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Sorry, didn't mean to cut in on the upcoming October's with my wrath :( Acc to DOS, name check or whatever was done Oct. 20 and there's no prob with our case. My congressman's caseworker emailed them. They just said they would guess April but can't commit and to send my doctor's note if we want an earlier date. I've done that TWICE now and not even an acknowledgement ("We haven't received your submission" is their mantra). We're going for a checkup again tomorrow and will send them again via EMS all the medical records they could ever want. But what with Spring Festival, I'm not feeling too confident on anything getting done.


I have to leave by March 31 and I will be furious if Jack can't come with me when everyone else has interviews. But worst case he comes a couple weeks later and we both just have to travel by ourselves - not ideal for either of us but won't kill us either. Just that it doesn't have to be that way angers me. But don't worry, I'm trying to keep the blood pressure down and think happy thoughts about having babies.


Yeah, July 4 babies will be cool, esp since it's also our anniversary! But I'll just be happy if they come and all three of us have no problems...

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