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Now that our interview date is known I can shift gears and start thinking about life after she is here. I've been thinking about how to help her adjust and have some of the comforts of home. She likes to read, so one of my ideas is to get some Chinese language magazines and / or newspapers.


Does anyone have recommendations? They don't have to be from China, I'm just looking for something she can read when she is relaxing. Even combination English / Chinese material would be good.





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Here in Los Angeles there are many places to pick up Chinese newspapers. You might subscribe to one of these.




However why have delivery? Many Chinese local papers are available online. She can see the U.S. news from the one listed above also available online and subscribe to ones in China.


China View from Xinhuanet (now one of the world's leading news agencies, look at the bylines in American papers) gives the Chinese Government line and good international coverage. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/

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