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an asian thing

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This is something I have been wondering about before, and now I'm really bored at work so I guess I'll start a thread about it. I just saw that someone posted that he was always interested in Asian women- I'm just wondering how many people here were interested in asian partners or just asian culture before you met your SO?


For me- I had no interest in China and Asia until I first came here on Semester at Sea (http://www.semesteratsea.com/) during college. I kinda fell in love in China and came back 2 more times en route to Mongolia. Somewhere along the way of becoming interested in Asian culture and history I also became interested in dating Asian men... and well no one was suprised when I got engaged to Xiao ming.


What about you?

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Only my perspective, I was sent to Thailand after volunteering for Vietnam. Since war was closing, I was assigned in Thailand at the age of 18. Had several dating relationships with asian ladies, and was later sent to S Korea. I spent nine years living in this particular country, and came to love the country and culture. I was also able to travel most of the Far East while being stationed ROK. I was able to see other perspectives from their respective countries and cultural viewpoint. When a person travels they are able to to employ "vershistien." (German word/term used in sociology, to be able to stand in someone else's shoes and see what they see.)


This upbringing of mine, made me both interested in Asian partner, and also the culture. I once was married to a Korean woman for 13 years. I have spent so much time in the Far East, it became almost impossible to have a permanent relationship with a western woman. However, this fact I do not regret. I don't want to give the impression that I hate western culture or women. This would be making a extremely hasty generalization that could be construed as "ad homien."


As for my better half Alice, I was introduced to her at an embassy party by a friend of mine. I am extremely happy that this turn of fate came my way, and never will regret this fate. As for Alice, she is extremely happy that I'm very acclimated to the Far East. There are few differences between she and I since my mind is more of an "Asian mindset." To make a distinctive point, I do not even think of Alice as a Chinese woman. She is simply a woman who loves me as a man, and I love her as simply for being a woman, who happens to be Chinese.

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To make a distinctive point,  I do not even think of Alice as a Chinese woman.  She is simply a woman who loves me as a man, and I love her as simply for being a woman, who happens to be Chinese.


Thanks for your story, it's really interesting!

And this is very true, I don't usually think of xiao ming as a Chinese person but just as the person who loves me and who I love. Good point!!

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Interesting question!


I must say that until I was in the 11th grade, I was far too scared to date anyone (although I had wanted to). From that point until the 2000 Presidential election I did not date many people, but I dated people from all backgrounds. To me, it was the person being open-minded, fun loving, adventurous, and a slew of other personality traits that attracted me most. I dated people from Europe, from Asia, Native American, mixed race people, and even a straight caucasian American. However, since the 2000 election, for some reason, I have not dated an American since, and have given up on the idea. But, it was not a racial or cultural issue, but more of an attitude and perspective on life issue.


My dad says that he saw me with a Vietnamese or Chinese person, but for me, I saw myself since 2000 with anyone who was just not American! After all, I want to learn some new things in my life too... :P

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If I had not met the particular man I did I don't think I would have married a Chinese man. I have a friend who only dates Asian men- I don't know why- I think it's weird. Most of them are so removed from their culture that it isn't because of that at all. I think she just likes the look or something. I have dated a couple of non-Americans before- a Costa Rican guy and a Canadian (though I guess that doesn't count- but our cultures were amazingly different) I would never say that I wouldn't date anyone of any race or nationality. I am interested in all cultures and I don't have any biases on that- I liked dating American men before for pretty much the same reasons as I like my husband. The only difference is culture and a distinct feeling that I could probably 'take' my husband if the need arose- I don't think it will. I think Chinese women are generally quite a bit different from me- but I don't think Chinese men are all that different from American men- except that I think my husband is more loyal than some men I have known- but all the men I have dated have been very loyal- against divorce (isn't everyone in theory) etc.

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While I was born in Nepal and lived all over the place, China was always the farthest from my mind, and I certainly would have said just a few years ago that I didn't find the men very attractive. So I was greatly surprised to find myself marrying one! I think noone else was though. Previous boyfriends, what there were of them, included black/mixed race in the US, Algerian in Paris ... And I could never stay put in the US, so made some sense.

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Women from differing nationalities/race that I have dated:



Georgian (the country, not the state)


Black (yes, in the south)

Caucasion American

...and last person which is my fiance, Chinese.


I have found out that people are people no matter where you are. We all have the same basic hopes and dreams but just may go about achieving them in a little different way depending on available resources, society, and upbringing.

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Nice thread:

Well when I was about 10 I did a report on Chinese culture and learned many things about china and asian peoples......Soon after that I dreamed of marring a foreign woman but didn't think anything of it.......I was married to an american woman for 26 years....when I retired,,,,to be and spend more time with her,,she told me to leave she didn't love me nor did she ever love me....I was devistated.......so then I got a pen pal on asianfriendfinder her name was HuaQing......didnt really think about marriage till 3 years later when we knew we wanted to live together for the rest of our lives.........What luck I found the most precious woman in the world......for me....anyway So I found myself in this process and I know she is the woman I always wanted and needed.... :P

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I think when we all look at our SO we just think of them as that individual not any particular race or nationality. I suppose there are people who have an Asian fetish. Not the same thing as people who are just more attracted to Asians. We all have our preferences as to what we think is attractive ie blonde hair, blue eyes, brown hair, green eyes. I have been attracted to and dated many types of women. I just happen to be more attracted to asian women. Seems perfectly normal to me.

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I Love Women :D , I don't care about race or hair color, Just as long as it's a WOMAN!

Married twice, Fauthful as the day is long, But when it's over, My mind say's find a WOMAN!

If I knew forsure God, Created Women, I would be in Church 7 days aweek!

I dated all age groups, But I found the women in my age group to be slower, Not as Physical or Active.

Then My S.O. ( Guohua ) started to write to me and we exchanged pictures and She really like my Motorcycle and all the traveling I do on it and she really liked all the Leather.... Yes,,,, Leather, Lots of Leather. I thought to myself, I can try this,,, Sure way not. So off to Harbin I go....

My life change forever the second day there. I knew this was the only WOMAN,, for me.

Yes, Exciting and Active and she has a real mind and not afriad to speck it.

She worries about me and she buys me clothes and mails them to me here.

I own jeans, t-shirts and LEATHER! If I take off on a road trip or just fishing over the weekened, I had better have my cell phone and call her so she knows I'm safe. It is really hard for me to think of her as Chinese.

I don't care one way or the other. She is a WOMAN, and the WOMAN I LOVE with all my heart. I don't care about the race or any of that, It has never been an issue with me. What is in the Heart and Mind and behind the eyes, Yes, I think it is the Soul,,, That is what I look for. My Lover, Guohua, My S.O. Guohua, Is all that is important to me. She just happens to be Chinese. The men and women I work with think she is a wonderful person, Because,, She is my S.O. Yes, My Woman. The very best thing God or whatever created.

My Leather jacket has the colors of the Group I ride with, The Retreads, She will have the same colors on her Leather jacket and we will ride together though life. I don't care what other people think and I'm alittle to big to confront and argue with. Guohua is My S.O. and I have never been happier or More Satisfied!

:D :P :D Chinese? Really? I didn't notice. :lol:



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