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Letters of intent

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I was wondering, I had read a while ago that in order to get her passport, Jennifer might have needed letters of intent from me to prove the purpose to getting the passport. A while ago she had told me she got it without any troubles. Are such thing still going to be benificial at the interview? I have also been thinking of getting a referance letter not only from employer but also my landloard since I have been renting the same place for 4 years. :huh: If I have to get a note from mother, I can do that too. :rolleyes:

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To Whom It May Concern:

I have submitted this petition because I wish to marry _________ and reside together in the United States. We have waited for this interview since _____ and now our fate is in your hands. Please grant ___________'s visa so he/she may enter the United States for the purpose of our getting married within 90 days of his/her entry to the country.


Thank you for your assistance in bringing us together.





Ok I am sure everyone noticed this is not an easy letter to write. All the expletives you are thinking as you write it must not make their way into the letter. What is said may seem obvious but this is government formality. The papers say a letter of intent and if you forget to dot an i the whole process is invalid. Also this is the part where they make sure you are not doing this for illegal purposes. If you say your intent is to import a man/ woman for the sex slave market in order to retire with the money or you write that you and your spouse are bored with each other and need a third to spice things up or you own a garment factory and good workers are hard to find, then you are likely to be denied.


So once more control the rages and be good. This is the last hurdle before you are together. Don't blow it (the recent letter of intent is part of the screening process in case you forgot to cancel the petition when you got married last week in the U.S.). Once this is finished you move on to "what can they do now to drive us c razy, since we are now together in the U.S." as seen in many posts by senior members here.

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Can anyone offer up some guidance as to what the Letter of Intent for the interview should say? There's nothing about this in P4.



Just that you met her-on---date(s) and intend to marry her within 90 days of her entry into the US--you can add the lovey stuff if you like. I think the VO's at the consulate get off reading the lovey stuff.

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