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So. Asia Earthquake

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I'm sure most know about the earthquake and perhaps, even worse the tsunami that swept across the bay of Bengal to India and Sri Lanka...


Apparently, its one of the great earthquakes of the last 100 years ... anyone have personal experience of the places or people affected? Fei and I were in Thailand, in Feb. but on an Island in the Gulf of Thailand, I would be surprised if that area was greatly impacked...


Apparently the Pukett area on the west side was hit fairly hard --- with loss of life... guess we will just have to wait to fully understand the magnitude of this human loss...

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I have had a very strong emotional reaction to this tragic event...I can't bear to see anymore pictures...I feel so useless...not the same feeling as a war...I want to raise my voice in protest, but against whom?... I can only offer prayers and clothing (3 large bags ready to be shipped off). All those families :o

They need an advanced warning system like they have in the Pacific. They could of had up to 3 hrs warning. Unfurtunatly the countries effected are to poor to pay for and maintain a warning network.


The 1st world countries should help them create a system.

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The U.N. is stating that this may be the worst tragedy of its kind the world has seen. The death toll may double from current estimates after the missing and presumed dead are added to the list. The Los Angelos Times reported that the island of Sumatra was moved 100 feet to the southwest. The California Institute of Technology reported the planets rotation was probably jolted causing the earth to wobble. It said the earthquake was equal to detonating a million atomic bombs.


I heard today that Secretary of State Powell said the U.S. was pledging 15 million dollars for assistance to this tragedy. 4 million will be for immediate relief and the rest will be for rebuilding later. Initial estimates say there is well over a billion dollars worth of damage. This seems like a paltry amount from the richest country in the world in response to one of the world's worst tradgedies. It seems like we could do a little better than that.

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How many countries rush to our aid when we have floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes destroying different parts of our country.  Let some other countries step up once in a while!!!

The big difference is that we are the richest country in the world. We seldom need help from other countries when tragedy strikes. The countries that have been devastated are amongst some of the poorest in the world.


This tradgedy struck on Christmas day. Do you suggest we take on the role of the rich and miserly Mr Scrooge? Where is the heart of this country? We were able to find one billion a week to spend on a war!

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How many countries rush to our aid when we have floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes destroying different parts of our country.  Let some other countries step up once in a while!!!

The big difference is that we are the richest country in the world. We seldom need help from other countries when tragedy strikes. The countries that have been devastated are amongst some of the poorest in the world.


This tradgedy struck on Christmas day. Do you suggest we take on the role of the rich and miserly Mr Scrooge? Where is the heart of this country? We were able to find one billion a week to spend on a war!

I do agree that we should help but here is something to consider.


When the Canadian Railroad went bankrupt the U.S. stepped in and saved it. The Pennsylvania railroad went bankrupt too, its still out of service.


When we were asked by Churchill to enter WWII England was supposed to help fund the cost to the U.S. we still have not seen one penny.

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How many countries rush to our aid when we have floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes destroying different parts of our country.  Let some other countries step up once in a while!!!

The big difference is that we are the richest country in the world. We seldom need help from other countries when tragedy strikes. The countries that have been devastated are amongst some of the poorest in the world.


This tradgedy struck on Christmas day. Do you suggest we take on the role of the rich and miserly Mr Scrooge? Where is the heart of this country? We were able to find one billion a week to spend on a war!

I do agree that we should help but here is something to consider.


When the Canadian Railroad went bankrupt the U.S. stepped in and saved it. The Pennsylvania railroad went bankrupt too, its still out of service.


When we were asked by Churchill to enter WWII England was supposed to help fund the cost to the U.S. we still have not seen one penny.

Lets not go down this road guys...


We are ALL -- each and every one of us -- indebted to someone else.

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The magnitude of this event is horrible, but I doubt it will equal to the loss of life of many other lesser earhquakes..


Fei reminded me that the 1976 earthquake that was centered under Tangshan cost more than 200,000 lives in China, but was not widely reported, of course, because China was still closed...

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