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Compiling evidence for p4

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Here is a quick question. As I start to get all of my stuff together for the p4 that Jennifer will get some day, :lol: I had a thought I wanted to ask about. I have saved the original e-mails that I had recieved from Jennifer's cousin when she intoduced us. I planned to print them with everything else, but I happened to think that maybe it could be included with the p4 docs that she will have at the physical. After all, they will ask how we met, and that is proof of how we did. Anyone else do this? Or am I just thinking too much? ;)

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I am sure that more is better than less... but ultimately, they are more interested in in the "post meeting" relationship that developed into a legitimate loving relationshiop than the original means. As an example, anything you did together while in China shows you spent time together. Receipts for buying clothes, rings (!) , places you visted by train or plane (receipts), show your time together.


Make sure there are plenty of emails.. I think it is good to have discussed your future plans and wishes in email , to show you consider her a part of your future...

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I used the "including the kitchen sink" approach. But, it is unlikely that supporting documentation, like the e-mails, etc. would be included in the package that the medical staff assembles. That package usually contains only the official forms, police certificates, notarials, etc. Other stuff, like the e-mails are usually hand carried into the consulate by the applicant on the day of the interview.

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Feathers: In Californiaese: Chill out dude!


When they ask: how did you meet, you don't need to document the exact time, day and means. Her cousin introduced us should be sufficient.


David has it right when he said they are mostly looking for evidence of an established relationship.


My SO had an inch thick stack of e-mails. The VO pointed to one line on the top page, asked her to read it and then asked what it meant. Of course, her VO may want to see page #327 so bring everything you have!


Good luck!

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Nothing new to add - just thought I'd lend support to what everyone else is saying.


Include them for the kitchen sink of material she brings to the interview.  They probably won't want to look at them, but it can't hurt, right?

I'm not so sure it can't hurt. According to Murphy's Law, if one of those many pages of documents has something that could be interpreted as questinoable, the VO will surely focus on it. My advice is to take stuff that is relavent and makes your case for a relationship, but not every email and IM chat you've ever had.

Good point. I made sure the e-mails we included (and we only had like 10 or so) were all rather benign just to show we were talking to each other about life (me finding an apartment, etc.)


I guess my response above wwas that the e-mails feathers is asking about were showing how they met, and I can't see how that would hurt. But good point.

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Meixiang told me that her cousin was turned down during her interview because she had no hand written letters. I think emails are good but I also feel hand written letters might be better. I am not sure since Meixiang has not yet had her interview.


Boba and Meixiang

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I doubt they care if there are handwritten letters. I never had any. I had an immigration attorney tell me that the evidence of relationship they may look for at the interview is proof of a continuing thing AFTER you have filed the I-129f. After all, you had to provide proof when you filed and it was accepted. I never provided transcripts of all our emails and yahoo chat etc. I simply deleted all but the first few lines and the date and time. I really couldn't see giving them all oooo baby stuff.


Worked for me!

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I really couldn't see giving them all oooo baby stuff.

Do you save that for us?

Shoot - can't make comments on this board.

That's right. I could tell ya-but then I'd have to take you to the culture and language forum and kill ya. Rules is rules and if I sucked it up and got the flock out of here-so can you.

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I am in the same boat as you. althought i am still waiting for my p4 to come. I heard that GZ cons. is moving this july, and I am not sure if i can get our interviews scheduled before then... but i would like to get a head start on prepare p4 documents. anyone has any idea where i can get forms from P4, medical forms, family composite forms, and etc... anyone know if there is pdf fillable version somewhere online?



thanks in advance


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To drag this up again, While I was away yesterday, it looks like some good points came up. We have a little of a bunch of different things and all will be at the interview. I'll be collecting and printing and, and , etc. If I'm understanding this correctly, nothing will be in the envelope after the interview besides the forms we fill out from p4 and her docs, police, birth cert, etc? I was thinking that some of the e-mails or letters were to be included there. If not, then those that are coming out of interviews saying the are only glancing at photos or i-134 never even look at a letter or e-mail?

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anyone has any idea where i can get forms from P4, medical forms, family composite forms, and etc...

Links and Resources................. Right here on the Candle :P

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