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New Resaults - Woo Hoo

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Hi everyone,


I just could not wait to let you all know that after my face being plastard on a local TV Station Here In NC about the dragging ass of our CIS, NVC & the Mess over there in Guangzhou, I just recieved a phone call from a Director of NVC telling me that they truely appologize for all of the screw ups & BS that We have had to go through.


He told me that since I filed a K1 129F, that I should be hearing from Guanzhou within the next 30 days, as they have expidited my case to Guangzhou. He said that Guangzhou Recieved our File On March the 1st and is awaiting processing.


For those of you that are new to my situation, Here is a brief rundown:


We Filed for the I129F back in Nov,


Recieved a confermation in January


Noticed a type-O in Her first name, It was Spelled Liqui, when it should have been Liqiu


Noticed that our case was given to California instead of the Texas Office which that is our Regional office.


Faxed them the information showing them the error & what it should be. Also gave them the Change of address.


They never called me back


Recieved the Approval I-797 on Feb 8th, (still no corrections on it were made, so repeated the fax process again. (Still No answer from them


Filed a complaint to My senators, Governors & Congressmans offices, (No Reply)

Called 3 TV Staions here, One took my story & interview.


It aired on Wendsday on their 6pm news.


Recieved a call today explaining to me that it has proceded.


Now, Here is a good question. Our CIS Application # Began with WAC - But the Case Number that the Director told me was GUZ. Why or how can that be?


When I asked him, he said it was because we filed a petition for the I-129F


Should that make a difference?


Thanks For Everyones Help & SUPPORT. :lol:

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Good Job!!


Before being assigned to a Consulate for processing the application is given a WAC number. When it is assigned to the Consulate it receives a number that includes the designation of the Consulate that is processing and the year. In most of our cases it gets the infamous GUZ.

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As a matter of fact, during the TV Interview, I did make mention about our site, and of some of the most recent cases I had read about that was currently affecting many of our members here.


I gave them a copy of the Letter that we are all trying to get signed, as well as I mentioned to them that on a yearly average, about 1,000 american citizens, who, after being born & raised here, and after being treated like yesterdays garbage, had & will leave them no other choice but to begin their own personal self deportation to various other countries.


I also said that we, as a nation as a whole, need to begin looking at the big picture here. Not only are we sending our factories over seas, but now we are creating a mass deportation of our very own people who, in fact, has helped to not only build but also shape our nation. What kind of people are we are we allowing our very own government to create? I mean, if we stop to look at it, Not only are we talking about the young generation here, but there are many retired folks, who, after they spent their lives defending their country, but also help to rebuild it, time and time again, and now our goverment wants to thank them by forcing them to deport themselves, just so that they too can have a bit of happiness? That's Bull Shit!! And unfortunately, after looking at the latest statistics for the past 10 years, on the average, about 21, 000 american citizens leave the USA, never to return, all because they were for what ever, unable to be share their lives with a loved one that they met in another country.


If our nation is going to accept that kind of policy, then maybe it is time to rethink who our leaders are going to be, & just what their functions are going to be. Our Government was founded on the basis of, We the People, of the People For the People. Now, in all reality, it has become, We the rich, for our selves, the poor, go get bent. If this kind of mentality continues to grow, it will not be too many more years before the Average american person begins to join with others & it wouldn't surprize me none if another revolution were close at hand.


I think that it was my comments like that, that I had stated on the air, that has ruffled just a few feathers. But that is ok. I could care less. I have always been one to call it like I see it. The sad part about it is, I am not the only one that sees it like that.


I did put in a plug for our website here as well. So I am almost sure, that will explain the most recent Guest Population increase, which that is cool too as it will help others to come to know that we are not just a group of winers, but actual real people beforced into real problems and not getting any help :D

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jtaylo69, well put indeed, if you were not such a down to earth and honet guy, you would be a good candidate for a politician. Sorry you do not fit the mold. Thanks for the input.



Oh, they wouldn't want me in washington. I'd end up having every one of those buggers ran out of there. It just chapps my ass to see those buggers gettig rich for doing little or nothing & here we have millions of our own people going hungary, homeless, jobless, and extream low test scores in our school systems.


Grrrrr, Uncle sam has his hands into pockets that he should, his nose stuck into others bussiness instead of where it should be, & his member too busy trying to screw other nations.


So Yeah you are right, It wouldn't pay for me to become one of those buggers as it would be my first point of action to clear out every single one of them & replace them with those that are hungry, homeless, & the poor. For what better way to get resaults than to have those who have already been there to know how to go about fixing the problems :D

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I could not agree with you more. I will be curious to see how long it takes you to go thru GZ when your packages get there? Mine was sent there on Feb. 11th and they still do not show it there. I have emailed them and they have told me it could take as long as 3 months to show up there. Is that government work at its best or what? I think we can all thank Mr. Dubbya for the clusterf*ck in government. It has only been six months for me and I am already thinking about moving there to be with my SO but if I do, I will not return that is for sure. I just wisgh they would find some way to pull their heads out of their asses to get this done.



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Way to go J!!!


I hope your case gets the action you were promised and good on you. As for others, sorry but no tears for you, you sit you wait, you don't risk, you don't get.


You have you to blame. So stop whining and do something... what more proof do you need to make the simple logic true? Sign the letter and as others have so eleglently said.. a statement of simple fact and questions and suggestions of help and concern ... how can that be the basis for a retaliation by them?


Just what the heck DID your mom put in your morning cereal.. to make you believe anything less??


J you have a nice timeline and believe me, if all goes well you could be done in less than 9 months... which by some ole timers watches.. that ain't bad. As for the self imposed deportations.. or exportatiopns.. nice point and while this has it's benefits it also has it's draw back.. but one for sure that I enjoy is NOT paying taxes and NOT supporting in that small way some of the.. odd hmmmm yeah thats the word, ideas this current adim has.


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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