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Driver's License

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Trigg's right ..


For instance, Oregon is one of only 9 states that doesn't check Social Security numbers for validity --- many "undocumented workers" simply make one up ---


Oregon issues drivers licences on as little as a few envelopes showing an in-state address, and sure enough, there was a company CONTRACTED TO THE STATE DMV!! Which would actually PROVIDE the envelopes to the undocumented -- for a price...


Feds are POed at how lax Oregon is, and in response (threat of loss of Homeland Security money) the Oregon legislature is considering several bills to tighten the process...

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Dude. Fellow Virginian here. You need to show:


1: proof of identity (Passport works, but if you want to change her last name, bring the marriage cert as well)

2: proof of citizenship, or legal alien status (The unexpired I-94 and K-1 visa)

3: proof of virginia residence (This one is the pain in the ass. They accept ony a very few things available to a recent immigrant. A utility bill in her name sent to your address will work, as long as it's not for a cell phone, so will a voided check with her name and your address on it, or a bank statement)


We ended up having to use a bank statement for number 3. The bank wouldn't put the account in her married name without a state ID. The state wouldn't give an ID without a bank statement... we had to open the account in her maiden name, get the ID after her statement came, then change her name at the bank :lol:


The license will only be valid for as long as the I-94 is valid. The DMV screwed up with Jun's and made it valid for the duration of her visa, but they weren't supposed to :lol:


To make it valid longer, they will need the EAD or Green Card. So probably bringing in the EAD when you get it to renew would be best, then finally when she gets the green card she can get one of normal duration.


Hope it helps :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the third and final try, my wife passed the road test and got her VA driver's license this morning!.......:angry:


In VA you need a SSN to apply for the Learner's Permit and to take the written test. You will also need to show proof of 'lawful presence' such as an EAD card.

After getting the learner's permit, you have three chances to pass the road test. If you fail all three attempts, you will have to wait 90 days before taking the road test again.


Does getting the DL make her drive any better?......hmmm, I'll have to take a fifth,,,I mean, plea the fifth on that one!.....:unsure:

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Thought I would add my Virginia experience


My fiancee got her Learner's permit before she even had her K-1 visa, let alone resident status. She was here on a tourist visa. We were able to do this because all they require besides a passport is an approved I-797 and proof of residence. Her name was on my apartment lease as a cohabitant. That was all it took.


If you dig into the VA DMV web site you can find all the requirements. Make sure you take originals of everything. I took copies the first time and had to make a second trip.

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  • 1 month later...

Let me put this post in the right place, dealing with the right state: :D


Virginia DMV renewed my wife's DL yesterday, good for 1 year, just using her Chinese passport and unexpired K3 visa and I-94 and a I-797C NOA for AOS. No EAD needed

That simple...cool!

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Guest blsqueaky

This morning I talked to a good freind in VA, and he is getting rady to take his wife to FL, reason, she can take the written test in Chinese, she can take in VA. I am going to have Ling stay over there for 2 months when we go back, and why, she can go to drivers school there, costs less, and when she gets her license, it is good in Ohio for 1 year, then all that she has to do he transfer, no more test, but then this is Ohio

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