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Just got news from Wen that she got the blue slip for her interview. Listed below are the facts. Im really frustrated right now...


#3 was selelcted on the attatchment to the blue slip she faxed to me which read ' You have been found ineligable for an immigran visa under section 221 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. .........................


- Interview lasted approx 10min.


- Question 1: What kind of work I do


- The times I visited


- Why not just marry in China?


- What college I went to.


They took my tax forms, gave Wen no inidcation of WHY the reason for the blue slip. She brought all phone records, all pictures taken, letters, cards, the works. Pratically everything that one would expect to be asked for at the interview.


They told her she can submit whatever else she things will make our relationship releavant to them and they will re-consider at a later date.


I've gone thru all this time for this......In the mean time Im gonna talk to my work and see about request time of to go back. I tried calling the consolute #, no luck. Anyone have a direct line I can get ahold of someone to speak to? I also emailed the the consolute so we'll see what i get in a response tommorow.


I don't understand, she brought 'everything' to the interview. What else do they need to show the proof. And the fact that I am Chinese American, so their certaintly isn't any language barrier.:D


What should i do now? :(

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Don't panic you aren't out of the running yet. It sounds like they aren't convinced your relationship is legit. Usually a blueslip is accompanied by a pink slip saying what it is they want. We are here for you Dan. Hang in there.

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You should take the following steps.


Find out what section 221 of the Immigration and Nationality Act is. Do this by contacting the DOS. Dept of State phone number is 202-663-1225. call after 8:30 am eastern standard time. when you get a voice message push "1" then "0" two times, then you can talk to a life voice.


In addition, the DOS may be able to give you more detailed information about the blue slip. Either way, you should focus on providing evidence that deals with section 221. Good Luck.

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You must figure out exactly what it is they want. Somewhere on the blue or pink slip it asks for a specific something that they want (they are requesting addtional evidence of some sort). Unless things have changed recently.


I think you can overcome this by submitting whatever pieces of paper they want. Try that. If she gets "rejected" a second time, then my best advice is to get on a plane and go there to show them you are serious about your love for her. It shouldn't have to be that way, but that's the way it is. Of course you don't have the time or the money for a trip there, but that's almost a sure fire way to make it happen - so find a way if you need to. Good luck, let us know if you need anything else. We're rootin for ya!

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Unbelievable! According to the information from your link, section 221 merely refers you to section 212, which is a hodgpodge list of stuff that will make you inelligble. It doesn't state anything specific. In addition, too much of it is left up to the "opinion of the consular officer". For instance, look at item number 4:


(4) PUBLIC CHARGE.-- Any alien who, in the opinion of the consular officer at the time of application for a visa, or in the opinion of the Attorney General at the time of application for admission or adjustment of status, likely to become a public charge is excludable.


It doesn't say anything specific about income level... it only mentions the "opinion of the consular officer". What if the VO is having a bad day?


aahming888, I can see why you are confused. But still give the DOS a call, and don't let them off the phone without giving you a straight answer or getting you to someone who can. In addition, you may learn something from the email that you sent to GUZ. Hang in there.

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First attempt to email GZ was a whole lot of nothing, so I just sent out another message. Its a pretty long message wonder if they even read the emails we send. I just scan thru it and determine which pre-written reply to send back.


As I told Carl on the phone, Wen found the infamous 'visa helper' people and they told her it was gonna run 6,000$ dead presidents. You would pay when they are handing the visa to you. Even it they could do it or not, thats just out right F-up. Outrages amount of money to pay, but then again those idiots know people will pay it. Anyway to make story talking about scammers short. They called her up after a couple of days telling her they cant accomplish what they promised.


Wen wants to try a couple things like the one mentioned above. I told her I can come back and it would probably help more than anything. She wants to try her methods first. (Hard to explain, but Im sure everyone out there understands what im getting at) :o But ehhh with Chinese New Years comming up, I figure she can make one more attempt. Then I'll be flying back to see my good buddys at GZ. If i go back now with the holidays comming up I cant really no much. And I only have limited time to take of from work.


