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What to do for New Year

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I'm in the process of coming up with a plan-any plan. Do remeber that she don't scare me-she don't scare me-Like hell she don't.


Carl, I know about the cleaver-she has one tOo and she knows how to use it. She recently watched a Chinese movie that reproduced the Bobbit thing. last thing she said before she went to bed (alone) was "Ka-chop". Anyone know what that means in Chinese??



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Methinks fireworks  may be safe compared to the implements of destruction  she would have in the kitchen.  I know Bing's Chinese meat cleaver is pretty formidable.



Remember, if she wants anything that goes KABOOM, you have to go accross the river, and hope that the OSP don't catch you on the way back.... :lol:

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Well, I begged my way back into her good graces. So, tonight I took her and my step daughter to an early dinner. The bill was close to a hundred bucks and I left a $20 dollar tip. NOT A GOOD IDEA. Wifey was convinced that $5 dollars for a tip was plenty. She said in her best smartass voice "Oh, I see, now husband very rich man".


I tried to explain to her about good service and tipping 20% etc. She didn't get it at all but she then said "Now I know husband rich man maybe I go shopping soon".


I kept my mouth shut for a change. It was very cold last night and tonight I'm hoping for a warm front.


Gheeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz :lol:

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Trigg have you ever thought of applying for work with the diplomatic corps? Now I'm doubting if I should use your famous response to why I didn't wash after pissing.


Ok now you're acting like our leader. Even at our ages you mean we can learn new tricks? You really didn't say anything? Even after you got home? Seems training is setting in. Has she ever studied Pavlov's experiments?

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I will be happy when I can ask my wife a question and she answers it, instead of her asking a question to my question.


Me: Do you want to stop at Sam's club

Her: for what?

Me: I don't know what you might want that is why I asked.

Her: So look at what?

Me: Is that a yes or a no?


Me: why do you always answer a question with a question?

Her: Why do you ask?

ME: :wacko:

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Trigg have you ever thought of applying for work with the diplomatic corps? Now I'm doubting if I should use your famous response to why I didn't wash after pissing.


Ok now you're acting like our leader. Even at our ages you mean we can learn new tricks? You really didn't say anything? Even after you got home? Seems training is setting in. Has she ever studied Pavlov's experiments?

I'm not sure she knows about Pavlov but then again ii ain't a bell she's ringin' and it ain't drooling i'm talkin' 'bout. I've decided I'm gonna stand my ground. I'm gonna set her straight about this whole Chinese holiday thing. What kind of leader would I be if I didn't 'stay the course'? Then and only then can I hope top do some serious 'flip flopping' tonight.


I'm goin' in! Wish me luck-I will return victorious!! :wacko: :angry:

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Answer a question with a question. What's wrong with that? Are you sure she isn't from the Chinese Jews of Kaifeng? Seems like a reasonably clear conversation to me. Maybe I wont have such a hard time after all.What do you think?


Trigg has been gone awhile, should we try to rescue him?

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I thought I had been successful. I thought I had finally won an argument. I thought the worm had turned and now I was finally in charge. I stood my ground and I swear she said I can now celebrate. However, upon further review and a bit of disappointment in the area a of marital bliss, I discovered that her poor English skills gave me a false sense of confidence.


What I heard was " Husband, now you celebrate"


What she said is "Husband, now you celibate!"


So much for standing my ground!!! Looks like it's a trip to the cheetos store for me. :angry: B) :( :wacko:

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Just remember JP, Jun can't leave leave the US during AOS without permission... (Which you pay for.. :wacko: )..


Yeah Trigg has been gone awhile.... too bad... but what can we do??


Took Fei to the local furnature store that started out selling Japanese furniture --- antiques --- and has branched out in the last five years to Chinese (almost all from late Qin) --- not really valuable stuff --- but we bought a huge wardrobe for our joint clothes ---- just beginning to fathom how much she really brought from China......


Then it was home to work on the hourse..... Fei thinking: what kind of man works on the house on New years day?? ... :angry:


Then my ex wife showed up screaming and out of control ---- told her on the phone that if she did ---- I'd call the police (which I did) ---- Fei saw the bigger picture ---


Not the most "pristine" new year....


....Good dinner though, with Fei and the girls ~!


Very glad, right now that Fei is on my side as the year of the fighting bantam starts out ~!

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Im doing the furniture thing with Yi now... I have talked her into American. Told her I like to lay on couch and Chinese couch not long enough for me...

The cloths.... I thought my ex had allot of cloths...Yi has filled up two closets and were still missing a package she mailed from China---and yes---it was all cloths..

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