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Group Letter- Second Draft

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assisting you in any way possible in order to bring parody and thoroughness to the spouses and fiancee's of my fellow US citizens.





C. Trigg Minnick Ph. D., N.C.S.P.

great version Trigg. But am I correct in noticing that the whole thing is a 'parody' :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I assume the reason you are writing a letter, is that you want results.

No offense, but unless this letter is specific to the situation, with correct facts, it will be ignored. Having had to do a few letter writing campaigns myself, I know pretty much how the response to this one will go something like this....


Thank you for bringing the matter to my attention, blah blah.

Total wait times to receive a visa involve many different agencies and are normal blah blah.

Without specific information regarding a specific case of treatment, is just anecdotal, blah blah.

Thanks for writing, have a great day.


Here are some specifics regarding our waits times for the whole process. Saying it takes 13 months will result in the blow off letter above.

I-129f not in Guangzhou

NOA1 not in Guangzhou

NOA2 not in Guangzhou

NVC not in Guangzhou


To my knowledge, the wait times for this period above is the same for everyone, no matter which country.



The mail and customs, not in Guangzhou.

Receiving the instruction packet (P3), is Guangzhou, but they do this in a week or two on average, I doubt if this is a valid complaint.

Mailing P3 back and getting it into the computer, seems to take a week or two, average of 10 days, so again I doubt this is a valid complaint.

P3 entered into computer, and name checks happen? This seems to take a month, and Guangzhou does not seem to do this.

Name check completed, waiting to be scheduled for an interview. Waiting, average of two to three months while others are scheduled ahead of us. THIS is Guangzhou. This I think is a valid complaint.

All other visa interviews as stated on their web page wait 1 day to a few weeks. In my opinion, it is only on this point is there any chance of making any effect. When writing to government, I have found only a few things work to get action, to speak of discrimination, due process, failure to follow the rules. I usually try to include all three, because usually one or all three is what is in fact happening. You need exhibits from the web page showing these visa processing times for other visa's. http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/wait/tem...gzhou&x=97&y=16

My letters don't go to one person, but to every single person who has a remote possibility of involvement in any part of the process. You must become a nuisance, that can be easily removed by them doing their job. It requires stirring the cesspool to get the gasses going, because when these people sit down in their fancy restaurants, or are out playing golf, one agency or group is always trying to get one up on the other, and this is where the embarrassment factor plays in. And every single letter must be sent registered mail, so that later when an embarrassing situation presents itself, the ones who know they are not doing their job must deal with it in some form or fashion. When letters go to everyone, some people must respond not only to you, but to these other people or agencies, meaning they must do something more than a blow off and thank you letter.

In comparing China to England or other countries with no similarities, this I think is useless. The only two countries that are similar regarding what goes on in China is India and the Philippines. Use specifics. I can easily see the response concerning England. "We have reciprocal visa agreements with England, not China" or maybe something like "the numbers processed for England are much smaller than for China" "The process is different".

I am repeating myself, when writing to government, you must be specific, and you must show why the actions, or inactions could result in embarrassment, or investigation. I am not talking about personal stuff, I am saying for an agency. You write a letter that gives room to wriggle out of, and they will.

It also seems clear to me the wait times are longer for K3 in total. Why? Where in the process does this happen? So far as I can tell, once it is in Guangzhou at a certain equivalent P3 point, it takes the same time to get an interview. Unless you know where this is, and it sounds to me like it is not in Guangzhou, all you are doing is writing a letter that allows them to go "see, people were concerned, and we have answered them it is not our fault, it is someone else's fault". Rushing to send off a letter that has no result, seems a waste of time to me. Sending off a series of letters to all people in all agencies with specific complaints I think is useful. Forget about caring or emotions, this is government, and the only thing any one of them care about is their job or career. You must connect the dots for them on how this problem is their problem.

And as I tell my friends, feel free to ignore my advice, sometimes I do.

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Personally I think no matter what we write it will have no effect whatsoever but to do something is better than to do nothing. We know better than anyone what the problems are. I nominate 'noneufo' to draft a letter based on his ideas and lets see how everyone feels about it.

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assisting you in any way possible in order to bring parody and thoroughness to the spouses and fiancee's of my fellow US citizens.





C. Trigg Minnick Ph. D., N.C.S.P.

great version Trigg. But am I correct in noticing that the whole thing is a 'parody' :lol: :lol: :lol:

What I meant is parity-parody-paroty-paraditityt---whichever spelling means equality.


As for rewriting and rewriting and rewriting--Write away but if you start punching the wrong buttons and/or get accusatory--no one will sign it. Those still in que will be scared that they may get 'punished" or have additional security checks etc... .


Ya'll kick this around until you get your visas if you like. I think our current letter is not accusatory and may have some positive impact without threat of negatives or repercussions. I am sure that spending months in rewrite will only serve to kill time until your SOs get here. Mine is here now so have at it guys. Talkin' aint doin' Soooo do ya'll wanna talk or do ya'll wanna do?


If you want my help, pick a letter, any letter and run with it.




Time for talkin' was then, time for doin' is now-I'm done talkin'

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IMHO we have a few versions of the same thing on the table. It is time to pick one and get it sent.  Ms. Harty cannot read this while it is in revisiong. As this letter is specific to Ms Harty, any one wishing to send this to senators or congressman could easily do so with modifications.


My personal opinion is that individual letters may not get read. This is why I included a sample signature page. I believe we will have the greatest impact  if we all send a sig page to one members address and he/she sends a copy of the letter with all sig pages to the appropriate address.  I would gladly do this if noone else has the time. However, gathering the sig pages will lilely take a week and if we cannot get large numbers we will have no impact.


As to administrators of CFL. YES, we definalty need them to read and varify that we have not misrepresneted CFL in anyway.


Time for talk was then, time to do is now!!!!!! Someone step up and get 'r done!!!!!!


How about some input from some of the rest of the old timers here??? Just 'caus you have you darlin' with you doesn't mean you have forgotten the terrible wait.

This sounds good, the sig pages as Bea and I are CR1 and had a 19 month wait which is something I would include in ours. Something along this line for each person would give people a better idea of wait times etc. and put a bit of a human face on this.


I am also wondering if we shouldn't also include in our sigs.


I have CC,ed: your congressman

your senators


Is this too threatening or more of just a simple notice that yes we firstly know who our reps are and secondly they know of our concerns?


This may give us more ammo if this letter writting gets pushed up a notch?


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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The letter will carry the message better with a large number of signatures followed by Copies to senators and repersenitives.


Any body have any idea to how many members are willing to sign.


I don't remember the 60s I just feel like smoking some #### and marching on Washington.


Boba and Meixiang

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I am a little confussed, sorry, but do I sign my name with a short statement that I suport the letter then send it to the address you posted. I have been working 7 days straight and have two more days to go so I brain is not processing well right now.


Boba and Meixiang

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