one of the best. His name is Bobby Chung. He is very professional and what you would like to expect from an attorney. He also speaks Chinese which has been very helpful in communicationg with Li Lei. He also knows the process and the personalities of the interviewers in Guangzhou very well and is very good at anticipating problems before thay happen. He has made the process very painless and I have been able to focus on my job and my life with no worries. I am confident if we should receive a "blue slip" he will know exactly what to do. I have a lot less stress because of him. He has made the process much easier for Li Lei also.


Check him out and give him a call. Please mention me if you do.



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I am confident if we should receive a "blue slip" he will know exactly what to do.

I'm not saying anything good or bad about this particular lawyer, but if he is a good lawyer, then you shouldn't be worrying about getting the blue slip!!


Put another way, the majority of people here at CFL have gotten a white slip without a lawyer. Also, from my recollections there are as many lawyer failures as lawyer sucesses of the people at CFL that have used lawyers.

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I guess if I had all the answers like you do then I wouldn't need to use a lawyer either. I consider $1500.00 a small expense to insure that the process is completed professionally without any oversights on my part. That is true many people get white slips without using an attorney, but how many of the few that are having problems that I read about on CFL could have been avoided. If it is even one out of one hundred then that is sufificient for me to go the extra step, It doesn't hurt. Getting Li Lei to the USA has been a big investment of time and money for me. I don't consider another $1500 to be out of line considering how important she is to me.


Stop being so defensive because someone has a different viewpoint. I understand if you can't afford $1500.00, but stop being a know-it-all because you don't have all the answers. Your comment is exactly the kind of thing that would make me very leary to take advice. You make CFL look bad by these ignorant self defensive comments.

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I guess if I had all the answers like you do then I wouldn't need to use a lawyer either. I consider $1500.00 a small expense to insure that the process is completed professionally without any oversights on my part. That is true many people get white slips without using an attorney, but how many of the few that are having problems that I read about on CFL could have been avoided. If it is even one out of one hundred then that is sufificient for me to go the extra step, It doesn't hurt.  Getting Li Lei to the USA has been a big investment of time and money for me. I don't consider another $1500 to be out of line considering how important she is to me.


Stop being so defensive because someone has a different viewpoint. I understand if you can't afford $1500.00, but stop being a know-it-all because you don't have all the answers. Your comment is exactly the kind of thing that would make me very leary to take advice. You make CFL look bad by these ignorant self defensive comments.

Holy cow man cool your jets. Cosmic lobster's comments were in no way offensive. It is the same kind of advice most people here would give. I used an attorney but I could have done it as well myself. I think your reaction is a little strong for what he said....IMHO... :D We're all after the same goal,let's not start any knife fights... :wub: :wub:

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Your right, I am sorry.


His comment about if you are using an attorney then you shouldn't be worried about a blue slip I thought was idiotic. We can't control blue slips. We can only control the probability of receiving a blue slip. The first post was from a guy looking for a good attorney. Bobby is one of the few good ones. I hate people who stereotype and think they know everything. I read this forum all the time but I don't participate. This king of bantering is primarily why I don't. I submitted my 129F on December 7 and our P3 forms were already submitted and received at Guangzhou on April 2 ( Four months) with no glitches. I am very happy and I am just trying to help out someone who is interested in using a good attorney because there are so many bad ones out there. I think it is bad advice that everybody can navigate this process by themselves. I don't think everybody is capable.


Sorry, I can be a hot head.

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I guess if I had all the answers like you do then I wouldn't need to use a lawyer either. I consider $1500.00 a small expense to insure that the process is completed professionally without any oversights on my part. That is true many people get white slips without using an attorney, but how many of the few that are having problems that I read about on CFL could have been avoided. If it is even one out of one hundred then that is sufificient for me to go the extra step, It doesn't hurt.  Getting Li Lei to the USA has been a big investment of time and money for me. I don't consider another $1500 to be out of line considering how important she is to me.


Stop being so defensive because someone has a different viewpoint. I understand if you can't afford $1500.00, but stop being a know-it-all because you don't have all the answers. Your comment is exactly the kind of thing that would make me very leary to take advice. You make CFL look bad by these ignorant self defensive comments.

Holy cow man cool your jets. Cosmic lobster's comments were in no way offensive. It is the same kind of advice most people here would give. I used an attorney but I could have done it as well myself. I think your reaction is a little strong for what he said....IMHO... :D We're all after the same goal,let's not start any knife fights... :wub: :wub:

Agreed, comsic dude meant no offense. You took it wrong-he is trying to be helpful. Soo, spend you money on a lawyer if it trips your trigger or do it yourself. It's your money. I spent mine on a lawyer and he screwed up on many things. I ended up doing it myself and got my darlin's visa in a total time of 9 months and twenty days after I filed. I sent everything to the lawyer and he had it for two months before he sent it to me for aproval-It was wrong-wasted two months! I re-did it in two days and filed it.

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Guest hakkamike

Lawyers are great if you can afford one and they do the job that you pay them for. I myself make very little money and I figured that researching on my own would say me a months salary or two. And yes my wife is here now,, did I mention that I just saved some money on our car insurance too..

Later, Michael Perez

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We used Matthew Udall and could not be happier with his work. Matt's entire practice is K visas, he works for a flat fee, and if you hit any snags along the way, there is no better person to have at bat for you. He answers his own phone, and was almost always available right away to answer any questions we had or discuss our case. When he wasn't available, he always returned my call promptly. When I hired him and told him I was leaving for China in a few weeks, he went out of his way to make sure I had all of the documents in my hand before I departed. If you are considering hiring a lawyer, I would give Matt the highest recommondations.

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