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Thanks for the people that went before "us"

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I have only been on this site for 2 weeks. I check it now everytime I sit at a computer... it has become my SportsCenter, My football team and other things I did before discovering this site.


I just want to use this thread to acknowledge all the ones who are nearing the Visa dates... my date is hopefully about 3 months(yeah right!!)

, well maybe 5-6 months befor my visa with any luck and blessings...

All you guys that have endured the tought times wating for your loved ones. The phone calls(and the phone card bills), the lonely times... the many emails and letters. It is because you have endured so much and expressed it here, this is the reason it is such a good thing for me and others like me at this particular part of the visa process.


I've read that people here have sent emails to politicans, newspapers, tV stations and other media and written countless emails to those who could affect a change.... while I have written some emails to my senators last week, I still feel complelled to honor and thank those who went before me.

You laid the path. Now we just have to perservere and follow the path.


Thanks alot guys!!! You have made this a more "reasonable" experience for me and my love.


Although I might be speaking too quickly and I won't repeat this, but because of your efforts, it may become a little better for us this juncture of the process.


Take care and gook luck in your future.

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Here here,

I can share your feelings. 385 days into the process myself, the range of emotions can be very hard to cope with at times. :wacko: This site has saved my sanity on many ocasions as well as providing a wonderful forum to vent a little steam. Recently, times have shortened a little, but there is still a long way to go. Good luck to us all still waiting, and here's to a future when the visa process in no more difficult in China than anywhere else. :o

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Feathers268, I'm curious.... why did it take you a year? did you get RFE's??


I'm just looking to avoid waiting for 1 year. I'm  praying for  9-10 months.


First part of my saga is just bad timing. When I filed, CSC was running 150 to 180 days between noa1 and noa2. :D I had left out the INS style photos and was suprise that they let it pass without a RFE. Shortly after reaching NVC, USCIS caught up CSC and another service center which bogged down NVC. It went from about 20 days to 3 months to process. :P P3 actually came right at the expected time frame so maybe p4 will come soon. To answer your question, so far it has only been from the standard waiting times at the time I filed. Yunhe recently wrote me and I could feel how this is getting to her also. Best I can say is hang in there, and I hope all of us waiting will have good news to share very soon.

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Hi nygatl15

Just trying to figure out where in this K1 process I am so wondering in your case when did NVC mail your petition to GUZ. I am hoping that mine is coming right behind yours as I was told by NVC that my petition had been mailed on 3/7 and was hoping that my petition had finally cleared customs.


I called DOS and know that according to the person they have not received my file.

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First, I have to say that I envy your CSC time line. :D I wish it moved like that a year ago. I am not familiar with how to track the package through DHL, but that is probably where you are. In most cases it seems to take around 5 days to ship, 30 days in customs, and then 14 days to get in the system and mail to your SO. As others catch on, you should find instructions on finding info from DHL. In my case I was fed up with the whole thing and did not bother to check. The call from Jennifer saying she had the p3 brought me around.

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Hi  nygatl15

Just trying to figure out where in this K1 process I am so wondering in your case when did NVC mail your petition to GUZ. I am hoping that mine is coming right behind yours as I was told by NVC that my petition had been mailed on 3/7 and was hoping that my petition had finally cleared customs.


I called DOS and know that according to the person they have not received my file.

aquach --


My petition got sent to GZ about the same time yours did, I am predicting that my S.O. will recieve P3 second week in April according to other timelines. So, maybe that that will help give you a little piece of mind.

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hi aquach, I'm not sure when they N VC sent my file to Guz... as late as last thursday, they sent replies to my emails,inquiring if the file had been received(we are trying to make an address change)... I was sending the about 2 -3 emails a week to determine when they receive it... Anyway last week they told me to fax it in Chinese.... I had my Lady fax it... but since I didn't think they received my petition, I sent them an email asking my status again... so on Saturday morning, My Fiancee said Guz called her and asked for address in chinese( a chinese person spoke with her). she said they didn't sound friendly, if that matters....

anyway, once I heard that they asked for her address, I sent another email on Saturday, knowing they would see it before my monday morning here in the US,..... anyway, I checked my email at 6am this morning and they replied and said that my file had been forwarded onto my fiancee at the new address....


I'm just praying that she will receive something this week. I would like to begin the counting now towards the interview... I pray that it can go fast... Maybe August or September,... what do you think aquach??? seems we are very close to each other... so maybe we will hear something very close to each other..... Good luck to US!!

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Hi Jason+Joanna

Yeah I figured it would be around April to receive the P3 but I had read that GUZ had picked up the petitions on 3/24 so I was hoping that within the next week the P3 for us would be sent to our fiancees. We are hoping that things will move along as we are planning a ceremony for Nov in Shanghai.


Thanks for the input from everyone.

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shanghai should be nice, should be cool then, I was there last Sept,,, very hot and humid.... you will marry in China once you receive the K1?


interesting... I really want to marry my sweetheart in may... but I don't want to harm the process... so we will wait until she gets here hopefully by her birthday oct 21.

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I agree that this is a great web sight and that all the stories here have touched my heart. I too have only recently discovered Candle and now can not turn on my computer with out visiting.


I hope the time will go by much quicker for you now as it has for me.


Boba and Meixiang :greenblob:

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