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Reasons for denials

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Maybe to be fair to GZ, they are charged with ensuring no fraudulent cases get through... and they are getting more and more applications every year.   It would be good to know what the total stats of Chinese visas, meaning we only know of CFL members experience.  I suspect our success is higher simply because we keep each other informed in real-time.

I suspect the extended timeline for China is a deliberate attempt to sort out good from bad. So, I see this as a game they are playing (unfortunately with peoples lives, but I don't think they know what else to do)

I know of one guy who 'bailed' out of the process since he got tired of waiting... I cannot imagine 'bailing' in any way, shape or form. Well, my form is kinda bailing from the stress of being apart, but that's another issue.


But I'd be surprised if the 'bailers' were that many.


I am not sure if they intentionally extend the time frame though... Now it seems that the sheer number of applications drives the longer waits... and it's government workers remember.


The visa is for three months and intended to give the couple a last chance to see if they really want to go through with it. I'd like to see this data too, on who decided not to get married.

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Let me add a twist to this. My wife received a "blue slip". Only thing stated, was "we need more time to process your application. We will contact you, when to return to the consulate." She was told in the interview, that her papers appeared to be in order. but the Blue slip still came out. Now it is tied up in " Administrative Processing".

My question is this: 1) If the papers are in order and 2) they can not specify a reason for deniel, then how 3) can they still refuse the visa? We have nothing to go on. Nothing to dispute.

My Senator asked for clarification, and was told she did not meet the eligibility requirements for the visa. It also stated she was applying for IR-1. ERROR. Application stated, CR-1.

Now we are told, if we have not heard from them in 6 months, to email them. What is this?

I am lost. My wife is keeping my spirits up. My country, the great USA, is keeping me away from my love. BTW: while I stood in the line to ask my one question, I saw nothing but "blue slips" come out of the consulate. I am suspecting that there was an "even" numbered day approval "odd" number day disapproval thing going on. This is my country, so I hope I am wrong. BUT.....

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Guest dcwfn

Maybe they just have this thing against people from Virginia........I'm only maybe 90 minutes away from Smithfield at most. (Richmond-less than 10 minutes from the airport)

God knows I hope your's is resolved faster than ours. We've been waiting 21 months and counting.

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The reality is that the "system" is really screwed up. I would venture that 99% of us on CFL are genuine... or we would not spend so much time posting here.


At the same time, we also know that many members have received blue slips in the past. Others are stuck indefinitely in the second namecheck process. So legit relationships are being denied, and that is NOT what the system is suppose to do.


The solution to the problem is simple... provide oversight of the process and a REAL appeal procedure where both people, the petitioner and beneficiary, can come in to discuss the petition.


There are no excuses for the Department of State, especially when they arbitrarily ruin people's lives on a daily basis. The only thing that will really change the system is legal action. But who has the money and resources for that?


The best thing we can do is to try and make as much noise as we can. Send your stories to National Public Radio (they are always looking for stories). Write to your congressmen. Demand an interview with a DOS representative in the States. And if all else fails, move to China. But don't give up on your SO.

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Hear! Hear! I like your outlook. I hope you hold on to that in the months ahead.


As you can see the wait has had a deterious effect on several of us like Roger, Robert and myself who are teetering on the brink. I still believe that with the nurturing of our SO's once they are permited by GUZ to enter the U.S. (Thanks to GUZ we will sleep easy knowing they wont terroize us in our sleep, certified by GUZ) we will return to a recognizably normal state.


Fear not righteouness is on our side!

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Others are stuck indefinitely in the second namecheck process.

I have seen this 'name check' mentioned a few times, here it says 'second name check'. I'm in the dark about this issue...


Can some describe why the check occurs, when each name check occurs, and what reasons they get delayed.

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My Senator asked for clarification, and was told she did not meet the eligibility requirements for the visa.  It also stated she was applying for IR-1.  ERROR.  Application stated, CR-1

IF this is just a clerical error, then your senator should be able to straighten it out in a week or two. Hopefully they will realize that it is just a typo and will see that she does meet the requirements when they are looking at the right visa category!!

Good Luck!!

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here is something i cant figure out............

when the petitioner sends the 129F form in with all the evidence and you get the NOA2 that means your petition has been approved and they looked at all the evidence right??? so why denials at the interview if you have already submitted the evidence 9 months earlier and then more at the interview? if your approved at the beginning why are they turning the SO's down at the end?? this bothers me and as a US citizen if the VO didnt give me a bonafide reason for denial then its time to get many people to stage a protest at Capital hill or the door steps of the DOS building! this will bring the media into it. also whats the percentage of blue slips given out to people verses white slips?

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With visa in hand, the wife/fiancee hops a plane and lands somewhere in the US at a Port of Entry (POE) where a member of the Dept of Homeland Security decides whether to let them in or not.

This is both interesting and disturbing... you mean you can be turned away at the POE? Do we have members that this happened to?

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I am going through the hell of waiting for my visa petition to be returned to the U.S. for more scrutinty, thanks to the "third party correspondence".

(When it arrives it will go before the BIA )...Board Of Immigration Appeals where my lawyer and I can answer all the B.S....those GZ goons are sending my petiton back recommending revocation!!!! I have done everything correctly, legally, and thoroughly...and still getting screwed by our gov't!



My attny told me to stop nagging Congress and the senators so much suggesting it could hurt my case more than help it..he said I risk angering them . I asked a local attny friend about this, and he said i should listen to my attny, because there are political subtleties the average person doesn't understand. I am definitely in a fear zone..I'm dying to scream at some people, but i've got to hold back for the sake of 'POLITICS'..



I've yet to find another CFLer with a case like mine. I have thought of bailing out the last couple of weeks because I am stressed to the point of having chest pains, stomach pains, and long sleepless nights. I don't know if I'll be able to physically tolerate much more of this.



May 9 will mark the 5 month anniversary of my SO receiving her blue slip...I don't wish this long , dark, unnerving journey on anyone.



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As difficult as this process is... Bob started the 'rant' thread somewhere else... this is the 'reasons' thread.


Although we're hard pressed to find an answer for the lame brain actions in this process, nevertheless, I think we need to dig hard to say what flags this application or that one.


In the end, I know there is no guarantees. Even the perfect application can get the blue slip... But let's dig as deep as we need...

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Yea, like what can we do to prepare ourselves for the blue slip? Sounds negative I know, but with as much complaining as I've done and with the way blue slips are dancing around, I want to be prepared for the worst.

I can't see any reason (but my shitty luck.) why we would get rejected. We are married, 1st time for both. no kids and my english is catching up with hers, but what if they ask her what my favorite color is? She answers red, but it's really blue. ...but oh wait. Blue isn't my favorite color any more. My favorite color now is white. ....but dough!!! :unsure: :rolleyes: :( :ph34r:

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Yea, like what can we do to prepare ourselves for the blue slip? Sounds negative I know, but with as much complaining as I've done and with the way blue slips are dancing around, I want to be prepared for the worst.

I can't see any reason (but my shitty luck.) why we would get rejected. We are married, 1st time for both. no kids and my english is catching up with hers, but what if they ask her what my favorite color is? She answers red, but it's really blue. ...but oh wait. Blue isn't my favorite color any more. My favorite color now is white. ....but dough!!! :D  :D  B)  :lol:

Reminds me of the joke on engineers, who are "wont to give an answer, even if it is wrong"... Your favorite color will be whatever she says that day !


Maybe our SOs should go to the interview in white as a subliminal message to the VO. This could become the CFL trademark within the 'bat cave' (GUZ) of Gotham City (GZ).


We haven't explored what the SOs were wearing at interviews.. you just never know...

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