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Danger! Danger! Will Robinson!

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There seems to be a very negative tone on CFL lately. A lot of it seems to be coming from some very negative newbies. They seem to attack either CFL or 001, American men or Chinese women. And if the stories about 001 are true and there is a push to make it implode, then it seems to me that a similar attack is underway on CFL.


We have name calling, gender and racial bashing, lies and misleading posts, and attacks on our cross-cultural relationships. And a lot of it seems to be started by these newbies.


I hope everyone can ignore this BS because I really like being here and I don't want outsiders to ruin it.


So let's just get along.



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Well put.


This site is to encourage, and help people in the visa process. Thats is main purpose. Anyone using this site for any other reason needs to read the site entro and policy and procedures. I can understand and accept if someone has been a member here then had a relation go bad for what ever reason. They should be able to post and talk about it here, but when a newbie post 'smack' about another or about another's race. Its totally not needed and those posts should be pulled.


Anyone who is a member here needs to remember what the purpose of this site is for. Its not a place for name calling or culture bashing.

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I'm working on a 'conspiracy theory'.


It looks like some people recently joined to cause trouble, maybe directed at certain individuals, or maybe at the site as a whole. Its one of the innate problems with an open forum.


Surprisingly, someone that has been a member here for a long time was a major contributor to the loss of the 001 link. Its too bad that one really immature acting girl could carry things so far. Personally, I lost all respect for her.

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Members, new or old, that make post attacking or slandering another do so to see what kind of reaction they can get. The bigger the reaction the more fun they have, kind of like crank phone calls(before caller ID), if you respond to them they call back, if you hang up on them with out a response it is not fun so they look for another victim. So if we would just stop responding to the negative posts and the moderaters would just delete them as they can , the fun would not be there for them. Ignore them and the pests will go away.


I am not saying in any way that the moderators are not doing a good job, PJ ,Don and ttlee are doing a fantastic job keeping the seams on this place. I think they should just automaticly delete a lot of this BS, I am sure the reason they don't is so it doesn't seem like they are censuring the site. They have my backing to go ahead and do it though because it clouds the important issues we are all dealing with.

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I haven't noticed that much out of the ordinary, or anything unusual for even the best of forums at times. Apparently I'm not paying that close attention, or just expect forums to be that way. BUT I also caution against our own ranting against "outsiders". Are we a select club here? I know you don't mean everyone, but if I were new here I'd be very put off. Yes, troublemakers should be steered out or helped gently to find a better attitude. But all who don't mean harm (it can be unintentional) should be welcome.

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I should take a little bit of the responsibility here. I at one time quite a few months ago posted a big rant against 001 because I was angry about some incorrect information which members there were repeating and then it was being propagated here. I was perhaps a little too harsh in my criticism of the site, and really my anger should have been directed at the whole phenomenon of the way rumors spread. For example, when Bush mentioned last year he wanted to try to do something to help illegal immigrants, the way it came to my wife when she found out eventually was that "Bush is giving all people from another country a three year visa." I tried to explain to her that her case was not applicable to what the president was talking about, but the idea was already planted and nothing could be done or changed in her mind. Folklore is an unshakable belief system. Here at CFL we check and balance each other and we are very careful that what we do in regards to immigration is correct. We are trying to obtain visas from the Department of State, and AOS processing from the Department of Homeland Security. These agencies do not operate on anything less than a very, very formal basis. We get our information for how to deal with these agencies from the rules and regulations posted on government web sites, not from hearsay.

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Surprisingly, someone that has been a member here for a long time was a major contributor to the loss of the 001 link. Its too bad that one really immature acting girl could carry things so far. Personally, I lost all respect for her.

complete agreement.


Also, I agree with Jenny- I'm not sure I like this talk of "outsiders"- this is a public forum- I just don't see why someone would want to come here, make an account, and put out a fake post. Someone must be really bored or have a sick sense of humor. Anyways, I can't see it being long lived. CFL has been around for awhile, the serious people will stay and the others will get bored and move on.

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I agree 100%! One of the best ways to avoid this nonsense is to not give them the benefit of a reply. Some people thrive by throwing out flamebait, and then watching everyone bite. It seems a common problem on just about any internet community that reaches a certain critical mass...


I'll be the first in line to welcome a new member who introduces him or her self, but if I see a noob post and they are already throwing flames, I just ignore them.

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Members, new or old, that make post attacking or slandering another do so to see what kind of reaction they can get. The bigger the reaction the more fun they have, kind of like crank phone calls(before caller ID), if you respond to them they call back, if you hang up on them with out a response it is not fun so they look for another victim. So if we would just stop responding to the negative posts and the moderaters would just delete them as they can , the fun would not be there for them. Ignore them and the pests will go away.


I am not saying in any way that the moderators are not doing a good job, PJ ,Don and ttlee are doing a fantastic job keeping the seams on this place. I think they should just automaticly delete a lot of this BS, I am sure the reason they don't is so it doesn't seem like they are censuring the site. They have my backing to go ahead and do it though because it clouds the important issues we are all dealing with.

:P :P :D

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I agree 100%! One of the best ways to avoid this nonsense is to not give them the benefit of a reply. Some people thrive by throwing out flamebait, and then watching everyone bite. It seems a common problem on just about any internet community that reaches a certain critical mass...


I'll be the first in line to welcome a new member who introduces him or her self, but if I see a noob post and they are already throwing flames, I just ignore them.

the event of oregonknl's MM apology pretending on 001 is truth. i hope you don't think he was nonsense here . :P

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