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Being at Wifes interview

Guest Bill

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Welcome Bill, :D


The general consensus seems to be that it is a very good idea to be with your SO at the time of the interview. It is not necessary however, as many SO's have obtained their visa without the American Citizen being in Guangzhou.


My fiancee is from Zhanjiang. There are only two or three others that have an SO from Zhanjiang. My SO always enjoys talking to others from her home town. Let me know if your SO wants to talk to my SO. She is still in Zhanjiang now, but we are hoping for a February interview. I am not anywhere near Louisiana. I live west of Philadelphia.


When did your SO send in her P3? There are 27 CFL members with January interviews. I can add you to the list.

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Welcome Bill :D


I'm just to the north of you in central Arkansas! I'm hoping for a early Feburary interview for my wife! Yes I will be there at the interview even though I will be waiting outside! :D This will be the very first time my wife has ever been on a plane, let alone being out of the country! I know how I felt till I seen her smiling face waiting at the airport! It was something that I had never done before such as flying into a different country alone! ;)

It seems to make a difference if they know you are outside waiting! But they can reject her either way! Good luck to you on whatever you decide! :P

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Welcome and good luck on your interview

Being there does not guarantee a visa what could

help is how well you prepared for the interview.

I practice over and over again with my wife.

I think that was the key for us

I was not there when my wife had hers

She was only ask three questions and that was it

I think if you can be there for moral support that will help

to ease some of the fears.

Terrence & Linda

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I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who will be able to be there for the interview. My fiancee's interview is 03Feb05. I think it's a good idea to be there if it's possible, if for nothing else just for the support. Must be a good feeling for anyone's SO to know their fiance(e) is waiting for them outside to share in the joy of a white slip or to comfort and overcome in case of a blue slip. Either way it's another way to show your SO you love them. Not everyone can get away from work, so I know I'm one of the lucky ones.


Welcome to CFL.


Good luck

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I hope to be there, however I have a big trip there planed for Feb 6 to 16, then after her approval, and she has taken care of all her personal business, she will visit her mom for a while, (at my insistance), then I will accompany her to the USA, so I dont think I can make mine... But I will be there in spirit.... :D


Hmmmm... and am I one of the few Mikes? If you want, you can consider it Mark spelled differently. :D

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We had a lively debate about this topic not too long ago. Personally I feel it is important to be there if you can possibly swing it. I believe it speaks volumes to the VO about the seriousness of the relationship. It does not guaranty a visa, nothing does. but at least if you are there you will be able to handle any problems that arrise quickly. Your loved one will be nervous and afraid and will need your comfort and support as well. This is the woman you are going to spend the rest of your life with. What could be more important than that?

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Being there during the interview is another 'piece of evidence' to substantiate the relationship. As far as its' importance it's really anyone's guess as to how much affect it has since each case is unique. Make sure she knows to tell the visa officer that you are waiting outside! This would seem to be an obvious thing, but if possible practice this with your fiancee' before the interview.


One of the really important reasons to be there is that if there is a problem then MAYBE you can take care of it while in Guangzhou. Remember that if there is a request for more information (blue slip?) that she can present the information the next day. Then she will be given instructions on what do do next, which probably includes another interview on the third day...


When you factor in the medical exam then she should expect to be in Guangzhou for almost a week.

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Welcome Bill!


What part of Louisiana are you in? I am in Gulfport, Mississippi, so I get to New Orleans a couple times during the year. My SO is from ShenZhen and we are waiting for our interview date. I am hoping that it will come out after the first of the new year.


I would like to go and be with her for the interview, but I have used a lot of my vacation time up. I would rather use it for when she arrives and for our honeymoon.


Good luck for the interview.



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I would like to go and be with her for the interview, but I have used a lot of my vacation time up.  I would rather use it for when she arrives and for our honeymoon.


Good luck for the interview.



That is what I did only I ended up using it to go to GZ to appeal the blue slip instead. If I had it to do over again I would go to the interview.

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Thanks all for the replys. I plan on doing my best to be there, Problems I have is, back in Jan. 2004, I put in for vacation for Nov. of 2004, thinking we would have an interview date by then. Well we heard nothing, letters kept telling everything in ok and they have many request. So I went to China in Nov to spend time with my wife for 2 1/2 weeks. Wouldn't ya know it, 2 weeks after I get back, she gets her interview date, Now have short notice to raise more money to go right back, and convince to let me go again so soon. I think I will be able to swing both :D . I have another question. Has anyony went to wifes interview, got her a plane ticket back, and she could not use ticket, no refund? Or what has this grope done for getting wife ticket when she gets her Visa. I really want my wife to come back with me this time. Do you guys wait till she has Visa in hand before getting her a ticket, or gamble a ticket up front.

Again, thanks for all the help and info..........Married 2 years Feb. 11, 2005 :D

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I guess I'm gambling too because I bought the one-way ticket for March 10 after Jun's February 24 interview. At least it leaves lots of time to respond to the dreaded blue slip.


But we're planning on a three week vacation together before we come home. Haven't got my company's OK for the trip yet but they owe me the time so there shouldn't be a problem. I'm not very patient but we waited and waited, accruing vacation time, so I could be there for her at the interview.


There were many times when I wanted to visit earlier because I just couldn't stand being apart for so long but Jun had the guts to tell me to wait even though it was killing her, too. I'm glad she did.

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