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Overcome evidence success, got a white slip!

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Congratulations to you!!!


Wonderful news. After my darling came out, she said that everyone before her had obtained a blue/yellow slip. But she was out about 10 minutes before your Jun!


I am so happy to hear that things are better now and that you have a reason to finally feel that you will be reunited, this time, hopefully for the rest of your days!


Good luck tomorrow, and if they meet each other, I hope that they can both share wonderful news! :rolleyes:


Your perseverance has paid off...now, go and enjoy yourself between now and 4pm tomorrow, ok? :rolleyes:

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Thanks for all the kind replies everyone. We've been enjoying ourselves while we pass the time waiting for 4 pm and the visa.


I still want to post a thorough accounting of our experience but thought I should share a few highlights because they might help some of you with upcoming interviews and because of Deekdooken's questions.


1. I think the most important thing is to present overwhelming evidence of your "bonafide relationship" up front in your package. That seems to be the most important thing for them to see. I don't think the consulate really examines your package. By my calculations, the visa officers only have about 10 minutes available per visa application.


2. The presence of the USC doesn't seem to me to be as important as some posts in the past have indicated. My presence certainly did not prevent a blue slip and we had a pretty good package to present.


3. I would advise USCs however to be present if at all possible to support your fiance and to deal with a blue slip. Also, it's a very good idea to leave 1-2 weeks after the initial interview to do followup if necessary. Our response took one full week. We might have been able to submit additional evidence a second time but that would have taken up the second week.


4. I did talk with "king" the US lawyer who works down here and he seems to believe that the process has some elements of rationality to it. Maybe he's right. I don't know what turned the tide for us. Maybe it was the photos with Jun's family, maybe it was my conversation with a visa officer, maybe they just want to make some of us pass a second hurdle, maybe it was the emails from friends and family back home testifying to our sincerity, maybe it was the photo with us peeking out of the covers together! I'm not convinced that the process isn't pretty much a matter of luck or lottery. I'm sure they feel like they need to turn a few applications down. And I know they want to leave us in the dark. The VO at the information meeting said as much.


The heartening thing about the process for me was that they do seem to respond to the submittal of "overcome evidence" and grant visas on the second pass. Maybe they just actually look at the stuff you brought in the first time.


One last thing. Jun's interview lasted a full 10 minutes, a lifetime it seems compared to most 1 minute interviews. Can't stress how important it is to fully prepare your fiance to forcefully make the case that you have a bonafide relationship "which exists for other reasons than to create an immigration benefit" with her/his words, manner, confidence and documents.


PM me with further questions.


Oh, one last thing about GZ in general. Avoid everything purported to be "western". It all sucks. Go Chinese and enjoy the ride.

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4.  I did talk with "king" the US lawyer who works down here and he seems to believe that the process has some elements of rationality to it.  Maybe he's right.  I don't know what turned the tide for us.  Maybe it was the photos with Jun's family, maybe it was my conversation with a visa officer, maybe they just want to make some of us pass a second hurdle, maybe it was the emails from friends and family back home testifying to our sincerity, maybe it was the photo with us peeking out of the covers together!   I'm not convinced that the process isn't pretty much a matter of luck or lottery.  I'm sure they feel like they need to turn a few applications down.  And I know they want to leave us in the dark.  The VO at the information meeting said as much.


The heartening thing about the process for me was that they do seem to respond to the submittal of "overcome evidence" and grant visas on the second pass.  Maybe they just actually look at the stuff you brought in the first time.

Who really knows what turns the tide? But, I have a sense that if the USC gets involved with the overcome portion and goes to GZ to plead his/her case, this in and of itself goes a long way in showing the VO that there is a serious and bona fide relationship.

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