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i was reading the posts about the toilet facilities and just had to ask this question. My LP, when we go to a hotel, will not use the towels there cos they are "dirty". She always uses her little towel, refuses to sit on the toilet seat, and is afraid that the sheets etc are also dirty. She told me once someone used her towel and she had to give it away or throw it away. Wow what will it be like here in the USA...Anyone want to buy a washer and dryer cheap?

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OH boy, here we go again. My washer and dryer haven't been used since March 20--the day she got here. She says clothes must be kissed by the sub to be clean. The dishwasher is only used to sanitize dishes. And I'll not repeat my post about her mopping the carpets in my house.


You will get several humorous-but true-posts on this subject. If you think 100% clean is half clean enough--YOU ARE WRONG.


Me thinks the proverbial can of worms has been opened.


Good luck


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i was reading the posts about the toilet facilities and just had to ask this question.  My LP, when we go to a hotel, will not use the towels there cos they are "dirty".  She always uses her little towel, refuses to sit on the toilet seat, and is afraid that the sheets etc are also dirty.  She told me once someone used her towel and she had to give it away or throw it away.  Wow what will it be like here in the USA...Anyone want to buy a washer and dryer cheap?

So, what's the problem? :lol: Actually, Jingwen is not that extreme on some things, but is a fanatic about other things. There is definitely a can of worms floating around here somewhere. Please be careful when you open it. :unsure: :P

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Oh Boy. The floor definititely falls into the "not clean" category, a major cause of grief on recent vist to Ying's house. The slippers are to be worn at all times. This should be easy, except at my house I am always barefoot. Any slipups were met with a very stern " wear slipper is very easy" Hey the floor was mopped everyday. I will never again make mistake resting the dust pan on the bed for a moment.

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When I was in China last time, Jun and I stayed in an apartment she subletted for a month even though we only used it for a week (hey, it was still cheaper than 2 days in a hotel). Her parents came over, brought some necesseties, and some food. They also bought a pair of pants for me, so I went to the bedroom to try them on, and walked out of the bedroom without my slippers on. :blink: :blink: :blink: You would think I had walked out on fire with a dead raccoon on my head or something. Thus I learned... slippers are not optional, not even for a minute. :P

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When I was in China last time, Jun and I stayed in an apartment she subletted for a month even though we only used it for a week (hey, it was still cheaper than 2 days in a hotel).  Her parents came over, brought some necesseties, and some food.  They also bought a pair of pants for me, so I went to the bedroom to try them on, and walked out of the bedroom without my slippers on.  :blink: :blink: :blink: You would think I had walked out on fire with a dead raccoon on my head or something.  Thus I learned... slippers are not optional, not even for a minute. :P

Slippers=Not optional


Shower before bed=Not optional


Sitting on bed wearing street clothes=Not optional


Wash hands before touching wife=Not optional


Wash hands (or at least let her hear water running) after peeing=Not optional


Dirt,leaves, grass clippings on driveway=Not optional


Clothes on floor=Not optional


Using her toothbrush=Not optional


Using same toothbrush more than 2 weeks=Not optional


Buying anything within 1 week of experation date=Not optional


Spending large amounts of money (more than 5 dollars) without driving to numerous stores to comapre prices=Not optional


Her friend having a richer husband than me=Not optional


Anything in my house that was here when ex wife was here=Not optional


Telling wife she CANNOT wash hepa filter in vacum cleaner=Not optional



Leaving dishes in dishasher until full load=Not optional


Using dishwasher for anything other than storage=Not optional


Putting spices, soy sauces and various cooking ingredients into cabinets rather than on the cabinet top=Not optional


Putting left over food in refrigerater rather than leaving on table=Not optional


Turning thermostat down to under 80=Not optional

Not immediatley answering to the loud call of "HUSBAND"=Not optional


Falling asleep immediatley after an intimate moment without washing=Not optional


Falling asleep during an intimate moment=Not optional(if she finds out)


Laughing at wife for mopping carpets=Not optional


Discussing all above options=Not optional :P :( :P

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