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Oh No...Not this again !!!

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If the decision on a case is made behind the scenes with a dart or ouija board, based on the available paperwork or the entrails of a goat. Then how can the presence of the petitioner outside the consulate, which is not known until the interview itself, affect the outcome ?


Just wondering B)

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If you send your fiancee in with your passport to show the visa officer it is iron clad proof you are there and commited enough to the relationship to come. Also it makes dealing with a blue slip easier. When my wife got a blue slip I dropped everything and flew to China to deal with it. I am convinced that my being there for the overcome is what made the difference.

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If you send your fiancee in with your passport to show the visa officer it is iron clad proof you are there and commited enough to the relationship to come.  Also  it makes dealing with a blue slip easier.  When my wife got a blue slip I dropped everything and flew to China to deal with it.  I am convinced that my being there for the overcome is what made the difference.

I agree, I agree, I agree and I agree. But my point is that until you know you have been denied, and if we assume that these decisions are made before the interview, then it can't make any difference.

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Petitioner ^>4.7/date of Interview ³ The Great and Powerful Guz Ï of > other things being = ¶ P/B * (G/Guz) \ Ì ¹ the amount of wait time can reach ¥



You must have missed that day in class.

Besides, they don't use goats, there is not enough room in the consulate. It's chickens.

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Petitioner ^>4.7/date of Interview ³ The Great and Powerful Guz Ï of > other things being = ¶ P/B * (G/Guz)  \ Ì ¹ the amount of wait time can reach ¥



You must have missed that day in class.

Besides, they don't use goats, there is not enough room in the consulate. It's chickens.

You know seeing some humor in all of this keeps us from going insane.

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Insane???? Insane??? Did someone mention insane????? Trust me, I have been throuhg the GZ process and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insane and I didn't go insaneinsaneinsane nsaneinsaneinsanensaneinsaneinsanensaneinsaneinsanensaneinsaneinsanensaneinsaneinsane:blink: :blink: :blush: :blush: :D :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

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IF you actually are in GZ, go to the American Services section of the consulate and register with them. They will enter the fact that you are in GZ, China, staying at XYZ address and will return to the US on XYZ day.

This data will be entered into the GZ system and the VO will know for a fact that you are there in GZ when they are getting ready to throw that dart or consult the great and powerful Ouija board.

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Petitioner ^>4.7/date of Interview ³ The Great and Powerful Guz Ï of > other things being = ¶ P/B * (G/Guz)  \ Ì ¹ the amount of wait time can reach ¥



You must have missed that day in class.

Besides, they don't use goats, there is not enough room in the consulate. It's chickens.

You are both wrong!!! It's really the "eye of a newt". A lot of people get that part wrong though because it tastes like chicken and smells like goat entrails.


I've been watching Emril live, that show was on last week.


Sanity is perspective. Where have I heard that before? hmmmm...

You spelled all those words without a single error in your spelling Trigg. Impressive.

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I'm glad everyone got a laugh out of this, but seriously folks. I hope my real point was not lost. If, as we now assume, the decision on a case is made before the interview. Then how can it matter if the petitioner is outside during the interview, since this is not known until the interview.

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The only influence i can think of is to play damage control. The visa officer has only about 15 minutes to decide if the person in front of them is legit. They already know the answer before the day even comes. Like in Alex's case, they knew long before they showed up she wasn't gonna get it. They could have at least had enough courtisy to notify him if he was missing anything ahead of time, but they didn't. What could he have done? Nothing. He's at there mercy. Sad, but true.

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