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Guest DragonFlower

Sorry Carl,I think Jason has done a great job,but RR2 just seems to be fizzling along.

Sort of like goin' into an empty room and talkin' to the wall.

I am here for the info,but I guess almost as important is the commaraderie.

It has been a long time for me and it will be a long time more,I like having some way to pass the time with friends.

I will admit that sometimes with some subjects,the emotions get a little raw,please forgive.

That said,the headsman knows when to swing(the big D) and does a good job.(thanks)




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Hmmm, Can you say Kent State??

The problem with Kent State was that some IDIOT made the mistake of giving guns and live ammunition without competent leadership or specific rules of engagement to the Ohio National Guard. In the aftermath they brought in active duty personnel to assist local law enforcement and managed to calm the situation and maintain the peace without guns or ammunition.

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Sorry Carl,I think Jason has done a great job,but RR2 just seems to be fizzling along.

Sort of like goin' into an empty room and talkin' to the wall.

I am here for the info,but I guess almost as important is the commaraderie.

It has been a long time for me and it will be a long time more,I like having some way to pass the time with friends.

I will admit that sometimes with some subjects,the emotions get a little raw,please forgive.

That said,the headsman knows when to swing(the big D) and does a good job.(thanks)




Well that's the reason it's so empty, people have that attitude. Go there and it's empty so why go there?


Maybe if we had a pre-arranged rumble and set up a time for everyone to meet in the RR2, we'd get it kicked off right. Once enough people post, they would come back to partake. The problem is getting enough people in there to make it worthwhile.

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Wow, I don't even know where to start with this. I really want to discuss issues like this but I'm afraid that it'll get the whole thread deleted. Right now I'm reading "Hungry Ghosts" and it's giving me nightmares. Xiaoming doesn't believe that any of it happened.


All I just read another book, though fictious and about Russia, touched very closely on the same situation in China. It was called "Archangel" and basically the main point of the book was that a huge number of people in Russia still support Stalin and Lenin and want them to come back. Why? Because the Russian government hasn't fully made public all the horrors that occured during those times.


Same thing in China- how many Chinese still think Mao was a great man? My students all say that their hero is Lei Fang. If they knew the truth about the Party's past, could they possibly still support them? No way.


Sorry if I get this thread deleted, I really wish I had someone to talk to about this stuff cuz Xiaoming is still as brainwashed as most of the rest of China.

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Come on over to the RR2. You can chat and debate about this stuff with the people from CFL and not worry about getting deleted. Jason set it up to replace the old RR, but because the RR got out of hand when it was part of CFL, Don and PJ had to remove it.


You'll have to become a member to discuss political stuff, but nothing is off limits.


Here's the link: http://www.jasonjun.com/boards/


Come one, come all, get yer ya ya's out and come back to CFL for the tamer stuff.

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Sorry if I get this thread deleted, I really wish I had someone to talk to about this stuff cuz Xiaoming is still as brainwashed as most of the rest of China.

I have to wonder if brain washing doesn't go in many directions. I suggest one studies sociology in reference to ethnocentrism and it's dangers. We all know that the Chinese are forced to pay homage to chairman Mao from their first trip to school


"I pledge allegiance to the..." " America the beautiful..." how is this any different?


The point is this, where you stand depends on where you sit. We ALL are prejudiced by what we have learned in our youth. Stalinist and lennonist are no different that the Mao backers or those who back the regime currently in power in the US. We have all learned that our way is the only way and our learned prejudices won't allow us to think outside of our preordained ethnocentric box.


As long as there is a China little Chinese kids will say "Damned capitalists and as long as their is an America little American kids will speak of those "damned oppressed commies"


Which is the real truth??? Only one raised in the absents of such brainwashing would ever be able to figure that out. But of course we would call him "Damned noncommittal liberal".


Keep you ethnocentric ways and their will always be a need for a winner and a loser. Open your mind and possibly, just possibly we will see we are all wrong and we all right.


Just depends on where you sit and therefore where you stand.


Just my opinion, I could be wrong.




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Guest DragonFlower

Maybe it is not true,but I hope we are a little more open minded here in the US,although I have often considered Sunday school to provide a pretty thorough brainwashing.

As far as capitalism,the Chinese are the most naturally capitalistic people in the world.Communist,socialist,only words ,that do not fit the situation in China today.



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Sorry Trigg I don't agree. In the US we can make an informed decision about what kind of politics we choose to back. All information is public and available to everyone. Nothing is hidden. We are free to discuss politics, say bad things about politicians, protest, post on websites, write books or whatever.


Can Chinese claim the same freedom? Do they really have in any choice in their politics? Do they actually know the truth about Mao and Deng Xiaoping and everyone else? Do they have the information to make an informed decision about who they support? Sorry, I think not. I think a lot of Chinese support Mao for no other reason than they have been told to. Becuase they have been told that he was a great leader and that he made China into a great country. If they knew the truth about the Party's past (and I'm not saying I do) then I don't really think Mao and other dictator's would have so much support. Why do you think the Party is so closed? They know that they key to their future is also the key to their past. It's about power.


Do people still support Hitler? Maybe a few, but not the overwhelming numbers like we find in China. Why? Becuase German people know what he did. They know the truth. Chinese don't.


Maybe brainwashed is the wrong word.. sorry if that offened you. I meant that Chinese don't have the freedoms we do and when they are presented with our freedoms they often don't have the rational and critical thinking to accept what they find. Do you think that's an accident?

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