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Need some Profesiona Answers to some Questions

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Both of you must realize that this process will take 8-12 months to complete. So if you want to survive this process you must understand this. The best rememdy is to schedule a trip or 2 to China to break up the wait. If you can have lengthy stays more the better. You will be surprised that the time will flow. Unfortunately, you still have a long way to go, so it will be beneficial to have the mindset needed to keep sane during the upcoming months.



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There is ONE possible shortcut:


get married in Hong Kong or in Thailand, and try to file through there.


I do not know anyone who has done this, but the law *should* work.


The problem is that in China, they seem to sit on applications and take nearly forever to process them.


It is not too hard to find a contract with a Chinese company, if you are a skilled individual with a college degree or other skills that they are looking for. However, this route will require persistance and connections, especially if you can not yet speak any Chinese.


Good Luck.

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Who would have thought that being apart for so long would drive a couple to insanity.


One thing that keeps me going and strong is the thought that if I was still military, I could possibly be in Iraq, for a year to 18 months, with the only hope of seeing my wife is a 2 week vacation. Think of the soldiers during all wars who go away for a year or two at a time.. honor them by realizing you have the ability to talk to your wife/fiancee all the time, go there when you can, and have the freedoms they dont in reaching out...


Next thing you know.. your 12 month wait is up....


Thats how I do it...



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I'd be happy to know what all I will need to take with me for this stay.


I am hoping that everyone in my family will be permitted to file the financial support docs (I-130 I think) as I am quite sure that there is at least one of them that will be able to meet the minimal requirements.


I know on this years taxes I will have over 20 grand of income for the taxes so I do not fore see that being a prob.


But yeah, Any info would be great



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Also doing DCF, in GZ, but I"ve been living/working here for over 2 years with resident green book permit. We had been married over a year at the time we filed, not filed any previouse K visas.


Had gone to citizen's information hour to find out how this works, when the infamous "black pearl" heard my story she hustled me up to DHS to get the paperwork started that afternoon before they closed. Turns out since we were married, the CR1 visa was the way to go, since it's all processed in Guangzhou and doesn't go to US. I asked about the K- visa in the mean time, the gentleman a DHS said it actualy takes longer to file a K-visa out of Guangzhou becaue it has to travel to US first for processing.


But, in order to file this way, you have to have a long term contract with an American Company, have the residence green book. I don't know that a teaching contract will suffice as it''s not an american company. Plus, a lot of companies here dont' want to go through the hassle of getting their foreign employees the residence permit since they have to be registered offices themselves. Also then they have to collect taxes from you, administer a lot of other items. Yes, my friend, once you get a residence permit in China, you get to pay income tax here, and the tax rate ain't low!!!


And you will have to get married in China, which is an adventure in frustration all on it's own. Luckily, they have changed the requirements for the physical, they no longer put a cotton swab up places you would rather not have a cotton swab put, if you know what I mean.


Our interview is in a couple of weeks, and while I'm fairly comfortable with the proving relationship part and have plenty of income, I'm not too sure how close they are going t o look at the U.S. domicile part. There is a section of the law that addresses this, and the consulate people I've spoken with so far DHS and "black pearl" seemed to give an indication that it's a non issue. But then again, who knows. Even other consulate staff keep telling me "you're married, of course she can get a visa to go to US." Just a mattter of figuring out the correct visa I guess.


Has anyone filed CR1 and DCF, and if so can you fill me in on what happened?




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But, in order to file this way, you have to have a long term contract with an American Company,  have the residence green book.  I don't know that a teaching contract will suffice as it''s not an american company.  Plus, a lot of companies here dont' want to go through the hassle of getting their foreign employees  the residence permit  since they have to be registered offices themselves. Also then they have to collect taxes from you, administer a lot of other items. Yes, my friend, once you get a residence permit in China, you get to pay income tax here, and the tax rate ain't low!!!


And you will have to get married in China, which is an adventure in frustration all on it's own. Luckily, they have changed the requirements for the physical, they no longer put a cotton swab up places you would rather not have a cotton swab put,  if you know what I mean.

In fact, you do NOT have to be working for an American company. I filed in BJ when working for the Chinese gov't and could have just as easily when I was teaching. All you need is the residence permit (no longer a green book though but in your passport). And I pay very little tax, because my salary is not that of an American company. Working for a Chinese organization foreigners get a lot of tax breaks.


I didn't find getting married that frustrating. Well, on my part, I just needed a couple things, we both needed the health check and he needed something from his hukou, don't remember. But things have been even further simplified from that time.

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I guess what I meant was that I am thinking of going over there to await her K1 and then her & I will come back here to the states to get married. Basicly because now, it seems that we are already moving on the visa process, it would be crazy to do anything to have to restart another venture.


I spoke to her last night and had asked her just what was her true desires for us and she replied by syaing that she knows just how much I'd love to spend the rest of our lives being close to her family, but she also wants to be able to have a chance to experiance the culture to which I was raised. Having said that, she thinks that in order for both of us to live out at least one of our dreams, she said that possibly after being here in the usa for about 5 to 10 years, we could then take what ever funds we have saved at that time & return to Nanning to live out our lives.


So, since the work here is very slow, we feel that i could just go over there, find some kind of work to help tie us over while we await for her interview & approval to come to the USA.

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