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new guy ...

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i've been a reader of this site for a while, and finally thought i would introduce myself here.


my fiancee and i have recently sent our petition for K1, and are currently waiting for NOA2 from vermont. so far its been 23 days ... counting each day ... each hour it seems.


trying to keep my sanity, even though this is only the first step, of what will be a long journey ...


i love the stories here, and the support. this site is great!


- ping & me

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Welcome pingme. I guess you've already noticed that there's a lot of goodwill here. And lots of encouragement and useful information.


There's also a lot of humor. I rarely read the day's posts without breaking out laughing once or twice. Maybe it's our way of dealing with the endless waiting. Probably has something to do with the kind of people who somehow decide to head down this path...a little different maybe?


You're definitely going to get your patience tested. It's been 15 months since I've seen Jun in person but I leave for her visa interview the day after tomorrow!


Best of luck with everything.

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Welcome to the Candle. Strap yourself in and prepare for lift off. Sending in your I-129f has set the stage for the ride of your life.


Ya, but before liftoff expect a lot of sputtering, delays and aborted countdowns :lol:


The average liftoff is about 1 year or so. I've been sitting on the launch pad for about 8 months or so.

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I'm with Trigg, New Guy ~! :D




... just hope your Federal visa application is more reliable than the Federal missile defense system..... which once again ....... didn't make it out of the silo...


:lol: :angry:


Billions and billions served........ on missle defence..... and them ain't hambergers....



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thanks everyone ...


for the support and humor. that is one thing i have liked about this site/forum.


i know it will be a long wait, i knew before i started. i have also braced my fiancee for the long wait, so i think we are prepared ... but still hope for the best.


to make it easier i have told her i will come to see her every 3-4 months.


i was last there for christmas/new years, and will go again on March 24th.


i sure hope we are past vermont at that time ...


thanks all

ping & me

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i thought the VSC would be faster, and i've been tracking my petition along with others from my lawyers website. from his site i can view the waiting times for others at the VSC and also other at guangzhou.


so far we are one of the longer ones at the VSC, but they seem to go in cycles or spurts..


so just waiting for now.


next week i hope we'll see something, or i'll see about contacting them.



ping and me

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Welcome pingme.


I have found this site to very informative and a god-send to keep me sane during the long process. My SO and me are waiting for our interview and we have been in the system just around 11 months, so I know what you mean where every hour feels like a day.


I do know that we did not use a lawyer, because I found the answers to all my questions on this site. I am constantly amazed at how much information is on this site. There is always someone to help or to direct you, so like others have said.





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Welcome to CFL where we rocket scientists have yet to figure out how to make this process fly. You'll find a wealth of information here, most of it related to how to use batteries and granades when you go fishing. One piece of advice - buy some stock in the company that makes Cheetos or better still, stock up on some Cheetos.


Good luck on your journey.

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i thought the VSC would be faster, and i've been tracking my petition along with others from my lawyers website. from his site i can view the waiting times for others at the VSC and also other at guangzhou.


so far we are one of the longer ones at the VSC, but they seem to go in cycles or spurts..


so just waiting for now. 


next week i hope we'll see something, or i'll see about contacting them.



ping and me

John Roth?

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