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finally my birth cert here

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i been in a relationship where it was all lies  (ex wife),  I been very honest with Thoa, and have been very open with my income and life. I told her to not be afraid to ask me or my family any questions about me, she already been email my sister in california and chatted a few times with my nephew hand thier wives.  everyone been told not to hold back on any information she ask. and she been very open with them and me


I feel very lucky




My gut tells me you will find what you are looking for plus soooo much more. I know I had some doubts about Jennifer and I didn't find CFL untill many months after going. Granted, I did not get married there but if my parents had known how much of a leap of faith I was taking before I left, my mother would have had a heart attack. :) True there have been cases of marrages not working, but each case is going to be different and circumstances are not always clear. A coupe of places near my home have large Vietnamese communities and I have talked with some who have married Americans either before of after coming here. I have always found that the were devoted to thier husbands and worked hard for thier family no matter income. Also most had marrage times of 15+ years and the still looked like they were in their 20's B)

So yes you are lucky :o


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lol that remind me when I first saw her on Camera I thought she was 14 to 16 years old, told her she needed toget back to her class before teacher tell her too, that when I found out she was the teacher, she had her whole class room 20 children come on camera to tell me she was thier teacher. I was laughing so hard at some of the comment the kids was saying that I was hooked. it been almost nonstop chat since then,camera, email,chat, voice chat,phone.


Life is good but going to get better with her around.



Sometime you can fall in love on first sight. you just have to be willing to make it work and take a leap of faith.




It sad we have to defend our love to someone we met online, yet I know more about her than most people know about their girlfriend after 3 years.

I know more aboth Thoa than I ever did about my ex even after 3 years of marriage.

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I'm right with you. Just today I was telling my story to someone and got the respone, "I would never have been able to do that." I have been most happy with Asian people I have met and talked with on my job about this. It is usually the same, "Oh she make you very happy" or "She make you good wife" But the best is showing them a picture of us together and they ask how old we are and when they find out she is 21 and I 37, more often they laugh and usually say, "Oh you very lucky. She keep you young." :)

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yeah that the part I like is smiling back and say she wonderful to people.




btw my family all behind me on this, my mother said I been the happiest I ever been, if any woman can make me feelthis way she welcome into the family.


I have 3 sister and 2 bother all with family of thier own, and have gotten full support, one sister and 2 nephew have chatted with her. Kind of scared to have one of my sister talk to her yet (everyone have one weird family member) so far no one in my family said anything negative.


my mother is so tickle that I finally found a woman after so long.



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