Curently Wen is getting help from a teacher of her in the past. This person supposly is a english teacher over there. Wen has had me talk to her on the phone a couple times. She speaks english but its the mixed english with the chinese acient. Im wondering about her too, but im just letting Wen do her thing this time. Just to let the time past since im strapped because of the upcommnig holiday. Im wondering because when I spoke to her she was asking about my job, as to what exactly I do in my position. I explained it to her but I dont think she understands the technical jargon. I told her my letter from my employer has a simple description. I personally don't think my job has anything to do with the situation. Since I have my Father as a co-sponsor for me on my petition.


She also asked about the onesuite.com phone bills that i printed out from the net. I told her I know a lot of people on CFL website that use the same phone service and I hadn't heard any issues arrise. Has anyone had any problem with onesuite.com phone records??? Just to make sure, nothing has changed....


Anyway thats the update, in the mean time im getting the chinese visa to enter China, and what not to prepare.


I put up another post for the blue slip since this one is already pretty long.

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The 2nd part...


What bothered me was Wen really didn't get a realavent reason for the denial of the visa. She left GZ with a cover page that had 'The Foreign Service of the United States of America' on top, her signature right below, and filled in not to far below her name was "See Attached" in english and chinese. Below looks like a signature by probably the person that interviewed her. 'American Consular Officer' was underneath the signature. Thats pretty much of what I can make out of that page. It was originally a colored page and when she faxed it to me it was all black in color.


Next 2 pages were reasons of why one didnt get the visa approval. Each reason is numbered and next to the number is a little check box. The only one checked out of the pages was #3


'You have been found ineligable for an immigrant visa under Section 221 (g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. We have carefully reviewed you application for an immigrant visa based upon your relationship to the petitioner. Although we have thoroughly reviewed the particular facts of your case and the evidence you have provided, you have failed to establish that a bona fide relationship exits between you and your petitioner. Should you have further evidence of the bona fide of your relationship to the petitioner, you are welcome to submit that evidence.'


And there ya have it; all they gave her would not answer her questions after she attempted to ask numerous times.


The interview person was a male american that spoke chinese. Wen said he would out of no where walk away go bS and laugh with his co-workers then come back and continue the interview. He did this a couple of times, thats probably why the interview took the 10min it did. When he was talking with is co-workers he was speaking english so Wen didn't know what he was saying.


And as I discover the real black whole amist to the long wait. One can only wait and hope for the best.


Thanks for all your replys....thanx Carl for letting me call ya up at 1 in the morning! :o

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Dan it may not be a good idea to let Wen run with it. They will only let you have one or two stabs at it before they send it back to the states. I honestly believe your best option is to get on a plane and go over there. Write a letter to the VO, gather all the evidence of relationship you have, letters from relatives who intoduced you, make a video talking about your love for one another and submit it all as overcome evidence.

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Dan it may not be a good idea to let Wen run with it.  They will only let you have one or two stabs at it before they send it back to the states.  I honestly believe your best option is to get on a plane and go over there.  Write a letter to the VO, gather all the evidence of relationship you have, letters from relatives who intoduced you, make a video talking about your love for one another and submit it all as overcome evidence.

Thats what I plan on doing Carl, in the mean time with the holidays GZ will be out getting drunk or something. Im planning on end of Feb trip back, Im sending of my stuff to get my china visa in preparation.

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I notice that Wen is from TaiShan.maybe that's one of reasons why VO gave her the cover page and not ask her many questions,i read 001,If the lady is from FuJian or TaiShan,it's always hard to get the visa,It's like Nanning ladies they are always easily to get visa.i think these infamous "visa helper" know the situation very well ,that was why they asked for $6,000, i know from 001,normal "visa helper"ask for $1,200 each case.


I do hope my words would not make you discouraged,but i just want to tell you what i read from 001.


Good luck.

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